Chapter 494, Koike

Back at Ye Weiguo's home, Li Yun found some different places. There are many things used to pray to God and Buddha, such as incense sticks, prayer beads, futons, amulets, crosses, and other messy things
It seems that Ye Weiguo is not as calm as he appears on the surface, at least he has a lot of awe for this so-called 'ghost'.

"To survive, everything is to survive." Ye Weiguo just translated his hometown dialect, and said: "What she was talking about just now is this, and it seems that she was harassed by evil spirits to become like this. We still Hurry up to drive away the ghosts and dispel the evil spirits, otherwise how should we continue to live."

Ye Weiguo's face was a little frightened, he was terrified of the evil spirit that appeared, and he wished that Li Yun would hurry up and do something to drive the evil spirit out of the village.

Li Yun nodded, and also visited several villagers. Without exception, all the villagers showed fear, and they gave exact descriptions of the appearance of the attacking ghost, and what they said seemed true.
The most serious thing is that he has already started self-mutilation, his physical condition is terrible, some wounds have suppurated, and he refuses to let people approach him, his skinny body looks like a ghost, Han Xiang and Su Li shrink back in fright.
Forget about Su Li, it's quite unscientific to shrink the fragrance. Will this little mountain god who has seen many battles still be afraid of this thing?
Li Yun said with a strange face: "Hanxiang, if it's reasonable, you shouldn't be afraid."

"I'm just scared. I'm definitely not pretending." Hanxiang leaned over with her little head shrunk, and she couldn't tell whether she was scared or not with her weird eyes, but it was understandable that Hanxiang still sympathized with these hairy people. crazy old man.

Unlike physical illnesses, mental breakdowns cannot be cured except by self-help
At the same time, Li Yun also discovered that the village is actually quite xenophobic, especially the older people, looking at Li Yun, an obvious [outsider], is not very friendly, even if they know that Li Yun is here to do things to drive away ghosts Yes, I didn't have too many thoughts, I just watched silently.


"I heard it's here to drive away ghosts, but I don't know if it really can drive them away"

"Whether there are ghosts or not, you may not know. Isn't Lao Yetou looking for someone to give everyone a psychological comfort?"

"Yes, yes, just for peace of mind."

These people pointed at Li Yun and didn't pay much attention to it, but what surprised Li Yun was that the money was paid by Ye Weiguo alone, not by the whole village.

"Well, the village is still poor. In fact, our family is considered to be a relatively wealthy family in the village. Everyone's life is not easy. If this continues, people may starve to death." Ye Weiguo sighed softly, with a look of compassion Looking at the poor people around him, it is obvious that he is not rich.

"Actually, if you ask Pindao to suggest it, Pindao still thinks that repairing this road is the foundation for the prosperity of the village. If it is difficult to get in and out, it will be difficult to make progress. After all, the road information in the village is blocked, no matter how you look at it It doesn't look like it can develop well." Li Yun shook his head, thinking that this road is the foundation of the village's development.

"Yes, the information in the village is blocked."

After Ye Weiguo muttered something, he didn't say any more.

Li Yun was also preparing, picked up the incense and fire dragon pattern platform, and followed to the so-called [haunted] place.

At least judging from the reactions of the villagers, they were indeed frightened into this appearance by some kind of 'horror', but it's not clear whether the horror was a ghost or something else.
Under the leadership of Ye Weiguo, Li Yun and Hanxiang came to a small river. This small river is said to be a river, but it is actually a larger pool. Covered with moss, you can see clearly in the shallow water, but you can’t see the bottom clearly in a little farther away. Only some young children are still playing happily here, all of them naked, standing in the pool While rolling, you are not afraid of being hit by stones.

However, these children did not dare to go too far, and they only dared to wander around the edge of the water pool, and did not dare to go deeper.

Opened the Celestial Eye and saw that there were no ghosts and ghosts for the time being, and the water level was calm, and even if there were fluctuations, it was caused by the brats.

As soon as Li Yun came to the field for investigation, he attracted the attention of these brats, especially when Su Li stuck out his head, they all wanted to tease Su Li.

"It's so cute, uncle, what kind of dog is this?" One of the children looked at Su Li's little head curiously.

When Su Li heard that she was considered to be a creature of the same species as Ah Er, she immediately became angry, turned her head, and stuck out her tongue at the child.

"It's not a dog, it's a fox," Li Yun said with a smile.

"Wow! It's a vixen! It's really a vixen! Look, everyone! A vixen has come to our village!" The bear child shouted, and the surrounding children immediately came to watch Su Li forcefully.

The bear boy wanted to touch little Suli, but was dodged skillfully. Currently, no one except Li Yun himself and Hanxiang can touch little Suli, especially Bai Chen. If he wants to get started, he will be exploited The attack of the teeth and the contemptuous eyes make this weapon suffer from the deep hurt and the pleasure after the successful death
Li Yun smiled helplessly. In a sense, this brat was right. Su Li was a living nine-tailed vixen, but the nine tails were twisted into one.

Su Li's big black eyes stared at the ditch, looking like she wanted to go down but didn't want to go down. After a while of hesitation, she looked at Li Yun's clothes and decided not to go into the water.

Playing in the water and then returning to the clothes will definitely get wet
"So cute." Li Yun gently touched Su Li's little head, and at the same time looked at the serious face of the ditch. According to Ye Weiguo, there must be some ghost legends circulating here.
But if the legend of ghosts and ghosts is really spread, how can there be so many bear children playing happily here.
"To be reasonable, children should hate things like ghosts and ghosts the most, especially these young children." Li Yun stared at this group of young children, and found that they really had no taboos. It is a place where you should play, eat and drink, and some even catch fish directly, and let go of the fish after catching them, enjoying the pleasure of catching fish.

Li Yun thought for a while, caught one of the dark-skinned bears, and said.

"Kid, is this pool fun?"

(End of this chapter)

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