Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 501, A well-behaved husky?

Chapter 501, A well-behaved husky?
"The little murloc was killed. It wasn't the kind that took away the monster Linghai, but the kind that killed the fruit with a white knife in and a red knife out." Bai Chen emphasized again solemnly. One more time: "He was killed physically, not because of that weird way to break the spiritual sea and disappear."

The obsession on the murloc bones quickly dissipated, and the speed of dissipation was unimaginable. It was never expected that the obsession that had been strong in the pool for so long would dissipate so quickly.

"Perhaps, its obsession is just to prove to the world that it once existed and there is no real obsession to show, but it has persisted for so long." Li Yun silently watched the obsession dissipate The murloc bones, now this pool of bones is just an ordinary bone corpse, Ah Er can't even grind his teeth, it's too brittle.

After Li Yun and Bai Chen searched thoroughly, they found that there was no valuable information, so they burned it directly.

As the fireworks cleared, the murloc's skeleton was completely turned into ashes, so Li Yun found a place with lush vegetation and buried the murloc's bones.

"The seal of Kongtong has the great seal of the five heavenly emperors. On the seal is the Nine-Dragon Intersection. On the four sides of the seal seat are the five heavenly emperors' holy faces, namely Xuanyuan, Fuxi, Shennong, Gaoyang, and Xuanxiao. They are held by the Taishang Laojun. , is a sacred artifact of heaven, in addition to being able to live forever, it can also destroy the emperor. Ah, this function was abolished later, because there are no eggs to use, only immortality and filling mountains and seas are left. "Bai Chen pushed the non-existent glasses on his face and said: "How should I put it, now that the clock, mirror, and seal are all in the human world, there must be something wrong with our Taoist heaven. What is the problem, we don’t know now, could it be that it fell? No, it’s impossible, the inner heaven is invincible, no one can make it fall, it’s impossible in the past, present and future.”

Bai Chen thought hard and couldn't think of any reason.
"Wouldn't it be troublesome for these things to be in the world? If each of them had such a powerful force, there would have been rumors all over the sky. What kind of dragon group, fairy academy, superpowers, messy things? Will it appear?" Li Yunnao made up the scene where these artifacts went out of control.

The Kunlun mirror takes people through time.
Donghuang Bell leads people to open up space casually and gives people strength
Kongtong Yin can make people have unlimited life.
Xuanyuanjian led people to arrest whoever and cut whomever
Shennong Ding Can Cure All Diseases
That picture is so beautiful, if it flooded, the world would be in chaos, okay?

"Don't worry, if the artifact is an artifact, it means that it has matching performance and intelligence. For example, the Kunlun Mirror, she will not travel through it casually, and she will also disguise herself. From the appearance point of view, they should all be The dregs in the dregs, mortals cannot actively draw out their power, and they will not show their power at will. In the era of lost Shinto, they are like gold in a pile of dung, and dung beetles will flock to dung, you can see When it comes to real gold, I'm afraid I'll just ignore it, after all, gold is to dung beetles, just like we are to shit." Bai Chen said lazily.

Although Bai Chen's explanation is a little subtle, Li Yun also understands that this artifact is probably the same as the Kunlun Mirror, it is a quiet and beautiful man (female) who will not mess around at will.

"What happened to the Heavenly Court of Taoism?" Li Yun was thinking silently, and when Bai Chen continued to run to the tree, pretending to be drunk with a jug, and sleeping with fragrance, he said, "By the way, Brother System, rewards?" , I should have succeeded in exorcising the ghosts, I have probably expelled his heart ghosts, his human ghosts."

"Ding——congratulations to the host, you have obtained Taoism to call the rain."

"Congratulations to the host, the combination of the two methods of calling the wind and calling the rain will greatly increase the power of each other."

"Calling the wind and calling the rain: calling for strong winds, rainstorms, and summoning thunder is a compulsory method for the dragon clan."

The spell quickly came into Li Yun's mind. The two spells of summoning wind and rain, combined together, can not only call heavy rain and strong wind, but also produce indiscriminate and large-scale AOE summoning thunder
Ordinary thunder may be useless in front of Bai Chen, but in front of ordinary people, this spell is a real natural disaster.
"It's not bad, call the wind and rain." Li Yun tried a little, and summoned a group of small clouds, and it began to rain lightly in the main hall of the Taoist temple.

Calling the clouds, calling the wind and calling the rain is done in one go.

After being able to call the wind and call the rain, Li Yun finally had the illusion that he was actually a land god or something.
However, it turns out that the real land fairy is drinking wine (?) on the roof and singing, with a drunken tone, looking at the sky, and spreading a deep and magnetic voice with a deep expression.

It was also the first time Li Yun heard Bai Chen sing, so he calmed down and listened to Bai Chen's singing. The melodious and distant ballad faintly spread to his ears.

[Lolicon, lolicon, my master is a lolicon, a hopeless lolicon, lolicon who always thinks about lolicon, look at him, he is thinking about lolicon again Li, look at my eyes, as if to silence me]

Some solemn tone, low voice with a little bit of bright sadness, just this lyrics.
Li Yun raised his head expressionlessly and looked at Bai Chen who was drinking and singing, and silently gave him a big silence technique.

After a night of silence, I can't escape.

"Dad, what is this?"



"Dad, can that dog eat?"

"Dad, that black and white bear is so handsome, can I learn his posture? Ah. You said this posture is dio? What do you mean?"

"Dad, that silver stick is babbling. I don't know why looking at him feels so disgusting. It's like looking at Uncle Bai. I feel uncomfortable both physically and psychologically."

Su Li stood on Li Yun's head, asking questions with a curious face, her soft and cute voice chattered endlessly, and Li Yun took the trouble to explain to little Su Li.

As a member of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Su Li's learning ability is not generally strong. From the introduction to proficiency in Chinese, the cultivation of world outlook and outlook on life is very fast, including the perception of the wretched atmosphere of the strange sorghum. It can be seen from his attitude, knowing that he is a very pure pervert.

"Father, why are you different from me? You have five fingers on both hands, while Su Li only has three. Su Li has a tail, but Dad doesn't." Su Li said with a little disappointment: "Little Su Li, is it true that Daddy came from the trash?" I picked it up in a bucket."

"Fuck me, I even know the stalks I picked up from the trash can, uh, you didn't pick it up by dad, you are... ahem, you are dad. How should I put it, no matter what, dad is dad, that's not true There will be any changes." Li Yun smiled and touched Xiao Suli's head, and Xiao Suli was also very happy.

Different from ordinary bear children, Su Li is very well-behaved. She neither defecates indiscriminately, nor cries, nor destroys things at will. It will also run into the fragrant skirt, and the transfer location depends on the situation.

Li Yun used to think about what kind of child he would raise if he raised a child in the future, but what he didn't expect was that the child he raised was so obedient and obedient, which was completely different from when he was a child.

"Well, I have a bit of a father's mentality now. Have I really evolved into an uncle? This is not good at all." Li Yun laughed at himself, looking at his young body in the Kunlun mirror. face.

The appearance is very young, and Li Yun thinks that his mentality is also very young, but his temperament is getting older and older. As the spiritual sea expands and strengthens, his temperament has gradually matured, so that even if he looks in the mirror, Li Yun Yun will express the emotion of "Wow, who is this uncle in front of me?"
It's a little tragic when you think about it
However, Li Yun feels that his mentality is still very young, and there is nothing he can do about his temperament being changed by Linghai.

"Dad. Dad, Dad~~~~" Su Li sang a song with unknown meaning. The lyrics consisted of only the word "Dad" from the beginning to the end. . I learned it from Hanxiang.

A burst of white light flashed, and Bai Shen in the state of the spear turned into a prototype. A handsome guy with a dusty temperament stood in front of Su Li, posing in unknown poses, and said with a deep and solemn face.

"Little girl, I think you are very talented, learn to sing from me, you can't even sing, and you are still a chef. Come, follow my rhythm, 3.2.1, Luoli @#¥%... ..."

Bai Chen was banned——

Li Yun didn't talk to Bai Chen, and came to the gate of the Taoist temple, watching the pilgrims coming and going, today's life is just like the past, in addition to the more and more prosperous Taoist incense, there are even anchors coming here What is the environment like.

There is also a credit for Su Li. I heard that Sanqing Temple has raised a cute, cute and super beautiful little fox. They come here to play happily, and some people even want to pet little Su Li. Unfortunately, it is Xiao Su. Li was only willing to get close to Li Yun and Han Xiang, and no one else was willing to get close. As long as they got close, they would immediately shrink into their Taoist robes, leaving a small head to observe in secret.

At this time, an acquaintance came to the Taoist temple, which can be said to have contributed a lot of incense money.
With a handsome face, a hulking back, and a faint aura of domineering, the original policeman Wang Qing is everywhere. Now that he is probably promoted, his whole face is radiant, and he walks vigorously and full of power.

"Haha, Taoist priest, I'm here again. Oh, I heard that you have a little fox here. I didn't expect it to be really cute. It's on par with Ah Er." Wang Qing saw Su with his small head sticking out of Li Yun's arms Li, wanted to go forward and go silently, but it was a pity that Su Li immediately withdrew into her arms after feeling the intention, that belonged to Su Li's nest, a place that she didn't even want to leave when she slept at night.
Little Su Li looked at Wang Qing with an extremely hostile look, and actually compared herself with Ah Er.
A Ergou next to him looked bewildered and at a loss, and his tongue was tilted to one side, like a silly dog, who ran over to rub his legs very obediently after seeing Wang Qing.

"Uh, little Su Li is a stranger, it's hard for strangers to get close to Su Li, but Ah Er is different, she is very close to people." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Well, actually, I probably guessed it. Foxes are also quite difficult to keep. My dead dog Husky and Garfield are also the same. When strangers approach them, they bark and scream. It's really not as good as your second." Wang Qing seemed to have recalled some bad memories, and said, "No, it's not that strangers come close, even I will scream when I approach them, just my nine-year-old child. Oh no, my nine-year-old child It's even more annoying, ten thousand times more annoying than huskies and Garfield."

Wang Qing's face showed deep melancholy, for which Li Yun could only pat him on the shoulder to express his encouragement.

As the saying goes, a nine-year-old boy hates dogs, a funny husky loves to tear down houses, and a lively Garfield hides everywhere.

As soon as I get home, I will face these three masterpieces, and I must be able to write a row of blood and tears.
"Stop talking, I'll cry if I talk too much. Fortunately, there is a little niece who heals at home, otherwise I would almost despair of children." Wang Qing thought of the three bears at home who said no for a while. Feeling sad, he chatted with Li Yun immediately.

"By the way, Daoist, recently, a 50-year-old case in a nearby village was finally solved. I didn't expect that the murderer was an old man from a very impoverished mountain village. I heard that the old man is still very popular. It’s called Ye Weiguo or something, I really didn’t expect it, it’s hard to guard against, this is knowing people’s faces but not their hearts.” Wang Qing said, “I heard that 50 years ago, the parents of the missing person were looking for them everywhere. No, in the end, I could only be depressed and finally heard that he was still a stupid son. After all, the people were simple and honest back then. If those people heard that they gave birth to a stupid son, they might just give up. It’s just that it’s been so many years. I don't know how the case will be judged, whether the case has been dismissed, or whether the public prosecution period has passed, but the specific judgment is a matter for the court, but it's a pity that the parents did not wait for the return of their son."

Li Yun just said silently.

"Is there only one murderer?"

"Yeah, there's only one murderer. Could it be that the gang committed the crime?" Wang Qing shook his head with a smile and said, "That's impossible. It's impossible for a fool outside the village to have the motive of letting the gang commit the crime. I guess That guy also accidentally killed someone, and now he can't stand the torture of guilt and surrendered himself."

At this moment, Wang Qing's phone rang suddenly, looking at the caller ID above, it was his home phone
A timid and cute voice came from the phone.

"Uncle Xiaoha is about to demolish your house"

Hearing this, Wang Qing patted his head, his expression was speechless, he could only turn his dead fish eyes and say.

"Okay, I'll go home right away, damn it, that damn husky."

(End of this chapter)

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