Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 504, experience raising a daughter

Chapter 504, experience raising a daughter

At this time, Li Yun was taking Su Li to wander around, walking around the streets of the city, letting Su Li understand the rules of the human world. Su Li also learned very quickly, and quickly understood the general things, such as a man and a woman After entering the hotel, you will come out very satisfied
For another example, a family of three walks together and holds hands

Su Li's beautiful eyes stared directly at Li Yun, as if she wanted to hold hands.
"Little Su Li, for holding hands, the premise is that you have hands." Li Yun lifted Su Li in his arms, and said with a serious face, how can you hold hands without hands.

Su Li looked at her fleshy little forelimbs with a little frustration, and couldn't walk hand in hand
"Why is Su Li different from Dad? Could it be that Su Li was really picked up by Dad?"

"Ahem, Su Li, you are very talented, that's why you are slightly different from your father." Li Yun held Su Li up with both hands, and smiled: "Actually, Xiao Su Li, you have a little bit of a concept of [family]." Tiny misunderstanding."

Little Su Li looked at Li Yun in a daze.

"As for the so-called family, what maintains the relationship is not the blood relationship, but the relationship. As long as the relationship is in place, it doesn't make any difference whether it is the father's biological daughter or not." Li Yun said with a smile: "The place of family affection, It is family, blood relationship is important, and flesh and blood are inseparable, but at the same time as flesh and blood, there is also emotion as a maintenance, of which blood is secondary."

"Anyway, dad is dad"

Little Su Li didn't understand everything, but she didn't know why, so she happily got into Li Yun's arms, continued to stick her head out, curious about the things outside, and still secretly observed.

With neon lights and city life, Su Li doesn't understand why people live like this, but seems to understand what is called family.

A warm chest, a warm home, in the Taoist robe
While walking on the street, Li Yun could faintly hear the voices of his heart, some far or near, some full of greed and some full of warmth, but these wishes were very vague.

Walking on the street is not only for Su Li to have a better understanding of this strange world to her, but also to listen to the condensed voice of Faxiang——

Wandering around, Li Yun came to the side of an unfinished building, just sat on the small stool next to him, silently looking at the unfinished building.

As soon as he sat down, a handsome young man in a police uniform came over to strike up a conversation.

"Big brother, come out so late? Don't be afraid of little hooligans, there are a lot of such people recently."

"The poor are not afraid of hooligans." Li Yun smiled slightly, pointing to the cute Su Li on his chest, and said: "The environment here is good, it's great to come here for a walk, and it's great to take a walk, especially if you take your daughter for a walk. Don't feel bad, don't you?"

The handsome young man looked at the little fox in Li Yun's arms, and muttered, "A strange Taoist who treats his pet as his daughter."

"It's really strange. I came here to relax at night. Don't blame me for not reminding you if I get robbed by gangsters later." He took out a pack of cheap Daqianmen cigarettes, handed it to Li Yun and said, "No smoking, big brother."

"The poor don't smoke." Li Yun shook his head.

The handsome young man didn't say much, just sat down on his own, smoking a cigarette: "Oh, how should I put it, although your situation is quite strange, but ah, as someone who also has a daughter, I am also very happy. I want to complain, my daughter is really super troublesome, besides changing diapers every night, I also have to put her to bed, and tell her a f*cking story. Alas, it’s great to raise a son. cry"

The handsome young man said it was troublesome, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, full of happiness, and he described his daughter's cute appearance with his chin propped up.

"That's wrong. If you raise a son, you will think he is the most troublesome person in the world when he is eight years old." Li Yun also replied with a smile, and occasionally took out some snacks to feed Su Li.

Su Li also picked up the spicy sticks obediently, without interfering in the conversation between adults.

The handsome young man nodded sympathetically, smoked a Daqianmen cigarette at the same time, and said, "Yes, it makes sense. My daughter is troublesome in the first few years. It's good to grow up a little bit. The son is different. He can be from a small bear to an adult." It’s a little scary to think about education and buying a house at the same time.”

The handsome young man shivered, patted his chest, and said that luckily he gave birth to a good daughter.

"It's you, it's not your responsibility to go on patrol at such a late hour, your daughter should also be waiting for you at home." Li Yun said, pointing to the surroundings, there is nothing here. There are no hooligans with mohawks, and no gangsters with yellow hair.

"I can't help it. This is an old town where hooligans often come and go. The higher-ups have clearly stated that we must keep a close eye on it, so that no innocent women passing by will be hurt." The handsome young man looked at Li Yun and said hesitantly: "However, there is nothing I can do to work overtime here. It is useless to know that my daughter is waiting. Daoist, for the sake of being a father, please do me a little favor."

"All ears." Li Yun said.

The handsome young man was overjoyed when he heard Li Yun's agreement, and said, "Actually, my child's mother is as busy as I am. She often can't accompany her child because of work. Now I'm not at home. Can her mother accompany her? Just accompany her for a while, don't let her care so much about work, anyway, I can support my family, right? If not, I can still steal battery cars. Ahem, I can't steal, I'll take care of the family expenses anyway. "

The handsome young man patted his chest, with a face full of promises.

"Of course it is possible." Li Yun nodded and said with a smile.

The handsome young man felt relieved now, patted Li Yun on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Haha, I knew you were mean enough. We are both fathers, so you must understand me. Come out and have a drink, haha!"

"Well, Pindao will convey your wish for you. As for the drinks, let's wait until the next time we meet by chance." Li Yun stood up, waved to Lin Feihu and said, "Patrol well, the people here Law and order is getting better with you."

"Thanks for the compliment, haha"

Without looking back, Li Yun left this place that was demolished and rebuilt from the old city, but there was not enough money to continue the construction.
"thank you"

Lin Feihu bowed in Li Yun's direction, and turned into dots of fluorescent light floating towards the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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