Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 510, transforming its shape, inheriting its cause and effect

Chapter 510, transforming its shape, inheriting its cause and effect

"Father, I felt like I had changed just now. Then she changed back when she was sleeping, what a wonderful feeling." Su Li stood on Li Yun's head, describing her state just now with a curious expression. .

Just now, Su Li used her natal supernatural power [Avatar] to temporarily transform into the appearance of Lin Ying's mother, not to mention that she looked like an eighth image, even Li Yun felt that the real identity of Su Li in front of him was actually Lin Ying's mother
That demeanor has also become full of maternal nature, and she is completely different from the cute and dull Su Li in front of her.

"Transform her appearance, inherit her cause and effect. If you transform into her appearance, you must bear her longing for this world." Li Yun touched Su Li's small head and said: "Only when you are yourself, you are the real one." Do you understand yourself? When you become an adult, don't pinch someone else's face."

"Little Su Li will not be someone else, but Xiao Su Li will be herself. How can I change and what will I become?" With doubts, Su Li returned to Li Yun's clothes, thinking about the future of Hu Sheng. become what.

Li Yun performed the invisibility technique and was transported back to the Sanqing Temple by the Kunlun mirror.

"Well, it's time for this fox to transform, it's interesting." Bai Chen noticed Su Li's state, and reminded: "Transformation and incarnation are different, what you want to change is [yourself], not someone else. If you become someone else, you will bear the karma of others, and you will no longer be 90.00% Su Li, but [-]% [-]% Su Li and [-]% others. Don’t underestimate this A little bit, even a hundredth, will make you incomplete."

Hearing Bai Chen's kind reminder, Su Li nodded cutely, seeming to understand but not understanding. In fact, she still didn't quite understand.

"How should I put it, the incarnation and the incarnation are fundamentally different. You were affected just now because the incarnation's longing was too strong. After a while, this sense of disobedience will disappear, but if you use the incarnation For others, it will be a big trouble." Bai Chen pushed the non-existent black-rimmed glasses, and said lightly: "Once upon a time, a poor scholar's partner died of a serious illness, and Hua Pi, who was secretly in love with him, couldn't bear his sadness." Desperate, she turned into his partner and lived with him. From inside to outside, from appearance to character, she was exactly the same as the scholar's partner, just to prevent the scholar from finding out until the scholar hiccupped... oh no, this The saying is too vulgar, until he died, he didn't find out that the one who accompanied him was not his partner, but Huapi."

"As for the scholar, he gained happiness and slept peacefully in the arms of Huapi who became his partner, but Huapi, after hundreds of years until his death, lived as the scholar's partner, not as Huapi Yes, then when she died in the end, was she Huapi? Or was she the scholar's partner?"

Although Su Li didn't know much, she was smart and quick-witted, and replied wittily, "It's the scholar's partner! She has become someone else, so it's not her!"

"Yes, if she becomes someone else, she is no longer a painted skin, and she is no longer her. Although her example is a bit exaggerated, the most important thing is to be [-]% yourself. No matter how good others are, they are others, not yourself." Bai Chen finished his speech, and cast a slanted glance at Li Yun.

An inexplicable impulse surged into my heart, and that impulse lingered like a tarsal maggot
"Yo, you're back, Lolita." Bai Chen's expression froze instantly, and his face gradually became solemn, and he said, "Why didn't you ban me?"

"Silencing is not what you want, I can't help it if you satisfy your desire to die." Li Yun said.

"I always feel like I'm going to upgrade. Recently, the dharma has become more and more clear. Do I want to build a foundation and train my energy to survive a catastrophe?" Li Yun released the dharma image behind him, the golden runes flowed, the peach blossoms condensed, and his face was solemn , with golden eyes twinkling on his eyebrows, without joy or sorrow, just like a god descending to earth.

Then he took out the Kunlun mirror to look at himself, compared himself with the Faxiang, and muttered.

"How should I put it, this Dharma appearance is exactly the same as me only in its unconcealable handsomeness."

"I've never seen such a shameless person!" Bai Chen raised his middle finger, and said lazily: "It's fine to practice Qi, overcome tribulations and build a foundation, you are not walking that way, you are more advanced than them Many, when your [Body Forging Technique] reaches its peak, your dharma form should be able to roughly appear and be able to affect the material world."

Li Yun paused and said in astonishment.

"I'm going to go, this is really a substitute messenger? I heard that substitute messengers will attract each other"

"Big ball, I can't understand what you're talking about at all, but it looks so powerful, but if you're really interested in fighting, I can teach you the strongest assassination punch at the end of the century, short-haired god Fist. The premise is that you give me a playful blue moon."

Li Yun and Bai Chen were making jokes, only Han Xiang silently stood under the big tree beside him, watching the falling withered leaves.

The fallen leaves were so light that they fell to the ground and landed on Ah Er.

Facing the fallen leaves hitting his body, Ah Da's heart remained unmoved, his face was still clear, and he stood on one foot.

"Why Do Autumn Leaves Fall"

"If the earth in spring wakes up gradually, then the earth in autumn is the fallen leaves."

Li Yun swept the fallen leaves from the ground into a broom and dumped them under another tree, so that these fallen leaves could become nutrients to nourish the big tree.

All the people (?) in the Taoist temple mobilized to clean up the autumn leaves, to understand life, especially Ada, to understand the fall of autumn leaves, and to understand the connection between the four seasons and martial arts. Brother Ji is purely looking for crunchiness in it. , something that tastes exactly the same as my own.
"Crack, click, click—"

"Damn, it's really hard to eat chicken."

Bai Chen spat out the dead leaves in his mouth with a painful expression on his face, as if he had eaten the most unpalatable thing in the world.

"Dead leaves have a rotten smell. Except for some insects that decompose their functions, other creatures will not eat them. You should die as you should. Don't abuse yourself, classmate." Li Yun wanted to complain about Bai Chen. All my thoughts hit the dead leaves.

But Li Yun is also a little sentimental, after all, autumn does not come back, the season of falling leaves always reminds people of the cycle of birth and death.
Jingle Bell--

At this time, the WeChat that hadn't rang for a long time suddenly rang.
Picking up the phone and looking at it, Li Yun was silent for a moment, then said softly.

"Sure enough, it's autumn season."

The last autumn leaf falls, and with it comes a ray of golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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