Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 526, I am bald, but also stronger

Chapter 526, I am bald, but also stronger

There is no trace of hair on the round bald head. Generally speaking, there will be a little bit of hair broken on it, but Wang Weigong does not have it. This bald head is a real bald head, the kind of bald head that can reflect sunlight, it is extremely round, smooth and shiny .

Brother Mo feels like his eyes are going blind
The little fat man next to him didn't care so much, he said viciously when he saw Wang Weigong.

"Extraordinary, you dare to come here like a dead bastard, you really don't want to live. Come on, brothers, avenge yourself"

The Mohawks also showed hatred, their hatred towards Ye Qing was successfully pulled away by Wang Weigong.

Facing the approaching Mohigans, the bald Wang Weigong ignored them, but came to Ye Qing and praised.

"You are right. Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Your blind submission will only make the other party think that you are easy to bully and feel that you can be bullied. We have to resist, not just me, as a victim You, too, must resist the atrocities of these people."

Brother Mo, who was the closest, had a strange illusion, feeling that every step of Wangwei Palace seemed to stand on the center of the earth, unstoppable.
"What are you doing. Don't come here"

Wang Weigong slowly approached Brother Mo, and Brother Mo also saw the deep-eyed, sharp-edged face in front of him, and felt stunned for a while. He looked so cowardly yesterday, but why did he suddenly turn into a cowardly face today? The sharp edges and corners are like Beidou Shenquan.

"Brother, so many of us are still afraid that he won't succeed? Being stupid like him//Forcing us not to talk about morals, taking him down in one fell swoop is the right way!" The little fat man took out his knuckles, resentful He looked at Wang Weigong and said, "Do you think you are that Zhu Tafeng from last time or something? Fart, just you little bamboo pole, I can beat you ten by myself!"

As soon as the little fat man rushed up, he was dodged easily by Wang Weigong, and punched the little fat man on the neck with lightning speed.

The little fat man fainted on the spot without groaning.

The air suddenly quieted down.
"I know, all of you, including the schoolmates, laugh at my ideals. It's disgusting to be a justice partner or something. You may think that I want to learn from my father, so I always This kind of ridiculous words are in my heart. This kind of practice that even dreams are imitating others is really ridiculous.”

"But I finally figured it out. Is my dream, my ideal, really imitating my father?"

Wang Weigong Bishang closed his eyes, his thoughts went back to the past
words under the moonlight
Communication between father and son.

However, the thoughts go further, long, long before the father and son communicated.

【Mommy mommy!Dad is in the newspaper!He is being awarded!That's amazing, Dad.]

[Good boy, do you think Dad is amazing?In fact, my mother thinks so too. My mother and I are very proud of my father's occupation. 】

【Mom, dad. What kind of job does he do? 】

【Your father is a hero. 】

【Are you a hero】

"At a very young age, I decided to become a hero, a real hero, and recognize my hero from the bottom of my heart. Whether my father has been disabled for justice or not, I will go on this road, and I will not die. Never stop and never look back."

The breeze blew, and the red cloak fluttered with the wind, Wang Weigong looked at the sluggish Brother Mo lightly, and said.

"In the next time, you have seven seconds to repent of the sins you have committed"

Brother Mo ran away resolutely, and the Mohawks behind him didn't care. He felt that he had to run as far as he could now, the farther the better, and don't let that bald man get close to him again.
Before running a few meters away, a soft voice reached Brother Mo's ears.

"Shorthair, Repentance Fist!"

After finishing off the Mohawks, Wang Weigong just looked up at the setting sun and gave Ye Qing a firm back.

Some funny backs, some ridiculous postures, some ridiculous words.

But looking at the Mohawks around, Ye Qing felt that this couldn't be described as ridiculous.

Red cape, shining bald head.

Looking at the shining back, Ye Qing murmured.

"The light on your forehead is my unchanging belief in this life."

The so-called belief is passed down to this point——

At the police station, Wang Qing was lazily enjoying his long-lost break in the office, drinking Pepsi and looking at today's case files.

"Tsk tsk, street hooligans? When will we have to rectify and rectify? These bastards have been too restless recently. If you don't go to the detention center for a few days, you probably won't have a long memory."

Just as Wang Qing muttered for a while, thinking about how to deal with those little hooligans, a voice from the front desk came.

"Boss, someone has come to report the crime."

"Report? If it's true, it will be accepted." Wang Qing said disapprovingly.

"No, it's a act of righteousness. Someone acted bravely and subdued the hooligans nearby, and even brought those hooligans here." The voice of the internal phone at the front desk was a little hurried.

"Oh, it's not bad. There are not many people who act bravely these days." Wang Qing was quite happy that someone acted bravely, but he still felt a little strange and said, "Speaking of which, why are you speaking so hurriedly? Isn't it just acting bravely?" ? If it is confirmed, I will give him a bonus."

"That's the way it is said, oh, you will know after taking a look."

After talking at the front desk and hanging up the phone, Wang Qing also yawned a little, got up and came to the front desk, the scene in front of him stunned him for a moment.

A bald man with a red cloak, and beside him were ten unconscious hooligans who collapsed on the ground, all rolling their eyes, looking like they were being played badly.

The little rascal Wang Qing knew about it, even the gang leader on the file just now, and Wang Qing also knew about the bald head.

"You are Brother Wang's son? Isn't that right?"

Wang Qing wiped his eyes, only then was he sure that this was really the child of his old colleague, the boy who was once extremely thin, with an immature and somewhat silly and stubborn face.

"These are the little hooligans who blackmailed near our school. Not only are they charged with blackmail, but I also have some evidence of their crimes. I will hand them all over to you later." Wang Weigong smiled slightly, and carried the The unconscious Mo Ge fell to the ground.

The little policewoman at the front desk looked at Mohawk in this place and murmured.

"You are really good. How did you train so well?"

Wang Weigong didn't ask for any reward for being brave, but turned around, leaving only a solid back for Wang Qing and others, and under the sun, the bald head that could blind the eyes left a leisurely sentence.

"I'm bald."

"It also became stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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