Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 528, feel my pain

Chapter 528, feel my pain

"There are two ways to hide artifacts. One is to hide like Brother Jing or Sister, and the other is to sneak into the Department of Reincarnation and reincarnate." Bai Chen looked at the phantom yellow clock in front of him, and dotted the red ones. The avenue runes surrounded Zhong Ying's side, causing people to be inhaled into it.

"There are also two options for the reincarnation of the divine weapon, one is to be reincarnated directly as a physical creature, and the other is to be like this now, they will turn into one of the [Jing Qi Shen] to fill the human soul, and reincarnate with human beings After reincarnation, human beings are still ordinary human beings, and there is no difference whether they practice martial arts, but their souls contain the spirit that represents the artifact." Bai Chen explained to the phantom of the Eastern Emperor Bell: "This man named Wang Qisi was reincarnated with the [God] of the Eastern Emperor Bell, representing the righteous charm of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and carrying the spirit of the Eastern Emperor Bell with his mortal body. Appropriate, but the justice of the Eastern Emperor Bell is not so heavy for a mortal."

"Now that the god of the Eastern Emperor Bell has been drawn out, will it affect that man? Three souls and seven spirits. In theory, one of them must be missing."

Han Xiang poked the phantom of the Eastern Emperor Bell curiously, it was invisible and intangible, but it felt like it was directly conveyed to the heart.
Bright, atmospheric, vast.
"No, the spirit of the Eastern Emperor Bell is independent of the three souls and seven souls, and it will not be affected if it is stripped away. Or if the man named Wang Qisi realizes the ideal of justice, the Eastern Emperor Bell The [God] of Donghuang Bell will also leave on his own to find the next person who is suitable for inheriting the faith. According to Luo Li's side, it is probably that things like parasites have been removed. But let the [God] of Donghuang Bell Breaking away also took a lot of energy. After all, I also used a lot of energy to open up the second branch of Ren and Du for that kid. How should you thank me for the parasite? Should you tell me your host’s bank account number? , I only need 648"

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking, the phantom of the Eastern Emperor Bell slammed directly towards Bai Chen, but was dodged skillfully, Bai Chen snorted coldly: "You still have a broken pattern, in order to deal with it Su Li's attack, my dodging skills are already so high that I don't know where to go, you incomplete Donghuang Bell still want to attack me? It's me, Dio Baichen! I'm also a divine weapon!"

Bai Chen's unscrupulous, villainous laughter resounded throughout the Sanqing Temple, giving Li Yun the urge to silence him for a day. If it is described as a parasite on a human being, it would be a personal attack.

"When the spirit, energy and spirit are united, it will become a complete Donghuang Bell." Bai Chen paused, then continued to show a so-called obscene expression, and said: "By the way, Donghuang Bell is a girl. My cute girl, I saw her when she was reincarnated in human form, she was super cute, she looked like a dogtail grass, she was free and easy and full of thorns, she was a real woman."

Li Yun: "."

Li Yun didn't know what a new operation it was to compare a cute girl to a dog's tail grass, so he could only say that this operation couldn't be more flamboyant.

"Essence, energy, and spirit. Now we only have spirit, and we are still short of energy." Li Yun turned around and looked at the phantom of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and said softly, "Sister Zhong, what's your opinion on restoring your posture?"

Anyway, it is also an artifact with spiritual wisdom, at least a symbolic inquiry is good, if someone really escapes the troubled times and lives in seclusion for some reason, then it is really hard to say anything.
【I was forcibly reincarnated】

"Bai Chen, she said that she was forcibly reincarnated." Li Yun frowned and said, "How can the artifact be forcibly reincarnated?"

"White knives go in, red knives go out, and they are reincarnated in the form of dead people. After all, they are human beings with mortal bodies, they will suffer, bleed, cry, and have rich emotions." Bai Chen Said: "When people are killed, they will die. The same is true for divine weapons. Unlike our transformation, they must use reincarnation if they want to become humans. They cannot transform themselves. This is the characteristic of divine weapons, and it is also the sorrow of divine weapons. If they want to become creatures equal to others, they must abandon everything and start over again, but after starting over, they can become pure human beings. Yes, artifacts and people are different after all, they are different, different ,no the same.
A trace of sadness flashed in Bai Chen's eyes, but he just turned his head away and didn't mention it again.

The [God] of the Eastern Emperor Bell also acquiesced to this statement, floating in mid-air, circling leisurely, proving this statement.

At this moment, after adjusting his emotions, Bai Chen said again.

"Who killed you? To be fair, the Donghuang Bell has the strongest energy. It can't even create the world. It's impossible for the human form to be simply killed. It's the Pangu ax left hand. Did Xuanyuan Sword smash you to death with the Kongtong Seal?"

【The ghost knows what I went through. Because I didn't know it myself, so I was fucked to death in a daze】

The idea of ​​Donghuang Bell was directly conveyed to Li Yun's heart.

After all, it has lived in the human world, even if it is only one-third, this emotion is much richer than that of the Kunlun Mirror, and the emotions are changeable, and even advanced language such as complaining can be learned.

The fact is that the [God] of the Eastern Emperor Bell didn’t know how he died, he just died in a daze, reincarnated in a daze, and lodged on the body of a righteous partner in a daze, with the thoughts of a girl Living on the body of a big man for nearly 40 years, the feeling can be said to be quite uncomfortable.
Now Li Yun can feel Donghuangzhong's feelings, Donghuangzhong's pain, Donghuangzhong's sorrow
The artifact is in person, and I can empathize with the pain of those years.

The devil knows what Donghuang Zhong Mengmei felt when she saw the thick chest and leg hair of a man for the first time. Li Yun knew that even a big man couldn't stand the thick chest hair.

At this time, Donghuang Bell's thoughts seemed to be tired, and the golden phantom disappeared, condensing into Li Yun's Dharma image
On top of the stand-in messenger, there is another golden bell, surrounded by avenue runes, which is profound and boundless, making people daunting.

"Can't the [God] of Donghuang Bell exist independently? Tsk tsk, this ray of distraction is really not good. It seems that the murderer who stabbed you to death back then is really not a simple thing. It can make you as a bell feel bad. A severe injury from the source" Bai Chen muttered as he looked at the phantom of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Li Yun felt the power from the Eastern Emperor Bell
The [God] of the Donghuang Bell is immersed in the dharma, not only brings a shadow, but also brings a sense of mutual attraction of the same kind
"Is this the mutual attraction of stand-ins?"

【No, it's just that I thought about Uncle's chest hair and started to waver】

(End of this chapter)

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