Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 569, life is like a candle in the wind

Chapter 569, life is like a candle in the wind
A dirty old dog with wounds all over his body was licking his weak body alone. He didn't have due vigilance when facing Ah Er who came, but glanced sideways and stopped. Tube, continue to slowly lick the wound.

Originally, judging from the situation of a stray dog, no matter whether it was Liu Yanli or anyone else, he should have enough vigilance.

"Oh, the dog is good, let my sister hug me"

Liu Yanli looked at the old dog, and stretched out her hand to caress the old dog relentlessly. This hand was not on the top, it was still halfway, and the slender palm was bitten by the old dog.

After biting Liu Yanli's hand, the old dog was a little puzzled, and his eyes almost said [Why is this fish so hard, I can't eat it].
"Fuck! I'm not a fish! I'm not a fish! I'm not a fish! Why don't you understand the important things after saying so many times? You want to eat the bugs next to you, okay? Chicken tastes crunchy and has nutritional value He's taller than a fish, and he bit me again, I've provoked someone." Liu Yanli's face fluctuated greatly, facing the old dog biting her hand, she really wanted to cry without tears, thinking about how many years ago she I once thought about keeping pets, but in the end I put it on hold for some inexplicable reason. I can't bear to look back on this reason. With the fish attribute, I can't even keep pets!

"Ayun. Oh no, Ah Er, you brought me here to do business, just to let this old dog who is about to die bite my wife? Hehe, that really disappoints you. I have lived for so many years and I have experienced it. I have seen a lot of battles, what kind of dog I have never seen before, what cats, dogs, wolves, even lions and tigers have chased me, this mere old dog can cause harm to me? I just haha." Liu Yanli turned to face Said to Ah Er with a proud face, very proud of his Yuxiang history, even if he wants to cry, he must maintain a graceful expression and don't panic.

Ah Er didn't pay attention to Liu Yanli, but arched the old dog, licking its wound
The old dog also wanted to move his head to rub against Ah Er, but he was unable to do so due to lack of strength.

"Listen, old dog, if you let go of my old lady, I will take you to eat and drink, understand? Why don't you let go quickly, I don't eat well." Liu Yanli let go of her hand while complaining, and finally pulled it out.

The old dog lay with half-closed eyes, motionless, and in the end even saved the energy to lick himself
Ah Er continued to arch its body, trying to make it move, but it was very difficult for it to move by itself, not only was it covered with scars, even its age did not allow it to do so.

Liu Yanli could tell that this was an old dog, a very old dog, its eyeballs were already cloudy, and yellow pus was still flowing down, the aging of the body could be seen clearly with the naked eye.

"Ah Er, do you know this stray dog? It seems that you are quite familiar with it."

"I know, when I was wandering in the town, its owner often took it for a walk." Ah Er looked at the weak old dog and said with a little loss: "Why did it come here? Did the owner drive it out? "

Ah Er lost his eyes, looked at the old dog, and thought of the stray dog ​​companions he had seen before. Some dogs were lost, some were strayed from birth, and some were abandoned by their owners. Abandoned dogs are the worst.
It is much more miserable to have happiness and lose it than to have nothing at all.

Ah Er's emotions were conveyed to Liu Yanli's heart. This time Liu Yanli did not say anything sarcastic, but touched Ah Er's little head. Ah Er also leaned on Liu Yanli's hand, smelling that hand from time to time. , Saliva flowed out.

"I won't argue with you this time." Liu Yanli said speechlessly.

Continue to focus on this old dog.

"If you met it when you were wandering, you are still happy." Liu Yanli didn't ask Ah Er about the past, but said, "Then it's better for us to bring him back to his home, maybe it's because he didn't let go of the lost dog." Maybe the dog. Well, it’s almost impossible to let go of it. The owner who is not good to the dog will never take it for a walk. At least I think that the troublesome activity of walking must be supported by love. Walking the dog every day is so tiring. Ah right."

Ah Er tilted his head and nodded half-understood.

Liu Yanli hugged the old dog, this time the old dog didn't bite Liu Yanli because of the fishy smell, it wasn't that he didn't want to bite, but he couldn't bite anymore, only the tip of his nose continued to twitch, and the muddy saliva flowed out When you come down, you will be the loneliest if you want to bite but can’t, and it’s a pity that you can’t eat it when you see a delicious big fish in front of you.
"I always feel like you are still thinking about biting my old lady. Forget it, my lord will not give you laxatives regardless of the villain. If you are younger, I will let you see what real power is. , let you poop until you collapse, Fake." Liu Yanli muttered, inspecting the wound on the old dog, and at the same time said with a tut: "I heard you said that you used to wander in a small town, and the people in this town It is a miracle that a stray dog ​​can come here, especially for an old dog like you, it must have taken a lot of effort to get here."

Liu Yanli knew that the nearest small town was ten kilometers away. Not only did this old dog wander here, but he also went up to Xiangtou Mountain. For an old dog, it was a miracle among miracles. Looking at him now, he was old and weak. He looks like he doesn't even have the strength to bite a fish, and what he has relied on to walk this distance is really something like willpower.

"What made you come to this mountain? Apart from a not-so-handsome but reliable Taoist priest, a ghost who doesn't look scary, an elegant and beautiful mermaid who is loved by thousands of people, and a mess Except for the monster and an indescribable white-haired pollutant, there is nothing left," Liu Yanli said.

"Wang Wang Wang Wang."

The old dog looked at Liu Yanli with half-opened eyes. Although he didn't have the blessing of his understanding and couldn't understand the language, his serious eyes couldn't be deceiving, but he was talking about something muddy.

At least Liu Yanli can recognize that this pair of old eyes are telling and praying for something.
"What do you want? To return to the master's side?"

The old dog seemed to understand Liu Yanli's words, and slowly shook his head.

Without further thinking, Liu Yanli carried the old dog back to the Taoist temple without hesitation.

Once back, Li Yun was waiting for Liu Yanli at the door.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, you are back!"

"I don't know if it's my delusion, you seem to have known it a long time ago? Waiting for me here?" Liu Yanli put down the scarred old dog and asked in confusion: "Is it my delusion?"

"You all need to communicate through his heart. I know from Ah Er that it's normal?" Li Yun asked with a half-smile.

Liu Yanli shook her head and said: "No, no, I don't mean this, I mean, you should know that there is an old dog that is about to die coming to the mountain, before I find it, you will be You know this old dog will appear in that place, right?"

To this, Li Yun didn't answer directly, but the Durenjing next to him was emitting a faint light, and the edge lines on it were connected with the lines on the old dog's body.
Looking at the old dog, Li Yun took out the medium-grade whisk and used the cleaning technique above to clean off all the sand and soil stains on the wound.

But even though it was dispelled, the wound was still there. Some places were bloody, and some places had even scabbed over. It didn't know how long it had been walking before it came to the Elephant Head Mountain and the Sanqing Temple.

At this time, the old dog's brows eased a little, and his belly no longer rose and fell so badly. At least the stains on the wound would no longer torture the old dog.

"This old dog seems to be attracted by something"

"Yes, he is a certain scripture in the Taoist temple that was attracted by something. It can attract the dead with regrets." Li Yun stroked the injured old dog.

"The dead? This isn't a ghost, right? I don't read much, so don't lie to me. Shouldn't the dead be the same as that? It's the one floating above your head." Liu Yanli pointed at the floating Hanxiang, and she was almost afraid of it. The two words have been said, the murloc girl still doesn't have much resistance to ghosts and monsters
Han Xiang also floated twice in front of Liu Yanli, almost scaring her to the point of peeing, and finally Han Xiang stopped playing enough, giggling and went to the backyard to prepare things.

Liu Yanli left a lot of psychological shadows because of her lack of thoughtfulness.
The injured old dog just let Li Yun caress him, and from time to time he stuck out his tongue to lick Li Yun's hand. His attitude towards Liu Yanli was completely different. It was the attitude towards a benefactor, not a fish.
"Wow, I was the one who brought you back, but you are so sincere to this wild man. You are really not a thing. You are ungrateful." Liu Yanli looked at the old dog with a speechless expression. The dog squinted its eyes slightly, and didn't even have the strength to talk to Liu Yanli, it just barked twice hoarsely. The attitude was still facing the food.

"You have to understand that there is not much difference between beasts when they face food. Don't complain about your natural instinct. Who made your body a fish? No wonder others." Li Yun stepped forward and said The old dog picked it up: "Although I cleaned it up, it's better to take a bath with Longquan water. The internal injuries caused by this old body are quite a bit."

Li Yun knows that the spiritual power contained in Longquan water can relieve the pain of the old dog, at least a little, so that it no longer hurts and wants to cry
"Don't you want him to see the sickness or something? It looks like it's going to die on the spot." Liu Yanli looked at the old dog with some worry.

"Its life is already a candle in the wind, and its body is close to the limit state. What deprives him of vitality is not any illness or wound, but time." After a pause, Li Yun said: "However, it It won't hang up, at least now it won't hang up and hold on with a breath, so it won't die."

Li Yun doesn't need to look to know that the vast majority of old dogs are caused by physical trauma. What is really taking away its life is its old body, the erosion of time brought about by time, and the normal reaction of ordinary creatures when their lifespan is nearing the end.
It is already too old. If you look at it with Tianmu, Li Yun can see that this old dog is already 20 years old. For dogs, 20 years old is already a very old age, and there are very few dogs that can last to 20 years old. There are so few, the vast majority of dogs pretty much die in their teens.

"It's already 20 years old." Li Yun said.

"Oh, quite young, so am I, a 20-year-old young girl." Liu Yanli said disapprovingly.

"No, you are 20 years old. The lifespan of creatures cannot be generalized. For us humans, 20 years old is just youth, but for old dogs, this is close to twice the limit of life." Li Yun wanted to complain, is age really that important? As for being so evasive, he said, "Not to mention, for you, [-] years may be just a moment in a long life, but for it , may have come to an end."

"The limit of 20 years has been able to support it to the present. It must have great faith to come here. Let's listen to this wish in a moment." Li Yun stroked the old dog's face. Head, carried it to the backyard.

The clear Longquan water containing spiritual power was poured out, slowly washing the old dog's body, and at the same time, the spring water containing spiritual power was still awakening its vitality. The wound did not heal, but it made it less painful.

This time, the old dog was able to fully open his eyes and even walk.

The limbs are on the ground, and the movement is a little trembling, but there is no major problem
Ah Er went to hug the old dog, and at the same time got some food out of his dog's bowl and gave it to him.

The old dog didn't eat the food, but licked and responded to Ah Er.

Li Yun wanted to use his Xintong to establish a connection with it.
The spiritual sea that belonged to his mind quickly penetrated into its heart.

For Li Yun, this old dog has already trusted him very much, and there is no hindrance to his understanding.


Old dog: "."

The old dog didn't answer.

But soon Li Yun knew the reason. It wasn't that the old dog didn't want to talk, but that the old dog's thinking had become so dull that he couldn't respond to his thoughts, leaving only the belief and instinct to support his survival.

"What is it that keeps it alive?" Liu Yanli is also in his Xintong chat channel, and can feel the chaos of this old dog's thinking. In other words, he is too old to forget everything. In this state, just like Xie Sujie, she also relied on something to survive so long tenaciously.

"Dementia to such an extent, there is still a reason to come. This is unbearable to bear the weight of life."

Li Yun silently felt the old dog's thoughts.

The old dog's thinking is just slow, not without it. It has the belief to support it, and its desire, only the deepest obsession in its heart, will be attracted by the Sutra of Salvation.

It might be dead, but it still isn't—

In the end, the old dog's thoughts were transmitted to Li Yun's heart, and also to Liu Yanli's heart.

【I hope to die after him.】

(End of this chapter)

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