Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 588 Why Are You So Skilled

Chapter 588 Why Are You So Skilled

On a dark and windy night, when the wind is howling, there are not many families in the village who are driving and waiting, and only a few families are driving to make people, and they are restless every night.

Li Yun looked at the surrounding scenes and knew that this was Ye Xiaomin's deep consciousness. The dream within a dream was exactly the same as the fat aunt's deepest memory, and it was all frozen in that night.

"If the system's guess is correct, then the real culprit who killed Ye Xiaozhao was Ye Xiaomin's split personality." The system said.

Li Yun didn't deny the system's statement, nor did he directly affirm it. Instead, he pushed open the door of the house and walked in. This Ye Xiaomin's house is so much better than the average rural area. It's been six years. Six years ago, it was already a proper rich household with such a display.

In the living room there is a brick computer and a large LCD TV. The floor is made of ceramic tiles. Living in the village is the best of the best.

"Tsk tsk, no wonder it arouses the jealousy of the fat lady. The difference in living conditions is not ordinary." Li Yun looked at the room next to him, and the difference was visible to the naked eye.

The rustling sound came from the room, accompanied by bursts of screams of pain. Theoretically speaking, this is definitely not a human voice, Li Yun can be sure and sure.

"Why are you so proficient." The system complained.

"In other people's dreams, you can know what I'm thinking? No way." Li Yun was shocked.

"The corners of the curved mouth are proud but not delicate, the slightly flushed cheeks make people feel infinitely warm, the eyes look right and full of joy, which makes people imagine, and the lightly raised eyebrows hide the merits and fame--sorry host, your smile is really amazing It's too easy to guess, maybe it can be described as [wretched]," the system said.

Li Yun: "."

Li Yun, the special meow, knelt down
"Who didn't have a young age, hiding some learning materials under the desk that adults can't know? Don't underestimate single dogs in the restless period, okay?" Li Yun looked into the room with deep eyes, and said, "This is youth. Ah, do you understand, Brother System, you will not understand."

"Yes, yes, you know best, you know best, you know the learning materials, and others don't understand, so I laughed out loud." The system's words were filled with endless sarcasm, as if saying that Li The cloud can only look at the learning materials.

The corners of Li Yun's mouth twitched, this system really hurts people without hesitation, why don't you be so sharp.
This time, the system had the upper hand, and Li Yun was able to avoid the edge for the time being. Next time, he will retaliate and start to observe the rich family's home N years ago.

From the point of view of the fat aunt, this family is definitely a model family in the village. It is rich, has both children, and a long-lasting husband. It is cheerful and gentle to outsiders, but...
open the door
"Cao Nima? What did you just say? Do you know if you said the wrong thing!"

"I'm sorry husband, I'm sorry husband"

"Smelly woman, don't forget who is raising you, grass. Do you think you are still that eldest lady? You have been kicked out of the house a long time ago!"

The tall, middle-aged man spat at the woman, then lay carelessly on the bed, monopolizing the entire bed, and then threw the blanket on the floor, letting the woman sleep on the floor.

The woman didn't say much, just hung the blanket on her body silently and lay down on the floor to sleep
"Yes, this is not a happy model family at all. A successful man who is glamorous and exemplary outside is actually a guy who is keen on domestic violence at home." Li Yun sighed, looking at the scars on the face of the middle-aged woman in front of him, I probably know that this is the result of years of domestic violence. Ye Xiaomin's inherent impression of her mother and father are imprinted in the deepest memory of her heart.
"Made, you'd better stop sleeping in the room, get out of here, don't get in the way of your eyes here." The strong man stood up, and threw a left hook at Ye Xiaomin's mother's stomach as a warning, she groaned, He timidly stood up and walked out the door.

"Really, a woman is a woman, cut." The middle-aged man continued to sleep happily on the bed. Ye Xiaomin's mother came to the living room to blow the air. Even though the doors and windows were closed, the wind would still seep in, and the air was still filled with coolness.

Wind. Not strong, but cold—

The middle-aged woman just couldn't stop wiping her tears, her stomach was growling, she sneaked into the kitchen, took out the leftover steamed buns, and ate them while avoiding Ye Xiaomin's father
After eating the remaining steamed buns, the middle-aged woman finally felt satisfied. Now she only needs one steamed bun to satisfy herself.

At this time, when the middle-aged woman finished eating steamed buns and was about to go back to the living room to sleep, her face froze, and she saw a young figure at the foot of the door.

It was Ye Xiaomin from six years ago.

Ye Xiaomin said timidly.


"What are you doing here? Why don't you go to bed so late!" The middle-aged woman looked excited, picked up the rolling pin next to her and threw it up, and said excitedly: "Why don't you go to bed? Who taught you this, you You go to hell!"

The rolling pin was thrown on Ye Xiaomin's body, Ye Xiaomin didn't dare to cry, knowing that if he cried out loudly, he would face a more violent blow, but those who waved the rolling pin didn't think so, when they saw a target to vent their anger on, then It's more fun to fight, except with a rolling pin, feather duster, and whip
The whip slammed on Ye Xiaomin's body, leaving bloodstains. These bloodstains will turn into scars around others six years later.

The cycle of domestic violence, the father's domestic violence against the mother, the mother's domestic violence against the child, and finally the injured child has no place to vent, and can only become the bottom of the vent
Looking at the situation in front of him, Li Yun was also out of breath, and muttered.

"Domestic dogs are fucking dead, well, domestic dogs are really dead."

"Attention, you are a Taoist priest, a Dashi who has attained profound Taoism, you must pay attention to your own image, you can say that in other people's dreams, you have to pay attention outside." The system paused, and added: "Well, what did you do?" It's so fucking beautiful, the domestic violence dog is dead."

"Don't you think so yourself, and even if I'm outside, I won't hide my thoughts. This domestic violence is definitely not a good thing, whether it is changed by others, or I am a part of domestic violence. "Li Yun knew that this middle-aged woman might have become like this because of her husband's domestic violence all the year round, but the truth is not the same. If she doesn't know how to resist, it is more cowardly than cowardly to vent it on her own children.

This is something that has already happened. Li Yun couldn't stop the violence in the dream, he could only watch it happen as a bystander.

Ye Xiaomin's mother was still venting, venting, Ye Xiaomin endured silently.

Finally tired of venting, Ye Xiaomin's mother continued to come to the living room to sleep on the chair angrily.

Ye Xiaomin remained silent, and finally returned to her room, and saw Ye Xiaozhao who was also scarred.

"elder brother."

"Being beaten by mom again?" Ye Xiaozhao sighed and said, "I told you not to provoke mom at this time. Dad has a few days every month when he feels uncomfortable and wants to beat mom. At this time, we have to make her not If they are comfortable, they will definitely be beaten. Really, well, in fact, they will beat us when they are comfortable or uncomfortable. Anyway, everyone is used to it. Really, what age is it, and the saying of filial son is still under the stick, really The cancer is fatal."

Ye Xiaozhao got up, secretly took out herbal medicine from under the bed, and rubbed it on Ye Xiaomin's wound. Ye Xiaomin throbbed with pain, but she was still very strong and did not cry out, and endured it silently.

"Be patient, just wait a while, this is given to me by the big brother next door. I heard that it is the formula of Yunnan Baiyao. It is very good for the wound, and it will not hurt soon." Ye Xiaozhao carefully wiped Ye Xiaomin's wound.

"Why...why I'm hungry, if I go to eat the leftover steamed buns, I'll be beaten, it's not fair." Ye Xiaomin wiped her tears pitifully, and Ye Xiaozhao, who was next to her, just helped her apply the medicine, and comforted her: "It's okay , When we grow up, it will be fine. When we grow up, we will leave the village, leave this house, and we will live together as brothers and sisters, not with them. I asked the brother of the college student before, and he was beaten up like us when he was a child. There is no way , The habit in the village is like this, children are beaten if they don’t obey, everyone is used to it, it’s not a problem. We just need to be ourselves.”

"When we grow up, can we leave home and live together?" Ye Xiaomin looked at Ye Xiaozhao pitifully with red eyes.

Ye Xiaozhao smiled, touched Ye Xiaomin's head and said, "Well, we can get rid of them when we can live on our own. I heard from the college students in the village that college life is great. You can work and earn money while studying without being forced I can still eat enough after beating, but I am very happy."

Ye Xiaomin's eyes are full of longing for the future, living with his brother.
"So we have to study hard, pass the exam, get into a good school, and grow up. We can get rid of them. Come on. We can do it." Ye Xiaozhao grinned, and said with sunshine: "By the way, you Are you hungry, if you are hungry, I will help you get some delicious food later, there is a place to pick fruit at the entrance of the village."

Ye Xiaomin hesitated, and said while tugging at the corner of Ye Xiaozhao's clothes.

"Then brother, you have to come back early and don't leave me alone"

"Well, I will never leave Xiaomin alone, wait, wait for me to come back." Ye Xiaozhao put on her clothes, and slipped out of the room directly through the window, leaving Ye Xiaomin alone, wrapped in a blanket, watching Ye Xiaozhao's back.

"come back earlier"

After Ye Xiaozhao passed by, Li Yun appeared in front of Ye Xiaomin, appearing in front of her deep consciousness with the posture of a three-eyed god. Others could not see Li Yun, but Ye Xiaomin, the ruler of this dream, could see it.
Facing the three-eyed version of Li Yun, Ye Xiaomin did not have any fear, but acted very calmly.

Li Yun knew that Ye Xiaomin was not afraid at all in her subconscious mind, not afraid of any gods and ghosts, even in her deep consciousness, she was not afraid. Similarly, she was not afraid when facing her mother's domestic violence. She only pretended that the moment Ye Xiaozhao left, she was scared, she was scared.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, did the layman live well here?" Li Yun looked at Ye Xiaomin and said.

Ye Xiaomin turned around, looked at Li Yun pretending to be ignorant and said, "Who are you?"

"Pindao is dio, and Pindao is a traveler who came from a long distance and came here to stay overnight." Li Yun looked at Ye Xiaomin with a smile.

Ye Xiaomin showed some hesitation, shook his head and said.

"No, you can't live here, I will be beaten to death by my parents"

"By the way, are you really Ye Xiaomin?" Li Yun asked abruptly.

"I'm Ye Xiaomin, Ye Xiaomin who loves my brother the most. Do you have any questions?" Ye Xiaomin said naturally.

Li Yun just shook his head silently, walked out through the wall, looked at Li Yun who disappeared, Ye Xiaomin continued to look at the window, waiting for the brother who went to pick fruit for him to come back
"Brother. I want to grow up quickly. I want to leave here, leave the village, so that I can live with my brother." Ye Xiaomin looked through the window at the black spot outside. That big night, the brother who went to pick fruit for himself, The face that was originally a bit dead-colored became softer.

At this time, Ye Xiaomin's mother started to be raped again, Ye Xiaomin's father beat her violently with a cane, Ye Xiaomin's mother could only endure it.

"MD, you actually steal food from home, do you want to die? Do you know how hard it is for me to earn those two steamed buns? Do you know? Go! I'm hungry, I want to eat chicken drumsticks, so I'll eat them if I'm bored" Ye Xiaomin's father kicked again and snorted coldly.

Ye Xiaomin's mother could only cowardly agree, and went to the kitchen to suffocate the chicken legs for him. Ye Xiaomin's father ate the chicken legs with a happy expression on his face. He could only watch through the crack of the door, Ye Xiaomin who was envious, and Ye Xiaomin who was so hungry Called Ye Xiaomin's mother.

“It smells so good.”

After eating, Ye Xiaomin's mother helped throw away the bones, and went to eat the rest by herself. Finally, she saw Ye Xiaomin peeking at her, came over and beat her up, and even cursed before leaving.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen people eating chicken? Money-losing goods."

Ye Xiaomin wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth with a dull face.
"Why did they do this to me? I think I just want to live with my brother, live with my brother, as long as I have my brother, I don't have to wait until I go to college, as long as they are not here, it is enough for us We can live together brother, I want a brother, brother, brother, brother"

Ye Xiaomin stood up, her expression gradually became indifferent, as if she had made up her mind, she crawled into the kitchen.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the wind is everywhere
In the kitchen, there was still unused firewood from the hot chicken legs, burning red embers.

Ye Xiaomin picked up the unburned embers and threw them towards the curtain next to him.

The fire, burning ragingly, burned from the living room to the master bedroom——

Ye Xiaomin ran out of the door in a hurry, and only shouted for help after the flames reached the master bedroom.

On that night, the only survivors were Ye Xiaomin and Ye Xiaozhao.
(End of this chapter)

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