Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 617, thank you Zhenjun

Chapter 617, thank you Zhenjun

The old man Fang and Wutong had a pretty good life together, and the two of them lived together from the very beginning without feeling uncomfortable. In other words, Wutong was originally an intangible phantom, like a ghost behind him that only old man Fang could see. .

It's just that sometimes people misunderstand it as being too lonely and think it's the product of masturbating alone. There is no fluctuation in the heart of this old man, and he is quite used to facing this kind of gaze after living alone these years.

"Following the horse and arching the elephant, this move needs to be played like this. If you follow your move, I will definitely win this move."

Old man Fang put down the chess piece, and Wutong exclaimed in surprise, his mouth puffed out, "I have lost again!"

The old man Fang shook his head helplessly, looking at the handsome and pawn left on the Wutong chessboard, he felt that playing chess with Wutong and his old friends would always give him the feeling that he was a top-tier chess master, but in fact he was also a bad chess player There is one basket, if you lose chess with anyone, you will win with these two. After all, you have too many dishes to be abused by yourself like this.

Whether it is chess, TV dramas, or more books, Indus is very interested. Because I can't touch the real thing in this state, but I am most interested in the life of old man Fang. Being observed, sometimes old man Fang feels that his life has become too strange
After teaching Wutong how to play chess, old man Fang took out a pen and paper to write something, sometimes thinking about it, sometimes writing.

"what are you writing."

"I'm writing a suicide note." The old man Fang smiled calmly: "I am 81 years old this year, who knows if I will die suddenly one day, I must let my life play some value, I have been a salted fish all my life , I always want to not be salty."

Indus was very calm about the behavior of writing a suicide note with old man Fang. He walked over, weighed his feet, and looked at the contents of the suicide note. In addition to donating his small property to public welfare schools, he also donated his own organs. Donate, like a diary, write down the trivial things in your life.

Come alone, leave without anything.

"Well, people will always be lonely. Write down the trivial things in life. Maybe after I donate everything I have, everyone will know that there is someone like me, right? A bad old man with nothing can be remembered It's also a kind of ability." Old man Fang said, he didn't regard death as a scourge at all, but faced it very calmly.

"You still haven't changed much. There is no difference from before to now. I always keep stuff in my heart. Even if you leave alone, I will still remember you and everything about you. I will not Waiting for you to come back, I will go together, meet again together, that adult once said, we will meet again, no matter how many times the reincarnation separates our door, it doesn't matter."

Indus floated beside old man Fang, his face was also very calm.

People can't see the phoenix tree, but butterflies and bees instinctively surround the spirit of the phoenix tree, fluttering and dancing, which is too beautiful to behold.

Old man Fang was also an old man, so he put down the pen and paper, silently admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him.

"It seems that the old man is quite used to this kind of life." Li Yun appeared next to old man Fang very abruptly, holding a book in his hand and reading it quietly and naturally. The book was rolled down from old man Fang's bookshelf From the old man Fang's perspective, he looked like a banished immortal who was studying the heavenly scriptures, quiet and elegant.

From time to time, Li Yun would smile at the contents of the book, as if he had realized something, but the one hundred years of loneliness is sandwiched by the playboy who came over from Bai Chen.
"It's still a habit. I don't know why it always feels like I have fulfilled my wish for many years." Old man Fang said with a smile. He still finds it a bit unbelievable that the fairy that the tree turned into is always by his side. lonely old man
Li Yun saw what old man Fang was thinking, closed the Hundred Years of Solitude and put it back on the bookshelf, and at the same time put Playboy in his sleeves.

"Pindao thought you would be afraid, layman. After all, the concept of ghosts hurting people is deeply rooted." Li Yun said with a smile.

"But she's not a ghost, she's a big tree, the big tree that grew up with me," Old Man Fang said.

"It's not so much that she is with you, it's better to say that you are with her. It's like this every time." Li Yun said with emotion that the old man could return to this sycamore after so many reincarnations.

Three lives and three lives are the predestined fate. Doesn't this have a feeling of knowing the destiny?
After chatting with old man Fang for a while, Li Yun came to Wutong's side, and Wutong bowed slightly to Li Yun.

"Pindao has something to ask you this time."

At this time, Li Yun found the photo in Qiankun in his sleeve, which was the only photo of Xuan Daozi, and also the only photo with Li Yun.

On the left is an old Taoist with a gray beard, a fairy-like bone, and a dust whisk in his hand, and on the right is Li Yun, a brat with a snot-bubbling nose, dead fish eyes, and a muddy face in a vest.
If it wasn't necessary, Li Yun really didn't want to show this photo. It's a real dark history, and he felt ashamed to look at it.

"Pindao would like to ask, in your memory, is there someone like him, where did this person come from, and where did he go?" Li Yun asked seriously, changing his mood and not thinking about the black history.

Wutong looked at the old man Xuan Daozi in the photo, and said: "I have seen this person before, but my consciousness was still very vague at that time, and I couldn't tell the difference between people. But this gentleman is a I was deeply impressed, he pretended to encourage the teenagers, but actually looked far away, and the place where his eyes were located was a stream not far away, saying, are men curious about women without clothes?"

Wutong raised his head and looked at Li Yun curiously.

Facing the pure little eyes of Wutong behind the mask, Li Yun turned his head away, and silently complained that the old man Xuan Daozi was so embarrassing, he didn't remember anything, just remembered that you peeked at someone taking a bath.

"Ahem, you can ask Layman Fang this question."

Seeing that Li Yun didn't want to say that Wutong didn't force him, he continued.

"I don't know where he came from, and I don't know where he is going, but I can be sure that the people above are indeed people who set foot on this land 500 years ago."

It is enough to know this, to be sure, the old man Xuan Daozi once set foot here, 500 years ago, the body of an ordinary person who could not observe the Linghai with a system
After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Li Yun turned and left.

When turning to leave, Wutong bowed and thanked Qingliang.

"The concubine is here again."

"Thank you sir."

(End of this chapter)

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