Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 621 It smells so good!

Chapter 621 It smells so good!
It's no wonder that Wang Zejing doesn't eat this thing, the sand on it has reached the point where it will affect the appetite and be visible to the naked eye.
"Um, classmate Wang, don't say such harsh words. These are all made by people with hard work." He said earnestly: "It's wrong to waste food, just eat it obediently."

"I brought my own rations. Why do I want to eat this? I don't want to eat it. How can I eat it if it's so disgusting." Wang Zejing was spoiled and spoiled, looking at the mud-stained pancake and almost throwing it away.

The village head next to him looked distressed and didn't want to say anything, so he could only stand there for a while in embarrassment.

The teacher felt a headache watching this scene. In the past, there were students who refused to eat, but they would not go mad on the spot like Wang Zejing. At least they would save some face.

"This one actually tastes good, and the sand is not as dirty as you might imagine. In the past, beggar chicken was still baked and eaten without tinfoil."

No one listened to the teacher's words, and when the scene was awkward, three people ate the big cake as if no one else was around.

Li Yun, Bai Chen, and Wang Weigong all paid no attention to the sand on the big cake, especially Bai Chen, who ate all the sand, muttering about supplementing carbon elements to increase Its own thickness and hardness and durability.
"Can you eat this? It's really dirt." Wang Zejing originally wanted to be more sarcastic and sarcastic, but after seeing Wang Weigong's eyes, he restrained himself a little.

The village head next to him looked at Li Yun, Bai Chen and Wang Weigong's food, and his frown eased a little.

"Is this cake delicious?" Fang Qing couldn't help asking, she was not a pampered person, but faced with this big cake, she was under a lot of psychological pressure.

After eating all the pancakes in front of him, Li Yun let out a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "The softness is moderate, the sweetness is astringent, and the green plants that are rare here are mixed in. In the environment of extreme water shortage I really admire Pindao for being able to make this kind of delicious food.”

"That's right, this is the best thing that the village can produce, and we usually make a little bit to eat during the New Year's holidays," the village head said proudly.

What I said was not to the taste of everyone present. In the end, Fang Qing took the lead, gritted her teeth, and stuffed a little bit of the big cake in front of her. However, after stuffing a little bit, it was out of control. After eating the cake, there was a smile on his face.

With Fang Qing taking the lead, all the students took action and ate the pie, and Xie Yan did the same. Just now, he turned around and gave a thumbs up with a look of reluctance.

"Wang Zejing, eat some too." Xie Yan immediately said with a smile: "It tastes really good, as expected, you can't be fooled by appearances, so is the food, it tastes great, and you won't get sick if you don't do anything clean."

Pushing the pancake in front of Wang Zejing, Wang Zejing waved his hands in disgust and said.

"Didn't I just say that I would starve to death."

"Oh, I'm sorry for slipping my hand. It's a pancake, Brother Feifan." Bai Chen "slipped" at the side, "accidentally" picked up the pancake in Wang Zejing's bowl, and "accidentally" picked up the pancake from Wang Zejing's bowl. It was stuffed into Wang Zejing's mouth, and then "accidentally" shook his hands into palms, and directly burst half of the pie, Wang Zejing's tears were about to flow out.

If it wasn't for the classmate next to her to quickly take out pure water to pour her down, I'm afraid there would be a news about the violent death of a rich female schoolmaster in the dry village on the spot.
"Ahem. You. You must be doing it on purpose. Huh? This smell."

Feeling the inexplicable taste in her mouth, Wang Zejing was stunned for a moment, subconsciously took a bite, and immediately cried out.

"It's delicious."

"Haha, as long as you like it, as long as you like it. Don't blame the sand in it. We really can't get any more clean water. The clean water we bought outside has already baked this big cake. It must have no taste. The food outside is delicious.”

"No, your flatbread is much more delicious than the ones outside." Xie Yan felt from the bottom of his heart that he had never eaten such a delicious flatbread, except that the mouthfeel filled with sand was really painful .

And when I heard that people used all the clean water to bake big cakes for themselves, I was so disgusted before, that feeling was really unpleasant.

Frankly speaking, no matter how good the taste is, the dirty water stored in a greenhouse outside does not have much appetite, but now, even the most demanding Wang Zejing has nothing to say, and breaks the big cake into pieces and eats it in his stomach.

On the contrary, Xie Yan looked at Li Yunbai, Chen, and Wang Weigong with admiration. These three were the first to start eating this stuff that no one would eat. Who the hell knows what they have gone through to see these things at first glance? Appetite something to eat.

"A friend comes from afar, and since they entertain you with the best things, we should not be rude. The relationship between people is mutual. A rich man gives you 100 yuan to entertain you, and a poor person gives you 100 yuan. [-] yuan to entertain, that is a completely different meaning."

Li Yun's words were very gentle, and the students present were fascinated by listening to them. Even the teacher was lost in thought, thinking about Li Yun's words.

The ringtone of the avenue goes straight into the soul, and the voice bred by Linghai can directly enter the hearts of others, causing people to directly echo in their hearts, because this sentence expresses their truest thoughts.

Looking at the students who fell into silence, Li Yun smiled. Comprehending the truth of life is the meaning of this journey. If you can see it, it will benefit these students who have lived in the ivory tower for a long time.

These students are also all figures of the level of academic masters, and they suddenly realized what it means to be "everyone for one, one for everyone".

The students were much more cheerful, and even the teacher in charge who didn't like to see Li Yun very much at first came over and said.

"What the Taoist priest taught is yes. Sometimes I also think about how the big cake is so dirty, how can I eat it. I never thought that they have produced the best things. In fact, they don't need to do that at all. It is different from the school. There is no such requirement in the partnership.”

Li Yun smiled and said it didn't matter.

"It's good that the layman understands."

After Li Yun's words, the atmosphere among the people became more harmonious, and the eyes of the old village chief became softer.
The sky is slightly cool, and there is a small wind blowing from time to time, which makes people very comfortable.

The old village chief frowned, and immediately turned on the walkie-talkie to mobilize before receiving the students.

"Folks, the water is coming"

(End of this chapter)

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