Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 626, I am Thor

Chapter 626, I am Thor

King Kong glared, and the golden pestle subdued the devil, and an inexplicable spiritual power poured into Li Yun's spiritual sea.

What was in front of him was no longer a stone statue, but Di Shitian himself, with golden light shining, surrounded by Sanskrit Buddha light, faintly shining with majesty, just like a real angry Buddha.

The solemn Di Shitian still maintains this posture, and the time around him seems to have stopped, and the space is stagnant. This feeling is familiar to Li Yun, and it is always like this when talking with Zhenxian.

The stone statue in front of me can really communicate with Emperor Shitian, it is the real thing
However, the shadow of Di Shitian in front of him remained motionless, still maintaining his original movements, with his hands raised high, as if he was about to stab the subduing magic pestle into the ground, as if he had been frozen.

"What's going on?" Li Yun asked in confusion. It's not the first time he has entered this static state of communicating with real immortals. It can be said that he has been used to it for a long time, but now after entering this state, there is nothing. It happened for the first time, no words, no whispers, no movements.

Di Shitian stood motionless on the ground, and Li Yun suddenly had some bold ideas, such as searching the body of this real fairy, maybe he could find some kind of treasure that can make people ascend in the daytime kind.
"Please don't have such bold ideas, you can't find anything on him, or the only thing of value is already in your hands." The system complained.

Of course, Li Yun knew what the system was talking about. The tattered Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand was extremely dilapidated. It seemed that he had no other things to hold besides its value as an antique. He was stunned and said.

"You mean this demon pestle?"

"Yes, this is the real thing. Indra's [Buddha Fruit] is equivalent to Yuelao's marriage book in your hand. This demon pestle condenses all of His manifestations, and all the essence of the past, future, and present are condensed in it. As for why? Appeared in your hand." The system was silent for a moment, and said: "That's because the stone statue in front of you is the remains of Indra. It was easily held by you, otherwise you would have exploded on the spot."

What I am most afraid of is that the air will suddenly be quiet. In other words, in this still state, the air is already very quiet, Li Yun finally couldn't hold back and said.

"Remains? If I go to hell, this Buddha King Kong can die? Didn't you say that this true immortal should be immortal and exist in the past, present and future? How could he die?"

As the 33rd day of Indra, Shura who mastered thunder and punishment, the body of the real body actually appeared here. This is no longer something that can be explained by shock or not. Kill also returns to die.

"Yes, the immortal He who existed in the past, present and future has fallen, and his body has turned into a meaningless stone statue, the kind of stone statue that can be knocked down by an excavator with a shovel. Only this magic pestle can prove that He once existed in you The reason why he was pulled into his domain was probably because he hadn't finished speaking, he hadn't swallowed his last breath. He wanted to say, he wanted to wait, and finally today he found someone who could hear his whisper. "

As soon as the system finished speaking, the remains of Di Shitian in front of him turned into streaks of blue light, rushing towards Li Yun's side, and the Dharma form behind him emerged, absorbing the blue ripples of light.

No words, no whispers, this last ripple turned into a stream of consciousness pouring out towards the Dharma.

【Help me. Complete the unfinished business】

After speaking, time began to flow again, and Li Yun was still holding the demon pestle in his hand.

Niu Zhiwei leaned over to look at the subduing magic pestle and clicked his tongue.

"The workmanship is quite exquisite. It's a real antique, if. Ahem."

Originally, Niu Zhiwei wanted to say that selling this magic pestle would probably improve the situation in the village, but he knew it was wrong just halfway through the words. How could it be so easy to sell something passed down from his ancestors? If he really wanted to sell it, he would have sold it long ago. If it is lost, where will I wait for now.

As soon as Niu Zhiwei praised his family's products, the old village head was full of pride.

"In the past, when I walked into the science crew, I wanted to buy this thing from us, but I didn't agree in the end. The things left by the ancestors should not be forgotten and sold."

Li Yun smiled, and put the subduing magic pestle back into the hand of the stone statue of Emperor Shitian.

At this time, after nearly half a day, the walking tractors finally returned with buckets of clean water.

"Water is coming!"

At this time, all the old, weak, women and children present laughed excitedly. The bucket of water was undoubtedly the most precious treasure. The children jumped for joy, and the women danced around the bucket.

A very simple and simple wish, to sing and dance for a glass of water.


After what happened just now, Xie Yan, Fangqing and Wang Zejing's attitude towards Li Yun was obviously much better, and they could even use an unusually respectful attitude.

"Heavenly Rescue the Suffering, it seems that you are all right." Li Yun smiled.

"Thanks to Master's reminder, Wei Gong was able to save us accurately. After a while, I will definitely go to your Taoist temple to fulfill my wish. You are a real master." Xie Yan is completely like a little fan.

The students next to him were very curious about what made Xie Yan, the identified materialist fighter, become like this, and what he had experienced in this half day.

At this time, Xie Yan began to brag to Li Yun in the group of classmates, bragging about everything in the sky, especially when Wang Weigong punched the big tree, the students around looked like idiots Looking at Xie Yan.

"Break a big tree with one punch. Do you think martial arts novels are so awesome. Only ghosts will believe it." One of the students couldn't help but said, Wang Weigong knocked someone's head off with a punch. I really don't believe it.

"It's true, I didn't believe it at first when I punched a big tree, but you have to believe it when you see it. I just saw it with my own eyes. I believed it. This person is so awesome, let alone his master!" , that Taoist priest must be even more awesome. Maybe he punched through here, and then let the water gushing out." Xie Yan said exaggeratedly, making the surrounding students, including Niu Zhiwei, dumbfounded.

"This is too exaggerated."

"Just take me for exaggeration. Exaggeration is only because he is too suspenseful." Xie Yan shrugged, seeing is believing, regardless of whether others believe it or not, he believed it anyway.

When these students were chatting, Li Yun stood up and said with a smile.

"Blessings are boundless, the poor have something to say."

"Master, what's the matter?" Xie Yan volunteered to stand up and said.

"Let the students go to a sheltered place. It's best to go under the eaves. It's better to go directly into the house." Li Yun looked at the endless blue sky and murmured: "Wait a minute."

"But it's going to rain."

Under Xie Yan's mobilization, these students were all gathered under the eaves. Even the teacher didn't know why they all went under the eaves. Could it be that they were hiding from the rain?
To be honest, even if it was raining, Niu Zhiwei didn't think the rain here was so heavy that he could hide from it, and he wouldn't even move when it splashed on his body.

"What are you doing?" Niu Zhiwei asked.

"Organize the students to hide from the rain." Xie Yan took it for granted.

"The heaviest rain in this place in so many years is the one this morning. You don't need to hide at all. Don't you young people like to walk in the rain? Isn't it beautiful to walk in the rain?" Niu Zhiwei said with a smile.

Most of the students around here think so, but Xie Yan's teasing is quite fun, and even the most stubborn Wang Zejing and Fang Qing are saying how much they believe, anyway, it doesn't cost money, it's better to say It's better to gather together.

Some people started to take out their books to study, some took out their mobile phones to play happily, and some even played cards with a relaxed look on their faces, and they didn't take Xie Yan's words to heart at all. It looks like it's raining heavily.

When they were gathered under the eaves, Wang Weigong folded his arms and looked at the gradually gathering clouds in the sky. His expression did not fluctuate, and he was abnormally calm.

"Hey, your master ancestor really wants to dance to the gods to pray for rain or something like that."

Xie Yan and Wang Zejing next to him both felt that this was about dancing to the Great God to pray for rain, and they were both very curious. They had never seen the process of dancing to the Great God before.

Wang Weigong was silent for a moment, and said with a smile: "If the master really asked for rain, he would definitely not ask for rain in the way of jumping the gods. My uncle, Bai Laoshi, once said that the master's way of doing things."

When talking about Teacher Bai, Wang Zejing felt uncomfortable all over. Although his expression was unnatural, he still spoke reluctantly.

"Mr. Bai, what did he say to poke a hole in the sky?"

"It's just poking a hole in the sky."

Li Yun looked up at the blue sky, which was cloudless and blue, and felt the gusts of wind, then ate a mouthful of sand, and pretended to fail again.

"This is really not a place for people to stay." Li Yun muttered.

The wind is indeed not small, but without the grass covering the place, the wind blows like a wind, dust and sandstorm, and there is no comfort at all. It is also the reason why the villagers here, from children to adults, from men to women, have very rough skin. But this roughness also adds a touch of wildness to the people here.

At this time, Li Yun said to the old village chief who was packing up.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, old man, have you ever thought about what will happen if there is enough water here? For example, a large amount of groundwater is suddenly excavated here."

"Sufficient water source? How is this possible? I dare not even dream about such a beautiful thing." The old village head smiled. If there is really enough water source, don't just wake up from a dream, let him die, but still Looking forward to his face, he said: "If there is enough water, we don't have to live so tired. Children who want to go outside can leave without burden, and children who want to stay in their hometown can grow up healthily and happily. And Children outside can also drink water when they want, take a bath when they want, and be clean every day."

However, the old village chief finally forgot about these beautiful dreams. It was so beautiful that it would be a crime to think too much, and he didn't dare to have too much expectation for water.

"Right now, my biggest dream is to let it rain heavily, so that the children can do these things for a few days without risking their lives."

This dream is actually quite humble to say the least, but Li Yun feels that this dream is ordinary and great.

I just want to make it rain this day, but because of the influence of the subduing magic pestle, the place has turned red and ten miles away.

"Heavenly Rescue the Miserable, your fate is poor, no, someone has already responded."

On the nearby hillside, the loess was blowing across his face with the breeze. Even if he didn’t speak, the yellow sand could still get into the corners of his mouth, nose and ears. Li Yun himself felt uncomfortable, let alone people who lived here all year round. , can endure what ordinary people can't bear, just to stay in my hometown
Bai Chen was summoned by Li Yun to gather clouds. It has to be said that under the influence of the subduing magic pestle, this piece of land can really be described as 'cloudless'.

"Even a broken Demon Subduing Pestle can have a great impact and harm on the human world, changing the 'rules' here." The system said indifferently: "If it is a complete form of Subduing Demon Pestle, I am afraid it will turn the surroundings into There is a thunderfield for ten miles in the red land, and there is no grass growing in the yellow sand for ten miles, and everything you pass is death."

"Maybe it's not because it's broken, but because it's suppressed."

After Li Yun finished speaking, the system did not refute. Maybe it was really suppressed by the inexplicable rules here, which prevented the Demon Subduing Pestle from playing its original role.

Sheets of thin clouds covered the sky, Li Yun raised his hands high, and summoned his Dharma form, which did the same movements as Li Yun.

[Subduing Demon Pestle, if you can hear Pindao's call, please come to my side. This is your master's last wish. 】

In the temple, the stone statue of Di Shitian did not move at all, including the subduing pestle. Fly in the direction of Li Yun.

The form of the Subduing Demon Pestle has been completely shattered, only his soul still remembers his master's previous wish.

A blue magic subduing pestle fell from the sky and fell straight into Faxiang's hands. Along with the darkening clouds, tiny thunderbolts roared in the sky.

Different from the dilapidated Demon Subduing Pestle, the Demon Subduing Pestle held in the hands of Faxiang in front of him is majestic and full of anger. It is a real Vajra Magical Artifact, which seems to be able to purify all evil in the world.

Li Yun's eyes gradually became blurred, and the whites of his eyes gradually disappeared and were gradually dyed black. However, after the blackness, endless rays of light emerged, and the power of thunder and lightning enveloped his body. The violent power made Li Yun Cloud feels that the advantage is great.

He held up the pestle with both hands, and pierced the pestle into the ground in exactly the same way as the stone statue of Emperor Shitian.

With a wave of one hand, he finally completed the action he hadn't completed. Accompanied by the violent thunder and lightning, he turned into a spear and pierced the sky.

Dark clouds covered the sun, and thunder and lightning roared.

"Today, I am Thor"

(End of this chapter)

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