Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 641, because I want to do

Chapter 641, because I want to do
"Hurry up and send it to a nearby hospital." Wang Qing looked at Feng Cui who was vomiting blood in front of him with an angry face. Although it was not a pity for this guy to die, he couldn't die here. He died on the way to being arrested. .

The suspect jumped off the building and Wang Qing felt that he had committed suicide, and now he had to protect the suspect's life. This kind of aggrieved feeling made Wang Qing extremely painful, but after thinking about Feng Cui's treatment, he still had to accept it. Legal sanctions are not so uncomfortable.

The ambulance soon came to the community, began to deal with Feng Cui who had fallen, and sent him to the nearest hospital. Wang Qing followed the ambulance to the hospital.

The doctor saw Feng Cui's appearance and knew that he had slipped and fell from a building, his whole body was fractured, his internal organs were ruptured, and it seemed that he was hopeless. In this hospital, even the best doctor could not save such a patient. It might be okay to transfer to the best hospital in the city, but there is no time to transfer Feng Cui.

"It's hopeless, the next one, let's prepare for the funeral. It's basically impossible to get injured to this extent." The doctor in charge of the diagnosis and treatment came to the three consecutive times with a look of regret.

"Is your doctor? The private hospital that claims to be the best in the urban area doesn't even have a doctor? Can't you hang your life?" Wang Qing looked at the doctor in front of him with a fierce face. Where has this doctor seen such a situation? Fighting, suddenly frightened.

The doctor calmed down and said: "It's really not that we don't want to do it, it's that there are really no such excellent doctors. In her situation, she needs an excellent surgeon. However, the best surgeon in our hospital originally But because of an accident, he couldn’t hold the knife with his hand, and now the temporary replacement is doing okay for minor surgery, but no one dares to let him do major surgery, so it can only be said that this patient is out of luck.”

Hearing this, Wang Qing's face also calmed down, and finally turned into a sigh, looking at Feng Cui who was undergoing emergency and simple treatment in the ward and muttered.

"Time is fate, you have come to the end you deserved, tsk tsk." Now Wang Qing's mood has relaxed, and this blame is his own fault. Although it is not his fault, but probably before the establishment The credit for it will be written off.

It doesn't matter to Wang Qing, if you write it off, you can write it off, and you don't plan to use it anyway.
After figuring it out, Wang Qing relaxed and asked inadvertently, "You said this hospital used to have such an excellent doctor who could bring this man back from the brink of death?"

"There is this man, he is very powerful, very powerful, but he has been suspended because of the loss of his hand to operate the knife. Without value, no one cares about him anymore, including the dean, society, society." The doctor's tone was very complicated and resentful, apologizing for the doctor who lost his hands.

This doctor dared to complain and complain in front of Wang Qing. If other colleagues were here, he would still go along with his colleagues and belittle that doctor. People can't help themselves in the workplace.

Wang Qing heard something and quite understood the doctor's thinking.

"It would be great if that doctor was here."

Yang Yue has been wandering on the side of the road all day, wandering here and there, thinking about Li Yun's problem all the way, this problem has troubled him for a day. Two days and three days until now, he still hasn't figured it out .

What exactly do you want.
Just when Yang Yue subconsciously wanted to cross the road, he was immediately pulled down by someone, turned around, and saw a kid riding a stroller with a lollipop in his mouth and a lollipop in his right hand. Wearing the corner of Yang Yue's clothes.

The child puffed out his mouth and said in an old-fashioned way.

"The cauldron, it's a red light, stop at the red light and go on the green light, hasn't your mother taught you, it's not good, it's not good"

Only then did Yang Yue realize that he was fascinated. He didn't see the traffic light in front of him. Fortunately, there was a child who made a move, otherwise something would happen. After thanking him, he couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

"I don't have a mother."

"No mother? Impossible, did you pop out of a rock? You're not Monkey King!" The child licked the lollipop with disbelief.

"Well, it's not. In short, I have to thank you for pulling me back." Yang Yue stroked the child's head and said, "You will definitely become a good person, a very good person in the future."

After being praised by the adults for a while, the child was very frightened, and his tail was raised. When the child's mother came, he quickly apologized to Yang Yue, thinking that the child had caused Yang Yue trouble.

When he was misunderstood at first, the kid still pouted.

"The kid saved me just now, so don't blame him," Yang Yue said sincerely.

"Really? It's awesome." The mother looked happy and praised the child on the spot.

The child's face was very proud, and he raised his head and chest, and replied: "I just wanted to do this, so I did it."

These words made Yang Yue stunned. He remembered that when he was a child, he accidentally fell into the river once. It was a monk who saved him. The monk couldn't swim. If it wasn't for the passing elder brother who rescued him in time , I'm afraid it's just two lives.

Yang Yue remembered clearly what the monk said before he left.

【I just did it because I wanted to】

"I just wanted to do this, so I did it, yeah, what I want is not glory, I don't want a scalpel, what I want is to save people and cure diseases, what I want is to make people happy." Yang Yue murmured , finally figured all this out, thanked the children again and again, and left with his head held high, ready to be himself.

The kid also waved his hand handsomely, and rode a children's bicycle and walked in the opposite direction, with a smile on his face, the feeling of helping others is great.

When he turned to leave, Li Yun appeared in front of Yang Yue, holding the sleeping little fox in his left hand and holding a plum blossom paper umbrella in his right hand, looking at Yang Yue with a smile.

"Great Immortal." Yang Yue said respectfully without saying a word, his eyes were full of determination to carry out his will.

Even if you lose your hands, you still have your own methods to cure diseases and save lives.

After throwing away the shackles of his hands, Yang Yue felt that he had a great advantage and was not stable.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, as long as the layman understands." Li Yun looked at Yang Yue and said with a smile. He should have figured everything out in the past few days, and now he is really happy for him-this means that the task can be completed.

Then Li Yun looked at Yang Yue seriously and said, "However, there are still people who need your scalpel."

(End of this chapter)

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