Chapter 685, Boxer
"Have they all come here? Why don't they let me go here?"

Niu Guoan murmured, using his hands hard, unconsciously, the handle of the tricycle was pinched.

Keeping silent all the way, I rode my tricycle to the hospital.

I found a place to stop, and used the money I earned today to buy a big bowl of porridge with preserved egg and lean meat.

It was delicious and hot, and I used the fresh meat left over from today's barbecue to cook a pot of pork and red date soup.

Carrying preserved egg and lean meat porridge and soup to the sixth floor of the hospital.

The corridor was quiet, and only a few patients and nurses passed by. When these nurses saw Niu Guoan, they jumped aside in fright.

Opening the door of the ward, there was an old lady with white hair lying on it. The old lady was very energetic, wearing presbyopic glasses, she was gentle, reading the book in front of her.

"Yo, here you come."

"Mom, I'm here." Niu Guoan lowered his voice as much as possible, trying to take care of his mother without disturbing the people in the surrounding wards.


The white-haired old lady smiled kindly, and said: "Don't be so tired, someone in the hospital will take care of my poor old lady, just do your own thing."

"I'm really worried about the hospital taking care of me."

"Keren Hospital is professional, and they took good care of me." The old lady looked helpless, but she also knew that she couldn't hold back her son, so she let him go.

Niu Guoan filled the porridge and soup with a dull head, and fed his old mother mouthful, the tenderness was completely different from the appearance.

The appearance of a beast, the heart of a Son of Man.

When the doctor came to change the dressing, after seeing Niu Guoan at the door, the whole person hesitated, not knowing whether to go in, or to go in, or to go in
"Doctor, it's okay, my child just looks scary, but he's actually quite gentle."

The doctor looked at Niu Guoan, and finally walked in to change the old lady's medicine.

Niu Guoan stood aside obediently, honestly.

Lifting the quilt, the old lady's lower body was empty.

without legs—

"Uh, it's okay, I just react subconsciously."

"Brother, speak louder!" Niu Guoan said.

This made the doctor speechless for a while, a little scared, the old lady quickly explained: "He is deaf"

"I know, it's not the first time I've been in contact, but I'm not used to speaking loudly." The doctor thought it was not the first time in contact, but once he did, he would still feel instinctively afraid, so he raised his voice and said, "You The mother's amputation operation was very successful, but her body still had some adverse reactions, and other wounds were infected to a certain extent, so... "

"No problem! Whatever the doctor says, it doesn't matter how much it costs, as long as my mother can get better!" Niu Guoan didn't continue listening. Anyway, as long as it can be cured, it doesn't matter if you ask for money: "It doesn't matter if you work hard. Get it!"

The doctor paused, but he didn't expect Niu Guoan to agree so readily. He continued to entrust some precautions, then nodded and said.

"Well, that's all. Be careful not to let the old man catch a cold, and don't buy supplements from outside."

After giving instructions for a while, the doctor left the ward, leaving only Niu Guoan and the old mother.

As long as it can be cured, you can do anything. Niu Guoan said: "Mom, I plan to go out to the stall at night in the future. When I come to see you during the day, just be careful to avoid him."

"It's okay if you don't come to see me. The doctor can take good care of me." The white-haired old lady looked at Niu Guoan pitifully and said, "You don't need to go out at night. Mom is fine. It's very troublesome to go out at night."

Very troublesome is troublesome in the literal sense. Niu Guoan knew that if a person like himself with a criminal record and tattoos and scars wandered around at night, he might have to assist in the investigation every few days.

He only knows how to barbecue, and he can only open stalls during the daytime. During the daytime, he is aboveboard, at least he won’t be picked on because of his body——

Tattoos and scars, which seem cool to young people, are the source of crime and potential violence in the eyes of more people.

When Niu Guoan and his mother were communicating with each other, the door was opened.

A muscular young man who looked eighty percent like Niu Guoan, wearing a vest, tattooed all over his body, and fierce eyes walked in.

"Grandma, here I come, today I brought you your favorite food"

When the young man saw Niu Guoan, he paused for a moment, then his eyes became more gloomy and violent, his fists were clenched, and his muscles tensed.

"What are you doing here, are you qualified to be here?"


"Get out! I'll pay for grandma's medical expenses, and you can go and do your own thing! Why are you still coming back! Showing your poor filial piety? Pooh, what did you do? It's really disgusting." Niu Ziqiang said He looked at Niu Guoan with disdain.

Facing his son's angry scolding, Niu Guoan was silent for a moment, and had no choice to refute, or could not refute at all, and wanted to turn around and leave silently.

One of the reasons for coming at night is to avoid my own children.
Unexpectedly, this time I couldn't avoid it, and my child would come to visit at night.

Niu Guoan left silently, and Niu Ziqiang didn't take another look at Niu Guoqiang, his father.

Even though the back looks so lonely and pitiful, there is no slightest fluctuation.

The white-haired old lady looked at the state of the two father and son and sighed: "Qiangzi, you...can't you forgive your father?"

"If you want me to forgive, how can I forgive? People like him don't deserve to be forgiven. When my mother was dying and he was having a good time outside, I knew I would never forgive him." Niu Ziqiang faced his grandmother's At that time, all the hostility on his face disappeared, and there was only a terrifying and cute smile: "Don't worry, grandma, I will cure you. I have found a way to get rich, not only your medical expenses are settled Now, the two of us can live a good life in the future, have our own house, don't need to look at the landlord's face, and don't have to live a life of being bullied by the landlord twice in three days."

"We will soon have our own home."

Niu Ziqiang looked yearning for the future, and his grandma was standing upright, and there was something wrong, where did his grandson who graduated from junior high school get rich?

Niu Guoan had said these words before—before his body was full of tattoos and scars.

At this time, grandma looked at Niu Ziqiang pleadingly and said.

"Don't break the law, grandma begs you, I don't want a house, I don't want to be cured, as long as we live in peace and stability."

Grandma begged again and again, but Niu Ziqiang didn't listen, and his mind was full of happy life after being rich.

It seems that a happy life is in front of you.

After a long time, Niu Ziqiang grinned and said.

"Don't worry, it's definitely not illegal. I will definitely let you be well, I will definitely! What he can't do, I will let your grandson do it."

"Oh, that kid still hates me so much. Hehe, it's all my fault, it's all my fault."

Niu Guoan walked out of the hospital, got on his tricycle, and wanted to leave, feeling even more lonely than usual. Even though he was mentally prepared, it still hurt to be scolded by the child like this.

Heart hurts, but it's self-inflicted and no one to blame.

Niu Guoan stopped his tricycle and wanted to smoke a cigarette. During this smoking time, the people walking around seemed to see something terrible, and they all walked away one by one. Only Niu Guoan was left alone. wheel.

He has long been used to this, being feared and hated by others.

Only the white crane, which has always been white and has the temperament of a god and holy spirit, landed on the tricycle, not afraid of people or him at all.

"Baihe? You are also alone, just like me. There has always been only one person, lonely, full of indifference and despair to this world"

Bai He looked at Niu Guoan slantingly, his eyes were lively as if saying [We are different, we are different, we are different.]

After giving the look, Xiaobai flew away, leaving Niu Guoan in a daze.

There is a piece of meat missing.
The white crane came down for meat——

After a while, Niu Guoan smiled: "There is such a spiritual white crane."

Thanks to Bai He's blessing, Niu Guoan's complexion became a little bit better.

Moods are like this, because some things can be good, and some things can be bad.

For example, now, Niu Guoan's expression suddenly became panicked, with guilt and fear in the panic.

A black Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of him, and an old man got out of the car.

The old man was wearing a very traditional Tang suit, with a cane in his hand, and he came down unhurriedly to look at Niu Guoan.

"Hey, Lao Niu, long time no see, you still haven't changed much."

"Long time no see." Niu Guoan's face was complicated, and finally said: "Boss"

After all, he still couldn't escape and was found here by the boss.

"Hehe, you are still as sharp as before, like a beast. My subordinates prepared electric batons and instruments of torture for you to enjoy." The old man looked at Niu Guoan with a half-smile, Niu Guoan didn't refute, but just tightly held the handle of the tricycle: "I admire you, I haven't forgotten my skills after so many years, yes, it's really good, it seems that family affection is also a catalyst, it can make you change Get stronger."

"Boss, what punishment do you have for me? My mother and child are innocent."

Niu Guoan's muscles are tense, if the boss shows his murderous intentions towards his family here.
After a while, the old man said lightly: "You also know that you did something wrong, and you escaped at the most critical time, which is really disgusting. In theory, I should give you a good meal, but now I've changed my mind."

The old man came to Niu Guoan and said quietly.

"I know that your mother is in the hospital and needs a lot of surgery fees. If I can give you a lot of money, are you willing to go back to work under me? By the way, it's a serious thing that doesn't break the law .”

A serious thing that doesn't break the law?

Niu Guoan was stunned for a moment, could he have something serious to do?

"Boss, can I?"

"Of course, I am born to be useful, so don't underestimate yourself." The old man patted Niu Guoan on the shoulder with encouragement and said, "After the matter is completed, I will give you 700 million, and then we will settle the dispute. I also know that. Years of living like this have put you under a lot of pressure.”

Niu Guoan instantly burst into tears, with a look of wanting to be overwhelmed.

I didn't expect that I would be forgiven and treated preferentially after running away for so long
The expression of a scholar dying for his confidant.

"I'll do this. As long as it doesn't violate the laws of China, I can do whatever I want! Boss, you are so kind."

Niu Guoan's vocabulary is a little lacking, and he doesn't know how to praise his former boss.

The old man just smiled slightly and said lightly.

"Get in the car, let's do some preparations."

Xiaobai returned to the Taoist temple and presented everything he saw to Li Yun.

Looking at these images, Li Yun's heart didn't fluctuate, but he really wanted to complain about the old man's clothes on the Mercedes-Benz. This appearance is as strong as the wind, and the BGM is like the godfather. It's such a big battle.
But the complaints are the complaints. There is no doubt that this Mr. Niu Guoan is probably sold by this godfather-like person and is still counting the money for others.

Liu Yanli also saw the shared video of "My God", and swallowed her saliva: "How did this tattooed brother think of selling skewers, no one would buy them, okay? The muscles are really strong, This might be the legendary strong man."

"A strong man is a fart. He may be considered a good level among mortals, but his disciples and grandchildren can beat him with one hand."

"The kid with the Beidou Shenquan painting style? No matter how you look at it, it's not at the same level." Liu Yanli thought for a while, Wang Weigong's momentum is really not half as strong as Niu Guoan's.

Facing Niu Guoan, Bai Chen's sense of superiority immediately exploded, and he commented: "There are muscles in the air, but they are too scattered, it looks terrible, but if you don't punch a cow, maybe a cow will die like me." Disciple, maybe he can't compare to that muscular man in terms of muscle, but don't forget, under my tireless teaching, he can concentrate his force on one point. Even if his strength is insufficient, the destructive power of a punch is infinitely stronger. In addition, he was originally a great master of martial arts in his previous life, and he is even more incomparable after awakening."

Bai Chen was bragging to Liu Yanli about the fighting power of his disciple and grandson, and attributed it to himself
"Speaking of which, this person is a little familiar."

Liu Yanli always felt that she had seen this person before, and after thinking hard, she immediately opened her chicken-eating book.

Connect to the Internet, open a webpage, search options
Soon, the search results were presented in front of several people.

"It's him, it's him. I said, why is it so familiar? I've seen a video of this person on Internet TV before."

In the gray and white photo, there is a young-looking strong man without so many tattoos on his body, with medals all over his body, and a trophy in his hand.

Attracting the flicker of the spotlight, with a smile like a banana on his face.

The heavyweight player of the 1999 World Professional Fighting Competition.

Code name, Niu Warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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