Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 689 So scary, so scary!

Chapter 689 So scary, so scary!
Looking at the ruins in front of him, the white-bearded old man just wanted to shiver.

Tianwei's violent thunder is so terrifying.

No one died, not even injured, only the wooden houses within this radius were destroyed to ashes.

"Haha. I escaped a catastrophe, I escaped a catastrophe, I really shouldn't be rejected." The white-bearded boss smiled, looking at the ruins in front of him, and then at his intact self. The contrast is not insignificant.

I survived, and was not killed by that mentally ill Taoist priest, and suddenly a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe came to my heart.

The people around were frightened and scattered, and the old man with white beard wanted to turn around and leave, but as soon as he turned around, he saw Niu Guoan and his son staring at them.

The eyes are very cold, like a ferocious cow.

"It's over."

The old man with the white beard turned pale. Here, the two angry men in front of him could tear himself apart at any time.

A beast in a cage is not at the same level as a beast in a forest.

"I beg you to let me give you as much money as you want"

"At first, I really wanted to, right here, to beat you to death with one punch, I really wanted to." Niu Guoan clenched his teeth, and when he thought that the person in front of him was the culprit who maimed his mother, he burst into anger. Brain, wanting to kill: "It's just, I can't. I can't do this."

Looking at the well-dressed, dignified, always elegant and unflappable white-bearded boss trembling, at the end, Niu Guoan slowly let go of the white-bearded boss's sleeves.

"The master said that someone will do it, but this person is not me, and it cannot be me"

Niu Guoan and Niu Ziqiang gradually disappeared from the sight of the white-bearded boss, heading for the sunset.

It seems like a lifetime away, the rest of the life after the catastrophe, and the next thing is ecstasy.

If I can survive, what kind of bicycle do I need——

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful, I didn't expect it. Go back quickly, the right way is to go back quickly." After the ecstasy, the white-bearded boss immediately called and contacted the snake head to return to the country.

As long as you go back to China, forget everything, everything is fine, you are still a majestic big boss, rich and powerful, a big boss who can manipulate other people's lives at will
After contacting the person, the car drove him back to the country.

"Sure enough, the land in my hometown still makes people feel peaceful. Forget it, forget that stinky Taoist priest, forget what kind of bull warrior, wait, when the old man returns to the country, I will let you know what the value of life is." While sipping red wine, he thought about how to deal with Niu Guoan and Niu Ziqiang next, which caused him a lot of losses at the moment.

The white-bearded boss felt tired and fell asleep slowly. When he opened his eyes, he found that this was not home, but a strange place.

A man in a police uniform looked at him expressionlessly.

Without further ado, put on the handcuffs.

"Don't beep, don't ask why, don't refute, you just need to know that you have no chance to refute, the evidence is solid, you can rest assured"

"I am"

"Okay, don't be stubborn when you get the hammer, don't be you, come with us."

Confused, the white-bearded boss was tortured away by the police.

What awaits him is endless prison disasters.
"If a man loses his reason, what is the difference between him and a beast?"

When Li Yun returned to the Taoist temple, he shuddered when he thought of the scene. A large group of people cheered because of their animal nature, without any rationality at all.

"Indeed, there is no difference between those people and beasts. They are also rational. The reason why people are called people is because in most cases, rationality can control wildness, while demons are usually dominated by wildness." The system agreed at this time. Li Yun's conclusion.

"These things are on the edge of the law or in a foreign country." Li Yun opened the phone APP, and the news from Vietnam was almost here.

[Lightning from the sky blew up an orphanage on the border of Vietnam, but fortunately no one was injured.]

"Yeah, I'm still in the orphanage, I laughed out loud." The corners of Li Yun's mouth twitched, his face was really gone.

But things in foreign countries, let him go with him, one underground company disappeared, and there are thousands of underground companies lurking in foreign countries, if they could manage it, they would have gone back to take care of it.

Or they also feel that the world needs some places to release the inner violence factor.
At this time, I came to the backyard and put down the pieces of [Fear] that I brought out. Compared with before, it has grown a lot, at least the black smoke on it has risen by 1cm.
Turn the [fear] of these people into food, integrate them into their own fragments, and grow.

The incense spirit derived from fear naturally feeds on fear.

Li Yun will not let these fragments spread fear casually, but there is no problem in absorbing the fear of those beasts in clothes. As a side effect, those people may have some tiny nightmares in the next few days, at least they will be scared to pee The pants kind.

"Brother System, how far do you think this fragment can grow? Will it really become the local god of incense and fire?"

"Theoretically speaking, it is possible. In this world, there is no way to produce this kind of concept in all places, but Taoist temples are different. Taoist temples are not in this world, and you can ignore the rules of this world. As for whether it will evolve into incense The spirit depends on the fragment itself." The system said indifferently.

From time to time, the black fear shards would talk their heads, rubbing against Li Yun's side, sometimes covering Li Yun's eyes too much, frantically probing on the verge of death.

Li Yun is quite curious, what will this incense fire spirit become after it is formed, will it turn into a cute girl, and then cry and roll on the ground to marry him
"Host, pay attention to your image, your expression has betrayed your dirty thoughts at this moment." The system couldn't help but complain.

"Very nasty?"

"The image of the incense fire spirit depends on the source of the [reading]. In fact, the host, if you think about it carefully, a spirit that spreads fear as a reason for its gods, is the image cute, cute, or cute? ?” The system mocked, and said the last important thing three times.

Will the fear-spreading spirit turn into a cute-looking girl?
The answer is, yes--

"Brother System, you still have a broken picture. In the current world where everything can be whitewashed, even the indescribable Cthulhu and evil gods in the legend can become cute girls, and even more so. Don't say it's a fragment that spreads fear, maybe it will become a cute creature tomorrow, isn't it?" Li Yunfeng smiled lightly.


"This system sees you as hopeless"

"Thank you for the compliment--"

(End of this chapter)

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