Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 691 Who are you

Chapter 691 Who are you

"What did I do yesterday? Why are you looking at me like this?" Qiu Yuping was confused and at a loss, not knowing why her partners were looking at her.

Some are afraid, some are disgusted, and some are puzzled.

It was exactly the same as when I heard the voice at the beginning.

At this time, the student on the side couldn't help but said: "You really don't remember, you suddenly stood up last night and said something we didn't understand. I thought you were scaring us suddenly. Do you have sleepwalking? .”

"I don't have sleepwalking, you don't know we've been in the same dormitory for so long?" Qiu Yuping looked bewildered and at a loss: "If I want to sleepwalk, you should have complained to me, okay?"


As soon as these words came out, the commotion became more intense, and a gust of wind came from the fan next to it.

Without further ado, the classmate took out the phone with trembling hands.

Playing the video, everything from last night appeared in front of her eyes. Qiu Yuping straightened up with blank eyes, and said something with a resentful expression on her face.

Like a lady of every family, she cared for herself, with sadness in her brows, and she looked like Lin Daiyu.

From the beginning to the end, the image has not changed, but the temperament has undergone a huge change, as if it has become another person.

"You are playing a prank, you are definitely playing a prank." The classmate couldn't help but said, as if she really hoped that Qiu Yuping would admit that it was a deliberate prank. It was Qiu Yuping who was playing a prank.

After a moment of silence, Qiu Yuping changed her tune and said with a smile: "Well, this is a prank. I suddenly thought about it and wanted to play tricks on everyone. I'm sorry for scaring everyone."

After hearing that it was a prank, everyone laughed and was really relieved.

"What, it turned out to be a prank."

"You're being naughty again."

"Does this really make you happy?"

It turned out to be a prank, which was really good.
After the classmate breathed a sigh of relief, he complained jokingly: "You last night, but you were called all night, we couldn't wake you up no matter how we shook it, we were so scared that we went to sleep next door, you said you, when did you wake up?" become so naughty."

Professor Li looked at Qiu Yuping with reproach and said.

"Don't make such a silly joke. It's not like there are no students who have done this before. It almost scared the people in the same industry to have a heart attack. In short, it is not allowed to do it again, do you know?"


Qiu Yuping quickly apologized to everyone and said that she would treat everyone to a big meal after returning to school.

As soon as Professor Li saw that he was fine, he went out to deal with his own work, and the students who were interns were also there. In the RV, only Qiu Yuping was left, staring blankly at the phone, talking about himself.

Last night—it wasn't a prank, but it was really unconscious and didn't understand what happened at that time.

She had heard this voice before.

In the beginning, when I came to this tomb, I heard a similar whisper.

Fear is spreading.

The exploration of the ancient tomb is still going on, and the head of the tomb is gradually revealed. When the main tomb chamber is revealed, it is the work of Professor Li and the students to explore the sleeping culture and secrets in the ancient tomb.

"The so-called archaeology is to reveal the lost, past, and unknown truth to people. This is the charm of archaeology, the true meaning of archaeology, and also the duty and responsibility of our archaeologists. As Professor Li explained, he used a small broom to clean the covered sand, wanting to see if there were any murals.

Murals are an important way for people to understand the past, and they are also found on almost every ancient tomb, and they are also powerful arguments for understanding the life of the tomb owner.

Many times, people learn about the past of the owner of the tomb through the objects in the tomb.
Wearing gloves, Qiu Yuping carefully cleaned the murals on the wall, revealing the fuzzy murals in front of people.

Unlike the modern style of painting, it can be said to be a little [abstract]. To understand it, one has to dig out the cocoons from the literature and research a little bit to clarify the content of the mural.

"This mural is probably about a couple of ordinary officials. They were happy and happy before their lives, and there were no ups and downs in their love stories. Here is all about their beauty." Professor Li judged based on his usual experience. A very ordinary mural is different from the murals of ordinary officials' tombs that focus on highlighting achievements. The murals in this area are more focused on revealing the stories between people during their lifetime.

Qiu Yuping suddenly murmured at this time.


Including Professor Li, everyone looked at Qiu Yuping and said, "Do you have any other opinions?"

Professor Li looked serious, not unhappy, but rather happy. It would be a good thing for him if students could put forward different opinions with reasons.

"Ah, I feel it." Qiu Yuping hesitated: "This is definitely not a happy and happy love story without ups and downs."

Everyone was speechless for a while. They thought that the refutation at the speed of light must have a high-level discussion, but it turned out to be pure speculation. Professor Li was speechless.

"I feel that this kind of thing can't be considered as an argument. Although our analysis from the literature alone may not be correct, there are traces to follow after all, you"

Qiu Yuping quickly apologized for her rebuttal, and immediately continued her work in silence, helping to clean up the dirt on the mural.

Professor Li continued to analyze the mural.

There are more and more theoretical arguments, but Qiu Yuping feels that the truth is getting further and further away.

Absolutely not.

"Actually, Pindao also thinks that it shouldn't be like this."

An unprepared voice sounded from beside her. Qiu Yuping was stunned, the archaeological team was stunned, Professor Li was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

When did it appear here?
"The so-called murals, after all, are things from thousands of years ago. Even if they are documents, aren't they things that people extract, think, and analyze from speculations? Who really knows whether they are true or not?"

Li Yunfeng said with a light smile, well-founded and convincing, stroking the murals on the wall, without using a small sweep, the sand on it seemed to fall off by itself.

It gives the illusion that there is a gust of wind helping to clean up the sand here.

At this moment, Professor Li wanted to say something, but before he could say it, he was [persuaded] by something in his heart.

An intuition that the person in front of you really knows everything
After being in a trance for a long time, Professor Li suddenly woke up and said in astonishment: "Wait a minute, I have a question."

"Who are you!"

(End of this chapter)

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