Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 695 Where is the green light

Chapter 695 Where is the green light
The letter has long since lost any value that can be used to read it.

It's just a mass of slag that looks too rotten to be more rotten.

Looking at the scum in front of her, Qiu Yuping suddenly started to cry.

"Is this... his letter? Is it his letter?"

Li Yun didn't answer her directly.

After seeing this letter, the obsession and memory belonging to 'Cui Yingying' began to burn and blur.

Qiu Yuping is gradually forgetting, forgetting that period of obsession from her previous life.

The memories of the past eventually recede and disappear in the torrent of time.

Qiu Yuping is pure Qiu Yuping, not someone else, not anyone.

"You said that the letter you took out is from Wen Zhen? Is there any proof?" Professor Li listened clearly, but looked at Li Yun with suspicion: "Can the envelope from the Tang Dynasty be kept until now? Shouldn't it have rotted long ago, right?"

Li Yun felt that Professor Li would not believe the reason.

"If you know something poor, you know it."

At the same time, when this letter was delivered to Qiu Yuping, the little bit of obsession left on it dissipated. The last wish of the city god who had been waiting for a thousand years was finally realized at this time.

The wish attached to this letter was also absorbed by Li Yun.

Li Yun was quite surprised by this, he didn't expect that there was a wish power in this letter.
Not from the land, not from ordinary people, but from the wish power of the city god, the spirit of incense who controls the yin and yang of one land.

Chenghuang, the god of the land, is equivalent to the county magistrate in the underworld. He is in charge of the cycle of life and death in a place, and performs the responsibility of the local Yama.

In the universe in the sleeve, Meng Po's bowl had a slight resonance with the luck of the city god, but soon the resonance disappeared.

After all, the city god is just a city god, and in front of Po Meng, the boss of the reincarnation department that condenses [Tao and Fruit], it is just scum.

"There are two brushes. I can still keep my own power when I can. It's amazing my brother."

The envelope burned, and the blue flame turned into a phantom and merged into the dharma form, causing some changes in the dharma form.

Originally, the clothes of the Faxiang were mainly blue and white. After incorporating the wish of the city god, the appearance of the clothes was dotted with red lines——

At this time, Chuchen had a heroic look and a ghostly aura.

It's not a gloomy ghost aura, but a very masculine ghost aura similar to Zhong Kui's.

"What are you performing again?" Professor Li looked at the burning letter in Li Yun's hand, and suddenly became suspicious.

After experiencing what happened just now, the core values ​​of materialism that Professor Li firmly believes in have changed a little bit.

Professor Li couldn't describe the situation just now with magic tricks, and couldn't explain it directly at all.

"Professor Li, why is there only one female skeleton in this coffin." The student used his knowledge to identify the gender of the skeleton from the pelvis and physical condition.

"If, if, this is really Yuan Zhen's tomb, then what can be used to prove it? Why is there no body here?" Professor Li said in a deep voice.

Professor Li had no choice but to look at Li Yun. Before he knew it, the master of archeology wanted to ask Li Yun, a young man who was about the same age as the students.

Professor Li felt it was ridiculous, he was ridiculous, the person in front of him was ridiculous, and the reason was equally ridiculous.

Everything is based on the premise of the existence of strange powers and chaotic gods——

The thirst for knowledge opened a door in his heart.

"According to historical records, Yuan Zhen died at the age of 52, while Cui Yingying died at the age of 72. Cui Yingying was younger than Yuan Zhen. Even if the historical records are biased, it is known that Yuan Zhen died earlier than Cui Yingying. This tomb is It was built for Yuan Zhen, and Cui Yingying was moved into this tomb later." Li Yun said with a smile: "That is to say, even though Yuan Zhen had a dead wife and Cui Yingying had a husband's tomb, I still chose to place the tomb in the tomb. Move in here."

Then sing a green light song for Grandpa Zheng Heng. After his wife died, he was buried with his first love.

Became a receiver, until he was determined not to be his own.

"As for the bones, have you ever thought that Yuan Zhen's bones were excavated in the Tang Dynasty, and when Cui Yingying's bones were moved in, they ceased to exist?"

Workers came in to remove the coffin.

Two high-quality huanghuali wood coffins still have a fragrance after a thousand years.

The final home of the bones in the coffin is the museum, where the bones of the [Tang Dynasty woman] are exhibited. This coffin will also be moved to the local museum for everyone to see.

Even if there are no more antiques in the tomb, the coffin is still a valuable relic, and the cemetery itself can be used as an exhibit of civilization.

"How does it feel to see your bones being dug away?" Li Yun turned to look at Qiu Yuping. This was not only being dug up, but also being studied by the crowd.

Qiu Yuping felt a little strange, and said after a long time: "This is not my skeleton, this is the skeleton of an ancient woman, I am me, I am Qiu Yuping, I have no other name, so is the ghost possessing me really Cui Yingying? The heroine in The West Chamber."

After experiencing these things, Qiu Yuping believed that there are many incredible things in this world, such as monsters and ghosts, such as the Taoist Li Yun in front of her.

No matter from which point of view, he is not an ordinary person.

Li Yun nodded slowly.

"Yes, but this is not possession. In Pindao's words, it is more like a kind of resonance. She disappears, and the resonance between you and her also disappears. Your memory and cognition can also return. It's normal, I will only remember what I experienced today."

For Qiu Yuping, today's events are like a dream.

At this time, Professor Li said.

"How did you know that Yuan Zhen's tomb was excavated a long time ago."

"Of course it's because Pindao knows who dug this tomb."

"how can that be."

Now Professor Li doesn't believe it at all. How could the young man in front of the tomb thousands of years ago know who stole the bones.

Li Yun looked at the wish power wrapped in his hand with a smile.

After all, knowing who the tomb robber is.
The letter just now did not come from Wen Zhen.

but from.

Zheng Heng, Cui Yingying's original husband's
(End of this chapter)

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