Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 708, behind the wall

Chapter 708, behind the wall

"Perhaps there is something wrong with this poor person, but there is one thing that is certain." Li Yun said seriously: "About your husband, it may not be of your own will. It was arson, but there were some other reasons that caused him to become what he is now."

The proprietress raised her head and looked at Li Yun with surprise in her eyes.

"Master Dao, what do you mean by that? He didn't set the fire because of himself? Then why?"

"Pindao is here for this reason. If the layman wants to know the reason why your husband has become like this, can you explain to him, when did your husband start to have a different change these days?" Li Yun stared at the proprietress' eyes and said.

After a moment of silence, the proprietress chose to explain.

"My husband has become a little irritable, abnormal, and easily angry since last month. He even beat me up once because the food was a bit unpalatable. He would never be like this before." From the corner of the proprietress' eyes There are hot waves passing by, those who hear it are sad, and those who see it feel pity.

When the passing guests saw Li Yun, a young Taoist priest, and then the proprietress, they couldn't help thinking of something indescribable.
Regarding this, Li Yun didn't see anything wrong, just listened to the proprietress' words silently, and then opened the Linghai to listen to the whispers of the people around.

"Madam Boss, is she a widow?"

"Tsk tsk, my husband found a new man not long after his accident. I really envy that bull-nosed, this figure, my god"

'Perhaps not?The proprietress is not that kind of person, she usually keeps a distance when talking to men."

'Knowing people, knowing face, not knowing heart, who knows if the proprietress is such a woman in her bones?Maybe she still likes to be with N men, you see she is with the boss at such a young age, the boss is a middle-aged man, but the energy is very difficult'

'Shut up, be envious if you are envious, don't slander others. '

It can be heard from their words that the proprietress is a real lady, she rarely talks to men alone, and there is no one else in the normal world except the boss.

【Not being beaten and scolded by her husband for cheating】

Later, what these people discussed was how much they envied Li Yun, the boy, how much they envied the boss, and how possessive they were for the boss's wife.

Of course, it's just talking, and I still dare not do it.

Similarly, Li Yun also admitted that the proprietress is really charming, she has the temperament of a lady and a wife, plus she is still young, beautiful and dignified, she looks only 25 years old, according to Li Yun's calculation method, Hanxiang's charm is 10 points, and Liu Yanli's is 1 point, so the proprietress's charm value is as much as 0.1, which is really terrifying.
Li Yun slowly closed his eyes, withdrew his Linghai, and stopped listening to their nagging, probably the content was not nutritious, mostly the wails of defeated dogs.

"Later, when it got serious, he even wanted me to kill the child. I really didn't know what to do. Why did he become like this?"

"Pindao already knows the situation, sorry for the pretense, what is the lady's name?"

"My name is Qiu Yuling."

"Good name madam."

"Well, my husband also became acquainted with me because of this name." Qiu Yuling's eyes revealed endless tenderness: "He was so gentle at that time. When I met him, although he didn't like to talk, but My favorite thing is small animals. When a stray cat gets caught in the rain, I will give my umbrella to the stray cat. I choose to run back to the holiday home in the rain, and then explain it to me foolishly.”

After Li Yun finished listening, he asked an irrelevant question.

"Then Madam knows, what is the hotel's predecessor?"

After Qiu Yuling paused, she said.

"I have no idea."

"Is that so?"

Bai Chen shattered the wall of the hot spring with one blow, and after applying the soundproof enchantment, no one could hear any movement here.

The [Fear] remaining here burst out along with the dust, and no one has opened this place for a long time.

After it was turned into a hotel, no one came in again, except Bai Chen, the little fox and the black cat.

The black cat was excitedly nibbling away small fragments of fear in the dark room behind the wall.

After Bai Chen stepped into this place, he yawned and stroked the wall.

"Tsk tsk, it turned out to be such a place." Bai Chen scraped off a row of white lime powder from the wall: "It seems to be used to preserve certain things, to preserve certain things that cannot be known."

A stench gushed out from inside, and Bai Chen had long been used to the stench, while Xiao Su Li shivered and huddled into a ball, with nine tails surrounding her head, leaving only a thin slit for her eyes to see. look at the road.

There is a little curiosity in the fear, exactly the same as a person who is scared to death by a horror movie and insists on watching it.

"By the way, if you are so scared, you should talk to the widow with your father, that scum, why come with me?"

"What do you mean by surviving people, people who are not dead?" Xiao Su Li looked at Bai Chen innocently and curiously, and said with a little fear in her tone: "I'm just scared, but I want to see it"

"Well, the nine-tailed fox who likes to test on the edge of death, frankly speaking, your character is really not like Qingqiu Kingdom, the king of fox demons."

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at the little fox. The little fox looked bewildered and at a loss. What does the king of fox demons mean?

"Isn't the nine-tailed fox the king of fox monsters? No, it should be the king of all monsters. You don't look like a descendant of [King] at all."

At this moment, Bai Chen stopped talking to the little fox, but turned around to look at the place where the smell came from.

It got thicker and thicker, and even the little fox couldn't stand it anymore, and the whole furry tail covered his head.

The black cat became more and more excited, eating the fragments of fear all over the floor, and finally couldn't digest it directly, and collapsed to the ground, unable to get up again.

Black cat, gg, the reason for leaving the stage, he was full——

Bai Chen clapped his fingers, and with a flash of light, a light source burst out from his fingers, illuminating the whole room.

All of them are presented in front of your eyes.

The source of the stink.

It is a tool.

Already dried.

Dead body.

The little baby's body was neatly placed on the shelf.

Xiao Suli moved her tail away, glanced at it quietly, almost fainted from fright, and trembled in fear.

"This, this, this, this is so scary! Dad, where have you been?"

Bai Chen was expressionless, looking at the dried corpse and said calmly.

"Did you see it?"

"What did you see?"

"They're... crying."

(End of this chapter)

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