Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 717, Shangxiang

Chapter 717, Shangxiang

The dens that the faceless police bought with their lives and time were destroyed.
It still exists now.

"It turns out that the hero has been dying until now, does he have regrets in his heart? He also knows about it." Li Yun thought for a while, and only those with regrets would go to the Taoist temple.

If he had suffered like that and fulfilled his mission, if it was only for the sake of his wife and children, it would soon dissipate and would not exist for so long.

The scriptures of saving people, scriptures of saving ghosts, and ghosts who need to be saved will come here.

It was the same with the young man just now, he felt sorry for Bai Chen, but after seeing that Bai Chen was not attracted by the poison, he left with peace of mind.

The faceless policeman knows that he has not completed the task, but the outside world thinks he has completed the task, and this matter may be out of bounds.
It has not been completely destroyed, and there are still remnants.

Bai Chen suddenly remembered something, and a little bit of white powder appeared in his hand.

Not burnt yet, a little powder left.

"I said what's wrong"

Bai Chen separated the remaining white powder with magic.

One side is a transparent concentrated liquid, and the other side is permeated with an off-white substance.

"The main ingredient of this thing is probably this transparent liquid." Bai Chen presented the off-white substance in front of Li Yun and said, "However, this is probably not a product of the human world."

Li Yun looked at the gray substance.

Like life and death.

Why is it so like the other shore flower?

"Is it very similar to the Bana flower?" Bai Chen said, "It doesn't need to be very similar. This is the Bana flower. It's not the kind of Lycoris that blooms in the world, but it blooms in the land between yin and yang, and it is extracted from the substance between life and death. substances that come out."

"What harm does it do to human beings?" Li Yun felt that the drug was already poisonous enough, adding the Bana flower would make it more poisonous.

"It's not harmful. At least the species of Bianhua that I extracted is tasteless for human beings as an additive, and it's a pity to discard it. For ghosts, it is highly poisonous that flocks to them and can kill them."

It turns out that there are different types of Bana flowers, and Li Yun felt his posture was raised.

Bai Chen stood up and looked at the sky.

"Actually, the most important question is how did they get the extract of the Bianhua flower, was it intentional? Or was it unintentional?"

"After all, this thing only grows at the junction of life and death."

Li Yun and Bai Chen came to the hero cemetery in the city.

Until now, there are still people coming here to worship the unknown policeman one after another.

There are colleagues and ordinary citizens.

Different from the tiny attention points on the Internet, here, everyone still hasn't forgotten that there are unnamed policemen who have dedicated everything to the citizens.

Li Yun felt warm in his heart, at least much more comfortable than watching the tiny pages on the news.

People have not yet been overwhelmed by materialistic desires.

"Because the identity is forged, even his family can't visit him, just to protect his wife and children."

"How do you know he has a wife and children?" Bai Chen frowned.

"His soul has been to a Taoist temple before, and he wears a ring on his ring finger. He obviously has a wife." Li Yun silently put a stick of incense on the hero
Well, the stove can't even hold the incense, and it's all filled with incense from passers-by.

No one heard of them during their lifetime, but their incense burns after their death. Perhaps this is the portrayal of an unsung hero.

At this time, a middle-aged man took out a new incense burner and put it in front of the grave.

"If you don't mind, come here."

"Thank you."

Li Yun looked at the middle-aged man, nodded his thanks, and put the new incense on it.

Misty smoke, incense into the clouds.

The middle-aged man in front of him was haggard and thin, wearing a gray cloth shirt, just staring blankly at the grave.

Weak, poor, helpless.

His identity is too easy to guess.

Li Yun looked at the middle-aged man, and said indifferently: "I would like to advise the layman not to stand here for too long, otherwise, everything he has done will be wasted. Please don't disappoint his efforts."

Efforts to hide his name and give up his identity.

The middle-aged man was taken aback, and quickly bowed his head to Li Yun to apologize, and then left in a hurry.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Obviously he is offering incense to his own child."

Li Yun didn't look at the middle-aged man who left. The spiritual sea in his body was running, and his six senses were fully activated, expanding outward from the cemetery as the center.

Just like what Bai Chen said, this variety of Bianhua is harmless to strangers, but to ghosts, it is a poison that makes them flock to it.

A poison that would kill you if you touch it, and you have to get close to it.

When the spiritual sense is fully open, it can be felt that no matter whether it is the martyrs cemetery here or the cemetery not far away, there are no souls entangled.

There are no ghosts in a place that should be extremely gloomy, this is the most embarrassing thing
"It seems that the grave's cloudy atmosphere is a rumor."

"The yin energy in the mass grave is the most serious." The system complained abruptly.

If you think about it, the abandoned bones are the ones with the most resentment. Where do these people who have been buried in the ground have resentment? Even if there is resentment, they will just wander around and will not stay on the grave.

Sure enough, traditional superstitions cannot be fully believed.
Searching with spiritual sense, in this city, there is indeed a place where the spirits are very dense, and at the same time the surrounding spirits are also approaching.

It appears to be that place.
Opening his eyes, Li Yun took Bai Chen, opened the Kunlun Mirror, and teleported there.

No one noticed the sudden appearance and sudden disappearance of the two.

There was a continuous stream of people coming and going.

They are all honoring heroes.

No one knows what the real name of the unsung hero is, but that does not prevent them from worshiping and admiring the unsung hero.

One of the sentimental little girls burst into tears looking at the grave, choked up.

"What a good person, why did he have to sacrifice it?"

On the side, her boyfriend also sighed and echoed: "Yes, what a nice person, why did he sacrifice like this, for this kind of thing, even the family has no pension for sacrificing."

"Why not?"

The girl's boyfriend said with complicated eyes.

"Undercover, you've either undergone plastic surgery or changed your file, like a reborn person, you have no relationship with your previous family members. This sacrifice is not insignificant. Anyway, if I was asked to do it, I would definitely refuse it. Serving the country and the people is nonsense, I just live for my family and you."

"such a pity"

The girl and her boyfriend held each other tightly, looking at the grave, they could only sigh.

What a pity--

After following Li Yun's advice, the middle-aged man who was supposed to leave silently stared blankly at the other cemeteries.

He didn't look at the tombstone of the unknown policeman, but he couldn't help but glance over there.

In the end, he endured it and murmured while looking at the sky.

"Yeah, why, why did he sacrifice like that, it shouldn't be."

(End of this chapter)

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