Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 721, just a bear

Chapter 721, just a bear
The hood of the black sweater was lifted.

A young and somewhat excessive face appeared in front of his eyes.

Terrified, stunned, exactly the same as the little gangster when facing the machete, only this time the helpless person became himself.

This machete is very effective against these little bastards, but it is the same against Ah Da and Li Yun, as weak as a toy knife.

The middle-aged man watching this scene was stunned when he saw this scene, but he was even more surprised when he saw the face under the hoodie.

For some reason, the middle-aged man summoned up his courage and came in front of Li Yun'ada and him.

Not afraid of the scene in front of me, just looking at the young man, wanting to confirm this face
"It's actually you."

The middle-aged man was deeply impressed by the person in front of him.

On that day, the young man brought his girlfriend to the cemetery to worship.

Ordinary, unremarkable young people are actually young people who have the same ideas as themselves, but take different actions.

"Do you know that you have committed a crime of murder and you are burdened with blood and debts?" Li Yun said indifferently.

"Do you know what you are doing? If you let these people go for a second, one more person will be hurt. You think you are saving people, but you are actually killing people! Pooh! Hypocritical Taoist priests." The young man said hysterically.

"Don't you know? How many anti-drug police officers are sacrificed by the country every year, and how many people in the country die from this kind of thing every year, do you all understand! No, you don't understand! You are the party that is plagued by blood and debt!"

The young man's eyes were firm, and he looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

If I don't go to hell, the feeling of who will go to hell arises spontaneously, and it seems to be as great as a giant in an instant.

So touched, so touched.

For the sake of those policemen and others who died, they would not hesitate to turn into dark knights, and they would not hesitate to stain their hands with blood.

Moved myself.

"A hero!" Li Yun sighed with emotion, and then changed the topic: "That's what you want to be called, isn't it a hero?"

Suddenly, the young man felt that Li Yun's gaze was a little dazzling.

Originally, even in the face of Ah Da, he was not afraid.

But when faced with Li Yun's see-through eyes, he was afraid and flinched.

"What are you trying to say. Don't you? Am I doing something wrong?"

"Pindao just wants to talk about this. What exactly are you longing for? What you long for is just the selfish desire of being called a [hero]." Li Yun smiled slightly: "You concealed it very well, but you can conceal it. No matter how good you are, you can't really hide your thoughts. Your emotion towards the faceless policeman is not admiration and admiration, but jealousy."

This young man is jealous of the faceless policeman.

jealous of the praise he received.

praised by society.

Countless people even go to burn incense on the grave after death.

He is being watched.


Either live or die.

He...is a hero.

"The selfish desire called being a hero, but unfortunately, you will never be a hero, you are just a murderer with blood on your hands." Li Yun pointed the young man's forehead with his fingers.


Scene warp transform.

The chains of the evil mirror are wrapped around the body of the young man, presenting everything he has experienced before his eyes.

Presented in front of Li Yun, Ah Da, the middle-aged man, and the young man himself.

At this time, the ones who were cut by the knife were not people, but pigs.

The young man is a pig butcher.

A technique handed down from generation to generation for cutting pork.

The father was a pig butcher, and the child became a pig butcher as a matter of course.

Cutting pork with a knife day and night.

However, a pig butcher is a pig butcher.

Even if it is said that everyone is equal now, there are still chains of contempt in the metropolis. Young people who are pig butchers naturally fall into the chain of contempt of others.

He was so unwilling.

He didn't want to be a pig butcher, because he smelled like a pig when he went out, and was ridiculed and despised by others.

He quit this job and looked for another job. Even if he worked part-time, he couldn't butcher pigs.

Income is low, but 'status' is high.
At least he won't be scorned openly.

But that's not enough.

And more.

Like the faceless policeman, get the admiration and admiration of others.

Like a hero.

Congratulations spontaneously from everyone.

"Hero, legend, what a commendable title. Envy, jealousy, hatred, and all kinds of emotions are mixed together, which really makes me sink." Li Yun said: "From killing pigs to killing people, I can understand it. Is it? It all comes from your selfish desires. You have been deceiving yourself all the time, using the righteousness of a hero to penetrate your desires."

It is clear to the bystanders that the youth didn't know it at first.

Until now, I finally saw my own essence clearly.

Yes, because I am jealous of heroes and I want to be heroes, I will do [eliminate harm for the people].

"But me... But I was killing harm for the people, what did I do wrong! They are all damned, even if my original intentions are wrong, but my actions are not wrong!" That's right.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with killing these people!
Li Yun made the illusion change.

At that time, after killing the drug trafficker, the young man did not stop his pace.
The butcher's knife slashed at another lobby manager who went back to the company to pick up things at night.

He is a real tomato seller, he is diligent, works honestly in the company, has a wife and children, and he just returns to the company to get information
True innocents.

"He was seriously injured and died last night. Tell me, what sin did he have? Is he selling tomatoes? To be honest, their tomatoes are quite delicious, scientifically grown, sweet and crispy, and two more were chopped by you. Disabled, they are just selling tomatoes, so what's wrong?"

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched, unable to speak.

The scene was twisted and changed again, this time the person who was slashed could not be considered innocent.

But absolutely not guilty of death.

A person who is full of despair about life and tries to find pleasure in the momentary pleasure.

A woman who looks like a gold digger.

A guy who seems to be sensual, looking for himself in a nightclub.

"Damn them?"

"That's right, you think it should be damned, gold diggers should die, people who like to hang out in nightclubs should die, people who give up on life should die." Li Yun's eyes were indifferent: "You have already, addicted to your own pleasure, put [hero] and [judge] Your roles are mixed up. If you really only killed those drug dealers, maybe I will applaud you."

At this time, the young man was still whispering 'I'm right' and 'I'm right'.

Maybe I found that I was wrong, but unfortunately I was immersed in my own world and dared not face it.

Can't even face mistakes.


It's just a bear who commits crimes through heroism.

(End of this chapter)

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