Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 723, The Way of the World

Chapter 723, The Way of the World
Ghosts and gods do not exist in this world.

This is everyone's values, outlook on life, and outlook on society. Even Li Yun thinks so. Except for his own Taoism, there are absolutely no ghosts and gods outside. After all, it is restricted by rules. There are no messy mythical creatures in Yinglong.

Li Yun guarantees that there are absolutely none of these. If there are mythical creatures like Hanba walking in the world, they will eat three catties of heat on the spot.

Do what you say, and never cheat on food and drink.

However, there is a kind of ghost and god Li Yun that still exists in the world, and he must face it seriously.

That is leadership.


"An official position in the world, someone from above wants to come to Xiangtou Mountain, and we want to take care of it." Li Yun looked at the message from Xuanli and said: "Although it is for the beautiful scenery, it has nothing to do with us, but sometimes , the people above don’t think so, but the people below don’t necessarily.”

This is where Li Yun was a little speechless.

From the point of view of posture, people just intend to visit the mountains quietly, see the beautiful scenery, drink tea, and eat melons, but they have been misrepresented in various ways, and the following are various guesses, various thoughts, thinking that the leader will come What to do, what expression to use to receive.

Xuanli also had the same thought, and got nervous when he heard the wind.

The village chief also came to say hello, saying that some big boss was coming, and he was in a state of distress, and a few of his few black hairs fell out—in fact, he was plucked out by his eldest grandson. dropped.

The bigger the momentum, Li Yun, who originally wanted to treat him with a normal heart, had to face it a little more seriously.

Facing not only leaders, but more people
In fact, to some extent, these talents are targets that need to be dealt with seriously.

"Tsk, it's meaningless, do you guys like playing with these so much?" Bai Chen said succinctly.

Liked by Li Yun
However, he quickly said: "Honestly speaking, you really have no right to condemn us. In the history of mythology, which god appeared on the stage was not shining with golden light and surrounded by force. The same is true for the legendary Yinglong, with wings on his back and strong wind and blowing around him." Pour a lot of water, for fear that others will not know that you forced the king to come into the world."

Bai Chen: "."

"I, I didn't do it on purpose. I was born like this, and I can't help it. I can't control my own sex!"

Bai Chen's eyes flickered, and his tone was guilty.

But Li Yun knew that after the legendary Ying Long came to the south, the weather immediately became smooth. The so-called smooth weather means that the wind and rain come when they should come, and they don’t come when they shouldn’t. It can be controlled. It will be like the Hanba, completely unable to control the energy of its own explosion.

"Don't explain, explaining is just covering up, you're so guilty you're still covering up." Li Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looking at Bai Chen who was deep in thought.

Bai Chen is now thinking about what black history he still has that hasn't been unearthed
"This involves a very philosophical issue. It may be that what is meaningless to you is the meaning. Life is like being raped [beep]. If you can't resist, enjoy it." Liu Yanli beat A yawn: "Actually think about it carefully, isn't the human leader coming here as a humanoid propaganda? Your Elephant Head Mountain, Elephant Head Village, and Sanqing Temple are so awesome. Even the city leaders can come here. You are awesome. When the time comes Your business is booming, isn't it flattering?"

"Actually, I prefer to be quieter."

Before the time came, all kinds of people first came to Xiangtou Mountain Taoist Temple to stop and squat, and walked around to look around, as if they were afraid that they would not know that a big man was coming.

About half an hour later, a middle-aged man with a majestic and domineering face, like a superior, came to the Taoist temple, walking vigorously and aggressively.

good. so shiny
There are all kinds of people around.

too majestic
Many people around cast envious eyes on the boss, thinking that this person's life is really happy, being surrounded by such a person.

However, is this really the case?

There was a hint of impatience on the middle-aged man's face, but it was hidden very deeply, only Li Yun and Bai Chen could feel it through [Qi].

He is annoying.

Annoys people around.

But he couldn't show it, he could only show it like now, with a kind smile on his brows, but at the same time majestic.

"It doesn't seem easy for him." Bai Chen tutted.

"No one has it easy."

Treat it normally.

The middle-aged man did not enter the Taoist temple, but wandered on the mountain, admiring the beautiful scenery.

Xiangtou Mountain was not only purified, but also began to be "assimilated" by the Taoist temple, becoming like a fairyland.

The result of this is that Li Yun has some of the six senses of [Mountain], and has obtained some functions that contain fragrance, and he can be regarded as a genuine mountain god of Xiangtou Mountain.

On the contrary, Hanxiang also gained the [sense] of the Taoist temple. Although he has no command authority, he can sense what happened in any corner of the temple.

This kind of empathy is generally used when the little fox doesn't want to learn to run around and hide, but Hanxiang can pick it out every time.

Learning makes you happy—and so does the fox.

"The more you look at it, the more pitiful he is. He just wants to climb a mountain. He can't drive them away just by being watched like this." Liu Yanli couldn't help feeling a little pitiful for him: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves."

"This is the [price]. He has to face these things when he becomes a big boss. He should also have such an awareness. He feels that losing part of his freedom can be exchanged for these things. It feels worthwhile. Since he thinks it's worth it, then we as What right do others have to feel sorry for him? What's more, he got something that ordinary people can't get in a lifetime." Li Yun said with a smile.

Just as Li Yun finished speaking, someone entered the Taoist temple.

Logically speaking, it doesn't matter who enters the Taoist temple, there are many pilgrims coming and going every day.

This person entered the Taoist temple very slowly, as if stuck in mud.

Walk step by step.

Maybe after this step, there is no next step.


An old man entered the Taoist temple with a cane.

Haggard figure, dark skin like wrinkled chicken skin, stooped waist.

Wearing a plain white shirt with a small white gown inside.

But clear eyes.

The old man was tired from walking, so he came to the gazebo and sat down directly.

Eyes slightly closed, enjoying the breeze blowing.

Seeing this, Li Yun handed the old man a cup of hot tea.

The old man was a little surprised, finally smiled and took the hot tea.

"thank you."

"Tea, there are plenty of poor Taoist temples." Li Yun sat down with a smile and said, "But people like lay monks are not common."

The old man froze for a moment and said.

"It's just an old man, why should the Taoist priest be so concerned?"

"That's right, just an old man."

Li Yun silently accompanied the old man to blow the air here.

The old man also silently enjoyed the quiet and peace.

Finally, he took out a chessboard from his small bag.

"Since we are both free, let's play chess."

Li Yun didn't refuse the old man's little request, and started playing chess.

The chess pieces are very old, and the handwriting on the wood has long been blurred, and some of them have even been repainted.

You can feel the traces of time when you touch it.

Chess is like life.

Time has passed and there is no coming back.

The arch soldiers walk on horseback.

The old man's hands were very slow, and Li Yun was not in a hurry, every time he silently waited for the dying old man to make a move.

It has to be said that although the old man's body has declined, his thinking is still quite clear, which is comparable to Li Yun's.
To put it simply, chickens peck at each other.
"Actually, you don't need to let me, an old man, I still can afford to lose."

"Pindao is young, and his thinking is faster than yours, which is an advantage. There is no such thing as giving in or not."

Can't speak.

Li Yun couldn't say it at all, in fact, he was just that good.

The old man was very happy playing chess.

Haven't been this happy in a long time.

"Actually, do you know that playing chess with a bad old man like me is actually better than going to the mountains to see the scenery and mountains and rivers with that guy. Maybe some benefits will fall on your head. He is the real one. Gentleman." The old man's expression was serious, without any deceit: "You are very good, playing chess with me is not worth it."

Li Yun took a sip of tea by himself, and said calmly: "Whether a noble person is a person or not, for a poor person, he is not a noble person, and the poor person does not need to accompany him. On the contrary, the poor person is more willing to play chess with the layman. This makes Pindao even more happy."

"You boy, you are really not ordinary interesting."

"The so-called life, isn't the pursuit of fun?"

The old man laughed again, loudly this time.

Laughter was mixed with a few coughs.

Li Yun waved his whisk and used magic to relieve the old man's pain.

"thank you"

The old man doesn't believe in supernatural powers.

But subconsciously thanked Li Yun.

He himself didn't know why.

"No need."

"Happy, happy, I'm really happy to meet a young man like Taoist Priest, this trip is worth it, this trip is worth it haha" the old man stood up with a cane, and walked towards the door of the Taoist temple Walked over: "Old man, I will leave first, interesting Taoist priest, I hope we can meet again."

Unlike ordinary pilgrims, he did not enter the Taoist temple to offer incense.

"Why doesn't he come in and have a bouquet of incense before leaving?" Han Xiang looked at the old man's hunched and weak back.

"Because he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods." Li Yun pointed at him and said, "He, the ghosts and gods in the world, is the important person who came on this trip. The one who went up the mountain was to cover him."

"No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a big shot. He's just ordinary. I don't think he needs to cover up at all." Liu Yanli shrugged, not thinking that the old man was a big shot.

Even if he was once a big shot, he was so old that he was lost in the crowd, he had no temperament at all, and he would not be looked at even if he was thrown into the crowd.

Li Yun looked at the old man who was gradually going away and said indifferently.

"Maybe he doesn't know, he has long been forgotten by time."

"I met a very interesting Taoist priest today." The old man smiled and hummed a song, and when he returned home, he was in a good mood.

"Well, interesting Taoist priest." The middle-aged man complained suddenly: "Teacher, don't let me do such things in the future, I'm really afraid of those people."

"Haha, I was quite afraid when I was young, but now I'm not afraid anymore. After all, they only remember you, not me, and I didn't think about it, but it's okay if they don't remember me, or they don't remember me, haha, It's the best news I got today." The old man sat on the easy chair, his body swaying, and he said, "The wind in the Taoist temple is more comfortable. The wind in this yard always feels like it's going to blow my old bones. Let go."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man suddenly lost his composure. He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands tightly.

"Yeah, why do they only remember me and not you? You should be the one who should be remembered the most. Why do those hypocritical and dirty guys only remember me? I don't agree."

Why should I be remembered instead?
The two appeared at the same time, but ignored their teacher
Thinking of this, the heart of the middle-aged man began to block.

Sad, want to cry.

"Hehe, if people outside find out about your appearance, I'm afraid it will be called an excuse for being attacked. Just talk about it in front of me. Don't let it go outside." The old man stopped smiling suddenly, and looked serious. Said: "I promise me seriously, give up such thoughts."


The middle-aged man was depressed.

The old man was right.

He can only growl here twice.

He has no way to change the views of the outside world, let alone speak out.

Once he said something, he would definitely be seriously implicated, and even his own teacher would not be spared.

Why is it forgotten?
After all, it's just because there is no need to remember it anymore
"Old things like us from the past era, let me be quiet, old man, forget it, forget it."

"Some things can be forgotten, and some things must not be, such as you, teacher." The middle-aged man took a deep breath and said, "No matter who forgets you, I will never forget it. Forget what you have done for this country." contribution, forever.”

"You are too serious, calm down, calm down."

The old man continued to enjoy the afternoon.

Looking at the relaxed old man, the middle-aged man couldn't help but relax.

Since the old man doesn't bother about it, why should he bother himself?
Perhaps, this is the life the old man wants.

Some of the original troubles disappeared, at least for the time being.

When the old man opened his eyes, the middle-aged man had disappeared.

Only the old man himself remained in the entire compound.

Empty, without family.

It was originally empty.

It's been empty since I came here.

How I wish the house wasn't empty.

Unfortunately, this is an unfulfilled wish.

The old man felt that his thinking was getting slower and slower.

Movements, steps, weakened day by day.

The old man vaguely guessed his current physical condition.

"such a pity"

Straightening his body to stand up, the old man opened the old map in his hand.

Preserved carefully, redrawing the map over and over again
A place marked on the red dot, the old man looked at it and hesitated for a moment.

"After all, I still have to go back and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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