Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 726, need to remember

Chapter 726, need to remember


Although the relationship between China and Japan is now in an ambiguous period, that period of history still happened after all. No one can forget it, and it must not be forgotten.

The history of being invaded.

"So there really is a ghost."

Li Yun frowned. Now is not the time to worry about being slapped in the face for a second. Looking at the dead soul in front of him, he found that he had already lost his sanity.

Not only did she lose all her intelligence, but even her nature as a "ghost" changed.

Although this sutra was not prepared for him, but the sutra has been recited, and this dead soul has no intention of going to heaven at all.

The ritual bonus that comes with the incense fire dragon pattern platform is useless to the little dead soul in front of you?

This is impossible
"It always feels like the wind is blowing." Ming Ye shivered a little, looked up at the scorching sun, and couldn't figure it out.

Li Yun was a little surprised. Mingye's spiritual sense was quite sharp, and he could still feel something was wrong.

The wind blows, and the demon wind rises.

It's still cool.

At this time, another brainless soul with a rising sun flag on its head gushed out from the ground.

more and more.

Don't stop until the entire square is filled.

The soul of Japan came out.

Another group of souls began to emerge from the earth.

Unlike the souls of Japanese officers wearing the rising sun flag, these souls are all civilians, disheveled, skinny, and dark-skinned.

the real past.

Once again in the world between ghosts.

The spirits of the Japanese soldiers chased these Chinese civilians, and the Chinese civilians kept running until they were killed.

Reciprocating cycle, there is no end time.

A miserable pantomime.

Li Yun couldn't stop it either.

These souls have become earth-bound spirits for some reason.

The so-called earth-bound spirits are souls that repeat their [mission] during their lifetime.

The Japanese soldiers chased, and these civilians were chased.

That's all there is to it.

The only thing that is uncertain is why a group of souls have become earth-bound spirits. Do they all have obsessions and have no return?
Li Yun shook his head, just sighed and said.


"What do you know?" Old Man Fang looked at Li Yun fiercely, pulled his Taoist robe excitedly and said, "Is it true that you saw them?"

"You can see it, but you can't touch it. What's the use? To you, it's just a phantom of the past."

Li Yun looked at the wandering souls in front of him, and his obsession was too deep to be directly realized.

The usage itself has the function of [strong institutionalization], but it is useless at all now.

"Please, let them rest in peace, I... I can dream of them every night, dream of their wailing, they are begging me every day, begging me to liberate them, really, can anyone help Me, help me liberate them." The grumpy old man Fang immediately changed his face.

Li Yun didn't speak.

Ghosts do exist, and there are many more, but they are definitely not the reason for old man Fang's dreams.

The Earthbound Spirit entrenched here has no ability to do anything to people.

"Brother Yun, what are you doing? Did you see anything?" The little girl Mingye leaned towards Li Yun, trembling a little.

"Do you want to see it? Look at the history, what really happened in this land."

"I..." Ming Ye knew that something bad must have happened in front of him. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "I want to see what history you are talking about."

Li Yun's spirit flowed and touched Ming Ye's forehead.


Mingye's inspiration is not a little stronger than human beings, but much stronger.
"Mingye, what do you see on my forehead?"

"Your forehead?" Ming Ye muttered, "It seems that you can see some golden lines, which should be decorations or something."

"Well, it's just decoration."

With full inspiration, Ming Ye suddenly felt a burst of clarity in front of his eyes.

I can see the shadow slowly appearing in front of my eyes.

The sins of the past are presented in front of his eyes, and Mingye is not afraid when he sees these things for the first time, but feels very distressed.

"Too much"

"That's right, it's too much. No matter how you cover it up, it's too much. It's too bad to attack unarmed civilians."

Japanese soldiers used bayonets and guns to ravage the phantoms of civilians.

The phantoms of the civilians did not disappear after being attacked, but slowly merged into the ground.

After merging into the ground, wait for the next cycle.

Endless, endless.

Until the day when the soul is annihilated.

Li Yun turned to look at old man Fang and said indifferently: "Mr. Fang, can you tell me what happened here?"

Old man Fang had complicated eyes, and finally nodded slowly.

"The village here was originally called Fangcun and named Shigu Village. It was built after 1946. In this desolate land, the devastated people who are dying gather together to keep warm."

In 1946, the war ended and the Chinese people won.

Yet victorious, the hateful war still scars the land.

Fangcun is no longer there.

Only a place called Shigu Village remained.

"As for me, I was just a child at the time. I didn't dare to make a sound. I hid in the wine cellar. I didn't dare to rush out. I didn't dare to rush out when I saw my parents and relatives being killed. My mother said that death Don't even go out, I really didn't go out." The old man Fang's face was full of remorse, regretting that he didn't rush out at that time, thinking that he was cowardly and despicable, everyone was fighting, only he escaped.
In fact, he was still a child at the time, and he had no responsibility to rush out at all. The only thing he had to do was to survive.

Children should be protected
Li Yun sighed. At the beginning, Fang Village did not stop the vicious devils, which led to the destruction of the village.

In fact, it can't be stopped at all.

"Pindao really wants to use a softer way to destroy them. Think about it carefully, what happened in the first place? Other than your matter." Li Yun felt that if there is no other causal relationship, he can only summon the artifact to break through with violence This [Reincarnation] chain.

Theoretically speaking, the earth-bound spirits are formed only when there is unwillingness, resentment, remorse, and attachment in the heart. Although the earth-bound spirits here feel a bit wrong to Li Yun, Li Yun still feels that they must be saved according to the process.

Violently breaking through the chain of reincarnation is itself a desecration of the soul.

Of course, if there is no other way, blasphemy is blasphemy.
Old man Fang shook his head, still unable to imagine what else happened.

It's nothing more than devils entering the village and starting to kill.
The Japanese soldier in front of him was jumping wildly. Even though he had lost his mind, he could still see his madness on the battlefield and his madness towards these unarmed villagers.

"Actually, think about it carefully." Li Yun squinted his eyes and said, "Since they are unarmed villagers, how did they become spirits? Could it be impossible to use shovels and shovels? Their fighting power is not that good. weak."

In the anti-Japanese dramas, those Japanese soldiers who will be killed by various postures are different. The real Japanese soldiers are strong and strong, and their combat effectiveness is the same. They are like the clown Japanese soldiers in those anti-Japanese dramas. The army is a kind of blasphemy.

Old man Fang was a little confused, with a look of bewilderment and bewilderment.

Apparently he was hidden for a long time before he was discovered, and he didn't know what happened at that time.
"At that time, there was a third party here, fighting bravely"

As for who this third party is, it is obvious that they are the anti-Japanese fighters who applied.

At this moment, these dead souls sleeping in the ground suddenly burst out.

A thin golden thread connects towards the distance
Destined person, here we come.

"I haven't set foot on this land for a long time. I don't know if anyone still remembers me, well, probably not."

On the bus, Fang Zheng and He, who were dressed plainly, stared blankly at the road.

Cement, asphalt, electronic things, many things that Founder and I don't understand now.

The times have changed.

People don't understand, Fang Zhenghe doesn't understand, but he is very relieved.

The country has become stronger, which is the happiest thing.

Fang Zheng and Qing Qing began to sing.

The voice is very small, and it won't affect others. Only a little girl who looks like a junior high school student sitting next to her asked curiously, "Grandpa, are you singing a folk song?"

"What, did it affect you? If it does, I won't sing."

"No, no, it's very good to sing! It has a majestic feeling, it's really great!" The little girl's face was full of longing.

"Is it really great? Thank you so much. My students said that my singing is always out of tune, which is a bit unpleasant." Fang Zhenghe said with emotion: "This song is a military song. In order to improve morale, everyone sang it every time. A song that everyone can sing.”

Along the way, Fang Zhenghe and the little girl chatted for a long time, and the little girl fell asleep after listening to Fang Zhenghe's story.

Fang Zhenghe put his clothes on the little girl.

The little girl slept soundly and fell into a sweet dream.

Only in this happiest age can we have a beautiful dream.

"It's changed a lot, it's completely different from before"

Fang Zhenghe stepped into the village, feeling numb with emotion again and again.

When walking towards the other side, he stopped.

"Old man, we meet again." Li Yun smiled slightly and stood where he was, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Fang Zhenghe's first reaction was to be vigilant. If the first meeting was a coincidence, then the second meeting here might be a conspiracy.

At least from Fang Zhenghe's point of view, this is a conspiracy.

A sharp aura burst out from Fang Zhenghe's body, like a wolf like a tiger, iron-blooded.

"Pindao said it was a coincidence, do you believe it?"

"what do you say"

"So, take it easy, drink tea, and chat, just like in a Taoist temple. Everyone doesn't know each other, and it's great to play chess." Li Yun conjured a tea set out of thin air, and said with a slight smile :"please."

The tea in the black bowl is still hot.

Fang Zhenghe did not take the teacup this time, but said, "What do you want?"

"Pindao just wants to hear the story. Listen to your story, listen to the story of your comrade-in-arms, listen to the story of Fangcun, the predecessor of this village." Li Yun paused and said: "You may not believe it if you tell it. , Pindao came here just to appease the dead souls here."

"I don't believe in ghosts and gods."

"Pin Dao didn't tell you to believe it."

Looking at Li Yun's smiling face, Fang Zhenghe finally took the tea bowl and drank the tea.

"I didn't expect that you would be interested in the life of me, a bad old man. To be honest, even if you know it, it's useless. If you want to listen, I'll tell you."

"I used to be a boy in a small village. My daily life was mowing grass, herding cattle, and helping the adults in the fields. I didn't eat enough, but I definitely didn't go hungry. I lived a decent life. good"

Li Yun nodded, it can be seen that this village used to be quite rich.

In those days, "Not Hungry" was already a pretty high standard.

"When I was old, I naturally went out to join the army and went out with my friends in the village. At that time, we were full of longing to be able to drive these invaders out." Fangzheng said calmly: "It's just that we haven't yet. In a year's time, I will be the only one left among the six friends who went out together."

Behind the calm is definitely not numbness.

Up to now, Fang Zhenghe has no way to forget the hell on earth that he has experienced in the past.

Had to go through the hell scene again.

"I am very lucky, I was lucky to survive, I was lucky to make military exploits, I was lucky to be an officer, I was lucky to become a high-ranking officer, I was lucky to live until now, from the perspective of others, my life is lucky , is prominent and majestic." Fang Zhenghe's face was complicated: "Who knows how sad my life is? My parents died, my relatives and friends died, and my comrades died. Standing on the bones of my comrades, I accepted the glory, I've gone through my life."

"Do you regret it?" Li Yun said indifferently.

"Well, I regret it. If I didn't join the army, I might not have so much, and I wouldn't lose so much. Maybe it would be easier to end my life by the invaders in the village. It's a despicable idea, isn't it? "Fang Zhenghe's eyes suddenly became firm: "But I don't regret it. Someone must stand up. My comrade-in-arms is, and I am too. I am destined to lose so much, so my mission is to prevent others from losing. "

A heroic man who stands upright.

It is the interpretation of Fangzheng and his life.

In that era, those who stood up to defend their homeland, ranging from soldiers to traffickers, were all heroes.

He who feeds the soldiers is a hero, and he who provides them with comfort is a hero.

Don't regret your life, even if it has already been lost
"Your life is brilliant, but there is definitely more than this regret."

"Yes, there is more than one regret in my life. The thing I regret the most is that I didn't protect my hometown. At that time, I, together with my comrades, eight people, resisted here."

"Except for me, my comrades-in-arms, together with fellow countrymen, have sacrificed their lives on this land"

Just eight people against a whole team.

They could have left.

But he still stayed and sacrificed with the villagers
(End of this chapter)

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