Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 731, Is it worth it?

Chapter 731, Is it worth it?

Addiction is a disease.

In the eyes of many older people, such a scourge is one of the deep-rooted views.

This view has not changed since ten years ago.

It's just that the game has changed, from World of Warcraft to Pesticide King.

Li Yun remembered that when he was in school, there was a person in his class who was addicted to World of Warcraft, and was finally caught by his parents and sent to an Internet addiction treatment center.

Half a year later, that classmate came back, and sure enough, the internet addiction was gone, and with the disappearance of the internet addiction, there was also affection for his parents and a lively temperament, and he became a taciturn, gloomy personality, and no longer believed in anyone.

At the same time, Li Yun also saw Wang Weigong coming here with a resolute face, looking at the school signboard like a criminal entering the city. If there is an unfamiliar patrol nearby, he will definitely question him.

Li Yun was also amazed that Wang Weigong's action power was really not a cover, so he quickly figured out whether to implement his own justice or the justice of the public.


"How, figured it out?"

"Well, I figured it out." Wang Weigong nodded honestly and said, "I'm neither here for the justice of the public, nor for my own justice, but for the justice of my classmate who jumped to death. "

It doesn't matter whether the public or yourself thinks it is right or wrong.

The problem now is that for the student who died, this was a big mistake.

Li Yun smiled slightly, took Wang Weigong into the school, and directly entered the gate calmly. The burly man who was guarding the gate did not notice that several people had entered the school.

The tyrannical man with the blue dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right is terrifyingly powerful, and one of them is still playing online casino games without any scruples.

"Is the current school security so advanced, even the image is so full of holes." Liu Yanli complained: "In a sense, the school really has the foresight. With such security, students dare to run over the wall? Outside Do people dare to come in?"

"Compared to security guards, they should be more like thugs?"

After Li Yun entered the school, he was immediately swept away by a dark wind.

Yinfeng, from this Internet addiction treatment school, from this piece of land.

There is no soul present, that is to say, the people who jumped off the building here did not have any nostalgia, but committed suicide by jumping off the building with a sense of relief.

It is also a skill to free the suicide without regret.


On the playground, uniformly dressed students were running around aimlessly. Some of them were so tired that their faces were purple and the corners of their mouths were black. They didn't care, but they were still forced to run by the instructor.

"Grass Nima!"

There was a little boy who fell behind, and he was greeted by the kick of the 'teacher'.

These teachers, except for their different clothes from the security guards, have the same basic image, with tattoos of a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right, and a muscular man with a full face.

Among them, many parents visited the school accompanied by the school leaders. They were very satisfied with the way of running and tiring management, and immediately agreed to pay for their children to come in.

Li Yun and Wang Weigong lifted the invisibility technique.

The middle-aged school leader with an elite face in front of him was very sharp-eyed, and he saw Li Yun and Wang Weigong who appeared at once. Although there was doubt on his face why Taoist priests and middle-aged people would enter the school, they still put on a smile to the reception.

"Hello, gentlemen"

"His child wants to receive treatment from your school." Li Yun said straight to the point: "Can you introduce your school's education methods?"

The middle-aged leader looked at Wang Weigong, and immediately put a label on his image in his heart.

A big old man who doesn't know how to educate children.

Wang Weigong remained silent. It is better not to complain about the fact that he takes it for granted as a father with children, he has long been used to it.
"As you can see, our school pursues a military-education-integrated treatment school, and strives to make every child who comes here feel at home. Please take a look."

"study well."

"Up every day."

"Speak up for me!"

"Victory, hard work, hard work, hard work!"

While running, while shouting slogans.

Full of youthful sunshine and vigor, it really looks like that, and the name of the Sunshine School is well-deserved.

Ordinary parents agree to this after seeing this. Seeing these students become so "sunshine, energetic, and love sports", they may agree.

"Can you show us the internal teaching environment?" Wang Weigong said suddenly.

internal teaching environment.
"Well, our internal teaching environment is no different from that of ordinary schools, and we have stronger teaching staff. You can rest assured about this." The school leader skipped this question lightly.

In fact, is it really no different from ordinary schools?
Most of the parents would not care about this kind of thing. Most of the parents, when they saw the scene in front of them, paid the money in a hurry.

At this time, another parent dragged the child in. The child looked like a girl, but she had short hair, wore neutral clothes, and had two big ear piercings. She yelled and cursed at the parents, No way to come in.

The parents just begged hard to let the child come in, but the girl in neutral clothes refused to listen, and even beat her.

Rebellion, not ordinary rebellion.

"You see, this is the best example. We guarantee that even for a child like her, after one month, we can regenerate her and give her a perfect future and life." The words of the middle-aged leader are full of confidence.

Ahead is the display wall, with photos of instructors, teachers and students hanging on it.

The students in the photos are all smiling, expressing their reluctance to leave this beautiful place.

Everything looks so formal and beautiful, looking forward to the future and hope, and it is more beautiful than other education bureau institutions.

"Our tuition here is 5 yuan, and only 5 yuan is needed. Give you a good child, and we can cure any 'disease'. Not only Internet addiction, but also other diseases, for example, like We can treat children like her who don't listen to their parents' words well." The middle-aged leader bewitched, using heavy words on illness.

5 yuan.

No need to educate yourself.

You don't need to work hard, you can spend more time doing your own things, don't worry about annoying and rebellious children, and don't need to bother to enlighten and guide.

Everything can be handed over to others.

is not it.

Great value?
(End of this chapter)

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