Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 737, The Most Delicious Niuhe

Chapter 737, The Most Delicious Niuhe

"No way"

"Cough cough cough." Li Yun wanted to cough violently.

Pink lighting, blurred fragrance and temperament, and the fascinating signboard [Love Hair Salon].

The most important thing is the big sisters sitting on the sofa and puffing.

The shop in front of me treats the body.

Physical healer shop.

As the name suggests, it is that kind of shop.

In Sanhe District, you can visit a store once for 15 yuan.

"Well, although I don't discriminate against occupations, are you sure your friend is here?" Li Yun wanted to complain, but he didn't know where to start.

Yang Yingying hesitated for a while, the address given by her friend was correct, and she had been here before.

"Obviously the last time I came here, it was still a serious hair salon"

Bai Chen sneered, pointed at the sky near dusk and said: "Little girl, you are still too young, since it is a physical healer shop, it is impossible to open it during the day, obviously in this place where every inch of land is precious, during the daytime The time at night is fully utilized, during the day it is a serious hair salon, and at night it is a hair salon that treats the body."

It's no surprise to Li Yun that Bai Chen has evolved into an old urban fritter.

Yang Yingying could not refute.

She just sincerely hopes that her old classmates just work during the day and have nothing to do at night.

Gathering up her courage, Yang Yingying entered the physical therapist's shop with pink lights.

The smell of cheap women's cigarettes and pungent perfume made Yang Yingying almost faint.

It smells bad.

Really bad smell.
Li Yun looked at Yang Yingying and knew that no matter how down-to-earth and bold she was, it would not change that Yang Yingying was a real rich lady.

"What are you here for?" On the sofa, a woman with heavy make-up, pockmarked face, and scantily dressed looked suspiciously at the three people who came in, her attitude was very rude.

A woman with two men, still dressed cleanly, is not a customer here
Since it is not a customer, it is possible that it is here to make trouble.

Yang Yingying sensed her hostility, and quickly said, "I'm here to find someone, may I ask where Wu Lian is?"

"Wu Lian? That little girl?" The woman with heavy make-up said impatiently, "I seem to have gone to buy a late-night snack. I have to wait at the door, so don't affect our business."

The words of a woman with heavy makeup are obvious.

Yang Yingying's old classmate, Wu Lian really works here.

Yang Yingying didn't like it, but her classmate actually...
reduced to this point.

For a while, Yang Yingying felt a little blocked.

"I've said it all, you have to wait for someone to wait outside." The woman with heavy make-up became even more impatient, and when she wanted to chase her away, she saw Bai Chen behind Li Yun.

Handsome as poetry and picturesque, like a man like a dragon.

The wild short hair and handsome face made the woman with heavy make-up instantly fall in love.

Bai Chen who doesn't speak, looks handsome in a mess, is a kind of realm.

Bai Chen's complexion remained unchanged, he just frowned, looked at the woman with heavy makeup and said, "You said you have hands and feet, why did you do this, it's really shameless."

When Bai Chen said this, the admiration in the eyes of the woman with heavy make-up disappeared instantly, and was replaced by patches of indifference.

"What I do is none of your business."

"Well, of course it's none of my business, I'll just talk about it." Bai Chen shrugged: "You look quite free, it doesn't look like you were coerced or voluntary? What is it like to be a spiritual therapist?"

"So it's none of your business, get out, you're not welcome here."

Not only the women with heavy make-up, but even the sisters around couldn't stand it anymore, they all cursed at Bai Shen and kicked him out.

Bai Chen shrugged, expressing that he didn't care, and Li Yun and Yang Yingying were also kicked out.

Only women with heavy makeup were left, continuing to smoke cheap cigarettes and wear low-quality perfume.

"Tsk, if there is a choice, who would do it?"

"It's not in your character to be so impulsive, and you actually ask this kind of question face to face." Li Yun looked at Bai Chen, knowing that Bai Chen, who had experienced many battles, would definitely not simply settle this kind of question.

"This little girl wanted to ask, so I asked her for her." Bai Chen pointed to Yang Yingying and said, his eyes were full of energy, and he understood Yang Yingying's thoughts.

"I didn't"

Yang Yingying lacked confidence.

This is her problem.

I wanted to ask, but there was no question.

Why, those with hands and feet should volunteer to do this kind of work
Yang Yingying can only think of this word to describe these people.

Why, why did it become like this.

At this time, a woman with heavy makeup suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.

Cigarettes are still in hand.

"You guys, question my way of life." The woman with heavy make-up tapped Erlang's legs and sat on the chair. From time to time, the great god greeted her, and she responded one by one.

Many people know women with heavy makeup.

Facing the woman with heavy makeup who came out alone, Yang Yingying finally mustered up the courage to say: "I just don't understand that selling your body to make money is not good."

"Okay, is it up to you?" The woman with heavy makeup asked back: "Do you know why this business hasn't disappeared from before to now? It's because there is a demand. Do you understand the demand? Since there is a demand, I I can also make money in this line of work, why should I not do it?"

"As long as I lie on the bed, I can earn thousands of dollars a month. How much money can I earn by working in the factory? Working in the factory for more than ten hours a day only costs a few thousand dollars. Can this be compared? No, this, There are things in easy mode, why should I do things in hard mode."

"Dignity? Can dignity be eaten? I think you look pretty good in clothes, you must be a child from a rich family, so do children from a rich family think highly of those who work in factories?"

"Even if you think highly of it, does the mainstream of society think highly of it?"

"Since everyone looks down on me, then I have nothing to blame for doing a job that can easily earn money."

After finishing speaking, the woman with heavy makeup returned to the pink hair salon, preparing for the next work.

What she said was not for the three of them, but more for herself, so that she could have a reason to live in this way.

"This kind of thing is as if the rich second generation has everything. It's like lying down and getting money from parents. Girls have to lie down and sell their bodies sweating and tired. Compared with this, aren't those people more worthy of contempt?" Bai Chen Scratching his head lazily, he said lazily, "But think about it carefully, the parents of the rich second generation also came here through hard work. Probably."

Yang Yingying was silent.
Today's world view has really been impacted by the destruction system.

Who sets the concept of right and wrong?
At this moment, Yang Yingying took a deep breath.

"I don't know how they live, and I have no right to condemn them, but I can't let my friends fall into this quagmire. Taking a step back, the risk of getting old and dying is higher than ordinary people. , I can't sit idly by."

Li Yun smiled, Yang Yingying has her own beliefs.

At this time, a girl in a gray and white plaid shirt came to the store with a bunch of late-night snacks and saw Yang Yingying.

"You Yingying? Why are you here?"

"Haha, I didn't expect that a young lady like you would come to our place at night." Wu Lian patted Yang Yingying's shoulder with a familiar face.

No pungent perfume smell, no cigarette smell.

Without heavy makeup, wearing a simple white shirt, shorts, and rimless glasses, his face is ordinary, and at best it can be regarded as pretty and pleasant.

But this image is always better than the people inside.

"Uh..." Yang Yingying's face was very unnatural, she didn't know how to face her former girlfriend

"These two are."

"This is Brother Yun I mentioned to you before, and this is his younger brother."

"It's Senior Brother." Bai Chen emphasized.

Li Yun just nodded slightly.

Wu Lian saw that the expression of Li Yun and Li Yun didn't change, they were just very enthusiastic, and didn't show any other thoughts because of their special status as a Taoist priest.

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll give this supper to my sisters first." Wu Lian took the fried rice noodles to the small pink hair salon.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of joyful thanks.

To be honest, this fried powder is quite fragrant, you can smell it from the outside.
"I want to eat." Bai Chen honestly expressed his thoughts.

Li Yun pointed to a stall not far away.

Hongjie Restaurant, Fried Noodles cost 5 yuan.

To be honest, even the fried noodle shops in the small county town of Xiangtoushan no longer have five yuan, and most of them are 15 yuan.

This price is quite conscience.

Bai Chen looked at the crowded small restaurant, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Forget it, let's wait later."

Soon, Wu Lian came out.

The two sat down to reminisce about the past, and Yang Yingying talked about many things, such as the choices she had to make over the years.

Dreams, the future, everything is full of positive energy, and Yang Yingying keeps talking more and more vigorously.

Wu Lian just smiled and listened to Yang Yingying say these things.

When talking about Wu Lian, Yang Yingying couldn't bear to ask.

"By the way. Why did you do this kind of thing all these years."

"These things?" Wu Lian paused, then said with a smile, "You think I'm doing that kind of work."


"I do work there, but I am not responsible for these things. I am responsible for running errands, shopping, and cleaning. You know, some male customers don't pay much attention to hygiene." Wu Lian said: " Also, I am in charge of washing and cutting hair during the day, not to mention, my hair cutting skills are really good."

This is really. great.
Yang Yingying instantly felt relieved, her friend did not go astray.

"However, if you insult them, there's nothing we girlfriends can do." Wu Lian said seriously, "They are my family."

"Family. Don't you have uncles and aunts?"

"Well, as early as the third year of junior high, my parents died in a car accident. Later, in high school, I didn't have the ability, let alone study." Wu Lian said lightly: "At that time, my sisters took in homeless people. As for me, let me stay here, and I can do what I can to them as a reward. They are all good people."

Wu Lian and Yang Yingying didn't chat for long before returning to their respective worlds.

The relationship is still there, and the relationship between girlfriends has never deteriorated.

What has changed is only people.

"Do you think it's unbelievable for a person who looks delicious and lazy, and would rather lie down and make money than live with dignity." Li Yun, who has been eating melons, suddenly laughed.

"Yeah." Yang Yingying didn't deny it, she just thought it was really incredible.

"Is a person who sells his body necessarily a bad person? Does a well-dressed person have to be a good person? Sometimes you can't stick to appearances." Li Yun smiled slightly.

Yang Yingying took a deep breath, and finally her eyes became firm.

"I'm going to stay here this summer without my dad knowing"

Yang Yingying really wanted to experience this way of life.

Feel it with your body.

"Life is full of vicissitudes, it is always right to try more."

Li Yun was not worried that Yang Yingying would suffer any harm here, basically three or two people couldn't get close to her.

Simplicity may not have anything to do with this place, but at least there are no real bad guys here.

Bad guys don't know how to work, they just rob these workers.
Just do what you say, starting today, Yang Yingying has integrated into the great gods, and handed over her ID card and all her money to Li Yun for him to take back.

Li Yun thought it would be better for Xiaobai to watch.

Yang Yingying merged into Sanhe Master on the spot, only Bai Chen was still staring blankly at the fried noodle shop next to her.

Finally, I took out the money and planned to order a snack.

As soon as Bai Chen went, he immediately received a lot of hostility. As the saying goes, a handsome guy is the enemy of the people, and as soon as Bai Chen went to the stall, he was immediately hostile.
"Tsk, I'm just jealous that I'm handsome." Bai Chen looked around with disdain, and then said, "What about you, what do you want to eat?"

"I'll just have some fried noodles."

"Two servings of fried beef!"

A girl's voice that was crisp and clear like a lark came from inside.


It is this sound that makes the great gods mesmerized.
Not long after, two servings of fried beef were brought out, Bai Chen opened his chopsticks, and ate the fried beef like a hungry dragon.

While eating, but also while crying.

"Why are you crying while eating?"

"I don't know, but I think this fried beef is really delicious. It's really delicious." Bai Chen murmured, and finished the fried beef.

This is the best Ushiwa he has ever eaten——

After eating supper and leaving ten yuan behind, Li Yun and Bai Chen left the supper shop.

Not long after they left, Sister Hong, the proprietress, came out to collect the money and clear the table, looking at Bai Chen's back.

"Tsk tsk, what's wrong with this person." After returning to the shed, Sister Hong smiled and said, "By the way, someone just ate your fried beef and shed tears. You said this person is not sick"


"Hehehe, you made a lot of money tonight, you are the lucky general of our restaurant." Sister Hong patted the girl on the shoulder, her face was affectionate, and she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Don't you think I'm weird?"

"Who is not strange here, who is not a person without identity, and who is using the real identity? This is Sanhe, little girl." Sister Hong suddenly muttered: "It's just your name that is strange."

"What is it called Tiantian?"

"My name is Tiannv Ba."

(End of this chapter)

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