Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 759, Your Happy Hometown

Chapter 759, Your Happy Hometown
Li Yun really wanted to know what [Chang'e] was thinking after seeing her happy hometown turned into such a ghost, whether she was happy, happy, or happy.

Anyway, Li Yun is very happy, feeling that he has been hurt for so long, and his dark little thoughts are satisfied.

"Speaking of which, will there be any secret treasures in it, such as Jiuzhuan Jindan, a medicine that can make people take a bite to age?" Li Yun looked at the broken Guanghan Palace, his mind was full of boldness idea.

After being shocked, Bai Chen also had a bold thought in his mind, he really wanted to know if there was any treasure hidden in this Guanghan Palace.

One person and one weapon looked at each other, and he could read each other's thoughts without using his mind.

I want it all-

Black said.

"Don't think about it, there is nothing inside, just like the fragments of the Tushita palace you once owned, this palace is not a product of [our] side, it is not my residence."

He also knew that he had the fragments of the Tushita Palace. Although Li Yun was a little surprised, there was nothing strange about it. He didn't deliberately hide anything. It's really not a big deal for a great immortal whose spiritual sense can scan the whole of China. .

"Isn't this Guanghan Palace owned by [you]? Are there two Guanghan Palaces that are exactly the same, exactly the same Guanghan Palace?" Li Yun squinted his eyes and looked at Xiao Hei and said, "Two identical existences must be One of them is fake, is the Guanghan Palace where you live now is real, or is the Guanghan Palace in front of you real?"

If there are really two Guanghan Palaces, is there something like Chang'e [-] and Chang'e [-]?
"You don't read much. Haven't your teachers taught you?" Xiao Hei looked at Li Yun strangely and said, "Have you ever heard of Schrödinger's cat?"

"I've heard it, I've heard it, but from your mouth, the slots here are really not ordinary." Li Yun felt that he was about to be unable to suppress his desire to complain, and never thought that he would actually come from Chang'e. Daxian's avatar heard the theory of "Schrödinger's cat".

Xiao Hei just continued to say to himself: "Well, it seems that you are still Schrödinger's cat who has read some books. It is the so-called [Observer] theory. Because of the observer, we exist, and because of the observation of Tiandao. Or, so we in the world can exist.”

"I still want to ask you where you got this knowledge, Sister Chang'e, why do you know so much?"

"Uh, don't interrupt me. Study hard and listen carefully. There must be deviations in theory. I'm just explaining it with words that modern people can understand. Heaven, gods, and the nature of the world are not that simple, so I can only Talk about something that the individual 'I' can understand and understand." Xiao Hei Hei glanced at Li Yun and said: "The so-called [will power] is actually similar to the theory of observers, because there are more observers as a certain god, so [ His existence is stronger, burning mountains and boiling seas, breaking the void and various abilities emerge in endlessly."

"Your actions in the human world have increased the [Tao] in the world, and there have been more observers. The fairy way in the human world has been revived by you. The road between here and the fairy world has begun to be smooth, and all kinds of true immortals can also pass through it. A channel to gain existence in this [Land of the Ancestors].”

Li Yun felt as if he understood the meaning of [Revitalize Taoism].

The so-called revitalization of Daomen is to fill the world with various aspirations, so that the boundaries between immortals and ordinary people begin to blur.

Maybe there is a deeper meaning Li Yun doesn't know
But that's certainly one of the purposes.

"This thing is actually meaningless, it's just an empty and broken palace." Xiao Hei said indifferently: "Come here, and it's just to remember, this Guanghan Palace within time."

The real immortal is the only one, beyond time.

But the palace is not, it is a building, a magic weapon, within time.

Chang'e has one.

There is only one Guanghan Palace where Chang'e lives.

But every second in the [past] [present] [future] is a Guanghan Palace.

The Guanghan Palace here is just one of the ones that appeared in the [now] time.

Although there are still many slots in it, Li Yun feels that this can barely be explained.
"I still have a lot of questions I want to ask you"

"No need to ask, I don't know any more, and I won't tell you if I know, you should already know by now." Xiao Hei said lying on the steps of Guanghan Palace: "Actually, I am not some Chang'e. .”

"Well, that's why I called you Xiao Hei." Li Yun knew that this guy was not Chang'e, at least not pure Chang'e.

"Xiao Hei, what a good name." Xiao Hei liked the name quite a bit, and said with a smile, "It's actually quite rustic."

"It's soil that suits you, little brother."

"Tsk." Xiao Hei didn't expect that he would be bullied one day, so he waved silently.

The dilapidated Guanghan Palace in front of him quickly turned into white mist and disappeared.

The Guanghan Palace disappeared, and the so-called [yin] side also began to disappear, and this place became normal.

The Yin soldiers walking here also began to dissipate.

"Those Yin soldiers have not survived until now because of the Guanghan Palace." Xiao Hei said: "They were originally sleeping in this land, immortal thought bodies, because of the appearance of Guanghan Palace, these thought bodies have obtained The amount of [existence] can execute their obsession."

"Can the missing body really last that long?" Li Yun was a little surprised.

"Of course." Xiao Hei's face showed a trace of respect: "The soul of a hero is immortal, and it will last forever. If there is another opportunity in the future, then those missing bodies will still wake up."

"The will to defend the country will last forever"

Xiao Hei took the money given by Li Yun to go to karaoke to sing, while Bai Chen first went to an antique shop to auction off his body, and then went to the top Internet cafe, with happy water in his left hand and fried pork chops in his right. Isn't it beautiful? .

Li Yun walked on the bustling street.

Look, the world is prosperous.

Li Yun remembered the connection between humanity and immortality.

"Brother System, will the Age of Shinto come?"

"The times are changing." The system said lightly: "For the current human beings, fairy gods are unnecessary. Human beings have their own will and their own way of life. They may rely on fairy gods to obtain spiritual sustenance, but absolutely You will not regard immortals as everything. The era of Shinto has passed."

So what if the land gods can cast magical spells?

People can rely on themselves and rely on their own will to survive well, and absolutely do not need anyone's favor.

"So, in the future, Xian and Fan will still be a parallel line that doesn't intersect." Li Yun said with a smile: "This is very good."

"Yeah, it's pretty good, so what are you struggling with, host?"

"Although Xiao Hei beeped a lot with me." Li Yun's face suddenly became serious: "But he didn't say why, the Guanghan Palace that existed in the [past] would be destroyed like this."

"Who did it?"

(End of this chapter)

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