Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 762, Go to the rooftop

Chapter 762, Go to the rooftop
As the saying goes, the college entrance examination changes the destiny - birth determines the destiny.

The college entrance examination is currently the safest way to improve in China. Some students from bad backgrounds can change their destiny through the college entrance examination and reach the pinnacle of life.

To a large extent, the college entrance examination determines the life of ordinary people.

Many people think that the college entrance examination is not a good thing. For this kind of speaker, Li Yun feels that he can pass it by jio.

No explanation.

But this is the thing that determines the life of ordinary people, there are winners, and naturally there are losers.
Xiao Hei nodded to express his understanding.

"The imperial examination system, as I understand it, is a way of fair promotion. Many countries and countries in the world have similar selection systems."

"Well, today is the day when the results of the national college entrance examination are announced. Those who passed the exam, those who failed the exam, those who repeated the exam, and those who did not repeat the exam will all be announced on this day." Li Yun shook his head and said, "So today, there will be people visiting many places. . such as tourist attractions."

"Very well, tourist attractions make people happy."

"There is also a rooftop."

Xiao Hei: "."

There were more people on the rooftop and more people in the hospital, so the yin energy that Xiao Hei [sensed] became heavier.

After all, her sensing range is the whole of China, or even the whole of the earth.
There were many people jumping off the building due to the heavy cloudiness, and the little buddies on the roof jumped off one by one.

Someone died.

Someone was seriously injured.

There are also people who work hard and choose to repeat.

Many people think that the pressure of the college entrance examination is too great, but Li Yun thinks that the college entrance examination cannot be blamed for this matter.

The vast majority of people have the same starting point, so if you lose, can you have any complaints?
"No wonder there are so many dead souls today." Xiao Hei said calmly, "It's a pity to die."

Indeed, it's a pity to die
Li Yun felt sorry for them.

"Yeah, it's a pity to die. I haven't confessed to the girls I like, so I died. Woohoo."

At this time, a translucent phantom stood in front of Li Yun and Xiao Hei.

Wearing a school uniform, with a simple and honest appearance and short hair, he turned into a soul and was still crying.

Unlike the souls that came to the Taoist temple in the past, this boy's soul is very weak, erratic, and may disappear at any time.

No, I'm still crying.
I'm so sorry
"It's a pity that you don't have the right to choose to live now." Xiao Hei stared at the boy and said mercilessly, "In most cases, you only have one life, but in the end you chose to die. It's no wonder who .”

The boy cried out in remorse, and his soul became more unstable, like a candle in the wind.

An ordinary soul transformed from a cowardly ordinary person, has no obsession to shake the world, no belief in carrying out a lifetime, and no support from any lofty things.

Just coming to the Taoist temple in a very ordinary way, even the reason for death is a little funny.

He committed suicide because he failed the college entrance examination.

"Since a person is dead, and enters the reincarnation of the past life, everything in the past is empty, so why bother in vain." Li Yun looked at the boy and said without any fluctuations in his face: "Then the problem is coming, are you going to go through the regular channel?" Or are you going to take the smuggling route?"

Xiao Hei frowned, and said unexpectedly: "Do you still know that there is a smuggling route?"

"I thought you knew everything." Li Yun was also quite surprised. This little black seemed to be omniscient, and he didn't know there was a yin-yang gap.

"No one knows everything, let alone me."

At this moment, Xiao Hei didn't say anything more.

Li Yun didn't ask, but just looked at the young boy who committed suicide in front of him.

"I don't want to die, Daxian can you save me? I really don't want to die"

The boy was very unstable and started crying and rolling.

Xiao Hei's expression didn't fluctuate, Li Yun just shook his head silently.

"If it's an ordinary soul, it's not impossible for you to meet your parents and family members." Li Yun said regretfully, "It's just that your soul is too weak, and you can't even meet the standard of soul restraint. Unfortunately, you have only two options - smuggling or going through the formal channels."

The little boy burst into tears, saying that it is not a sin for a man to cry, cry, cry.

Before life and death, no one can see through it. Li Yun felt that it was okay for him to cry a few times, and it wouldn't affect others anyway.

After crying for nearly 10 minutes, the little boy stabilized. Although he was still crying, his face had stabilized.

This is the rhythm of resignation.

Has begun to accept, to face the reality of death.

After all, there is no way not to accept it.

"Big man, don't cry. Reincarnation is not a bad thing. Think about it." Bai Chen suddenly jumped out from the corner, patted the little boy's shoulder and said in the end: "Maybe in your next life, you will be cast in the next life." Now that you are a rich second generation, you don’t need to take the college entrance examination, and you are born at the end of others, so what’s wrong with that? Take the college entrance examination well, students, don’t play with your mobile phone in class and just focus on flirting with girls, study hard and improve every day, students”

Feed the sugar first, and then make up the knife, Bai Chen is still so coquettish.

But now the little boy obviously didn't feel that much pain, and he just gave a wry smile when facing Bai Chen's teasing.

At least I initially accepted that I had already died because of jumping off a building.


"Can I, can I meet the girl I like?" the little brother summoned up his courage and said.

"Can't you do this kind of thing by yourself? You are a ghost now. Ghosts don't understand. No one can see you except us." Have you met your goddess?"

Brother is silent.


There are really such cowardly men.

"I've gained knowledge, anyway, people can't see you, and you won't dislike you if you are close to people, right? It's just you masturbating next to you." Suddenly, the hair on his head stood on his head, and he felt Li Yun's gaze. Posting a ban is not running away.

Bai Chen shrugged, honestly shut up, he didn't want to be silenced today.

"Then I'll take you to have a look. Anyway, I'm going into the urban area. Your goddess should be near this city." Li Yun looked at the three colored karmas on his body.

The two connect to the parent.

One of them is connected to his goddess.

In addition, there is no karmic connection, and the interpersonal relationship is extremely simple.

A young man who failed the college entrance examination and had mediocre interpersonal relationships.
Kind of miserable.
Li Yun shook his head.

Anyway, it's free luck and willingness, so that's it.

"Thank you." The little brother bowed deeply and said, "It's not that I don't want to go there by myself, but that I really can't get in there."

"This is the so-called goddess syndrome. I like it but dare not approach it. I can only look at it from a distance. Even the last word is cheered. Frankly speaking, if such a person can get a girl, I will be on the spot." Eat three catties." Bai Chen mercilessly made up the knife, and the little brother who was originally in a stable mood started to cry again.

Looking at the little brother's expression, Bai Chen couldn't help but evade taxes.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for accepting Huang Ming's fate."

"Mission Objective: Help Huang Ming."

"Mission reward: Emperor Dongyue's luck is 20 points."

"Mission penalty: None."

Emperor Dongyue has 20 luck points.
Frankly speaking, Li Yun was quite surprised. This little boy who seemed to have no characteristics other than being cowardly was worth 20 points of Dongyue Emperor's Luck.

At 30 points, a special lottery exclusive to Emperor Dongyue can be carried out, and this person in front of you is worth 20 points.
Although it is a bit wrong to say this, but judging by the standards of immortal gods, only the sheltered person can obtain the corresponding luck, and the amount obtained is also judged by the sheltered person himself.

He is worth 20 points of luck of Emperor Dongyue.

Li Yun looked at Huang Ming a little furiously, and finally put his hands on his chest and smiled reluctantly: "I, I like girls."

"Well, I also like cute girls." Li Yun was speechless.

In the end, this guy actually had a relieved expression.

The portal opened, and Li Yun walked in with Huang Ming.

Xiao Hei, who was thinking about it, also stepped into the portal.

"I'm going too, I'm going too, go to a private room in an Internet cafe to watch porn"

As soon as Bai Chen stepped into the portal, he was closed by Xiao Hei with a snap of his fingers.

Only Bai Chen with a black question mark on his face was left.

In the urban area, although you can't see much, you can still feel the emotional fluctuations here, which are much larger than before.





All kinds of emotions mixed together.

"Seven emotions and six desires." Xiao Hei closed his eyes, feeling the emotions around him.

Li Yun didn't ask Xiao Hei why he came here, but said, "Don't you understand, seven emotions and six desires."

"How should I put it?" Xiao Hei paused and said, "I have six desires, but no seven emotions."

Happiness, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear, and shock.

These things that were originally born with the three souls and seven souls, Xiao Hei felt that he did not have them.

Li Yun understood that Xiao Hei has desires, can explore, think, and read comic books.

But she may not quite understand the content expressed in comic books. For example, "The World's No. [-] First Love" she read recently is about "love".

"You don't understand feelings, so you come to feel feelings."

"Well, I want to know what is the meaning of the content in the comic book." Xiao Hei said: "What is it called, love."

No wonder Bai Chen wasn't allowed to follow. Li Yun felt that if Bai Chen was there, he might show a wretched expression in the next second, thinking about the language mistakes in Xiao Hei's words.

"For this, there are many on the Internet, such as my computer." Huang Ming couldn't help reminding.

Li Yun: "."

Xiao Hei was silent.

"Fu Sheng Wu Liang Tian Zun." Li Yun sighed.

If you can guard against Bai Chen, you can't guard against this guy. With this comprehension ability, it's no wonder he has no friends.

"I think in your next life you should improve your Chinese well."

After Li Yun complained about this guy, he followed this person's fate to find it.

Soon, I touched the nearest teacher's apartment building.

Li Yun was a little surprised, he didn't expect this guy to be a teacher's child.

Seeing the teacher's apartment in front of him, Huang Ming lowered his head in low self-esteem.

"Yes, I'm a teacher's child, and my parents are both high school teachers. Well, my mother is the head teacher, and my father is a math teacher."

Li Yun actually felt a little bit of sympathy for Huang Ming.

Parents are teachers, this kind of thing is so exciting.
"Besides, I have retaken the third year of high school four times." Huang Ming said with a bitter smile: "Every time, my head teacher has not changed, it is my mother, my father"

"Well, think about it carefully, your pressure is indeed quite high."

The corner of Li Yun's mouth twitched, and he led Xiao Hei up to the teaching building, using the invisibility technique, and the journey went unimpeded.

Huang Ming was a little dull, as if he didn't want to see his parents very much, and didn't want to go home.

In an ordinary teacher's family, there is nothing strange about the furnishings in the house.

To Li Yun's surprise, the two couples were watching TV in the living room with a calm expression, discussing the plot of the TV from time to time.


It's a bit scary to be calm.

Obviously as the only son, Huang Ming died not long ago.
The soul is not cold.
"Is this [Family Love]?" Xiao Hei asked suspiciously, "It seems to be a little different from the comic book. If the family love expressed in the comic book, then shouldn't these two couples cry bitterly?"

"Actually, I also think something is wrong." Li Yun felt that this family relationship was too indifferent.

Huang Ming remained silent.

In front of them, the two couples who were watching TV began to talk.

Wearing glasses, the refined middle-aged man said.

"How is it, are you pregnant?"

"I'm pregnant." The middle-aged woman said calmly, "It's been about a month. I've told you many times. How many times do you have to ask?"

The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Aren't I worried? Alas, we should have had a second child two years earlier."

"It's not because you can't do it. If you can do it, we should have done it three years ago. There is no need to wait until now." The middle-aged woman frowned.

The elegant middle-aged man didn't refute, but just sighed.

"Who knew that our child was so incompetent. He failed to pass the Qingbei exam for four years after repeated studies, and failed again this year. Sigh, we have a Tsinghua University and a Peking University, how did we have such a son?"

"Yes, it's a shame. If I hadn't investigated it, I would have thought your academic qualifications were fake. There is nothing wrong with our genes. He is just a small accident in our life."

"Well, we need to be more strict with this child, and work harder to teach him. We can't let him become a person like Xiaoming. He is really embarrassing, embarrassing our Huang family, embarrassing me, but fortunately, everything It's in the past."

"Yeah, everything is over, just pretend that he was never born."

"Let's work together, husband and wife, and we will be happy in the future."

The wife finally laughed out, stroking the unborn child in her stomach.

The husband is also full of hope for the future.

The two couples looked at each other and smiled, enjoying themselves, and their hearts were full of warmth.

Neither of them expected Huang Ming to be beside them.

Huang Ming remained silent, even Li Yun himself was speechless.

Xiao Hei frowned and said.

"what is this."

"This shows." Li Yun frowned and said, "This unfortunate chain has not been broken yet."

Huang Ming's pain will eventually be repeated on their children.


(End of this chapter)

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