Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 765, in the diary

Chapter 765, in the diary
The black air did not attack Huang Ming, and Huang Ming was not attacked by the black air and died as he expected.

This black air just quietly surrounds the girl


Xiao Hei was a little surprised that the black energy did not attack, so his body became translucent, turning into a soul body and approaching directly.

As soon as he got close, the black air turned into lightning and attacked Xiao Hei, with extraordinary momentum, like a thunderbolt.

However, this lightning bolt was useless to Xiao Hei, and he exploded with a jio.

At this time, the black energy is still [staring] at the [foreign object] Xiao Hei, preventing her from approaching the girl.

"You're on the verge of dying, you're going crazy, classmate." Li Yun complained about Xiao Hei's crazy behavior: "Have you been infected by Bai Chen, and you like playing this game so much?"

Xiao Hei was a little puzzled: "No, I just tried it. It's strange, it didn't work. Why did it only attack me and not that person?"

Xiao Hei looked at Huang Ming who was approaching the girl, puzzled.

Li Yun shook his head.

"Didn't you notice that he wasn't attacked at the school gate?"

"The defense mechanism of black air is layered and it is not impossible." Xiaohei explained: "For example, the outer circle does not protect the soul, but the inner circle has the effect of protecting the spirit. I just turned into a spirit body to attack and approach. This protection It also reacted to me, that is to say, this protection is [indistinguishable] to attack inhumans like us. In theory, that child is also within the scope of the attack. Why are you so obedient?"

At this time, Li Yun said.

"By the way, Xiao Hei, have you noticed anything wrong with this school?"

Something is wrong?
The students studying, Lang Lang's reading sound, quiet and peaceful, harmonious and unusual.

be quiet

The so-called tranquility and peace means that from the perspective of ordinary people, this school is indeed a very good place, with warm wind blowing, scorching sun blowing into the wind, what a harmonious summer scene.

However, from the perspective of Li Yun and Xiao Hei, it is still quiet and peaceful here.
"Have you thought about the problem?" Li Yun said indifferently: "We can see many [unseen] things, but this invisible world is still peaceful and peaceful, don't you think it's a bit abnormal? "

"Yeah." Xiao Hei nodded silently.

"Here, there are no spirits and ghosts. It's too warm." Li Yun pointed to the surroundings and said, "Although this sounds a little harsh, this school will jump twice every few years, and there was a mass burial here. Gang, theoretically speaking, even if there is no wandering soul here, there must be a residual breath, but it is too quiet here, there is no yin energy and spiritual sea left, no matter how you look at it, it seems that it has been interfered by an external force, so The conclusion is that this protection does not allow [foreign objects] to exist within the range of the girl, including this school."

"But this kid Huang Ming stepped into this school without any spiritual essence in a grand manner. You should know what it means."

Xiao Hei said after a moment of silence.

"This means the protection of this little girl."

"Won't respond to Huang Ming"

"Congratulations." Li Yun smiled, "That's right."

"I'll give you 10 points."

"Huh, huh, huh." Huang Ming took a deep breath, approached the girl, and sat beside her.

Just like the original, male left female right, still the original scene, shy boy, quiet girl.

The two of them looked at the book afterwards, and from time to time, they discussed the content of the book and chatted about daily life.

Sometimes there are only two or three sentences a day, but it can feel extraordinarily warm and warm.

Huang Ming likes that feeling very much and cherishes it.

It's just that now the yin and yang have been separated, and there is no treasure, and everything has been reduced to dust and ashes with that leap.

Huang Ming felt a little sad.

What is the use of uttering after death what was not spoken in life?

He could only silently accompany her in the last moments.

Huang Ming found the book the girl was reading.

This is not a book, but a diary.

A girl's own diary.

"Sin, sin."

Huang Ming knew it was wrong to peek at other people's diaries, but he still couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Anyway, I'm going to reincarnate, so it's okay to know the contents of this diary, haha."

Huang Ming began to peek at the diary.

Beautiful and neat handwriting, sometimes only two or three sentences a day.

【Today is the first year of high school, so lively.】

[New classmate, new start, happy. 】

[There are a lot of books in the library, I really like them]

【Well, I'm so upset, today Xiaoying went to get my shower gel without my consent, I hate it. 】

[I don’t want to make friends, I don’t need friends or anything else, anyway, everyone will be separated in the third year of high school. Since we will be separated in the end, why did we stay together in the first place? 】

[I really want to read a book quietly by myself, how nice, the world of books will never leave me. 】

【I don't need friends.】

[Happy to make my first friend. 】

[Well, today I met a senior who was reading under the camphor tree, he looked so silly, so silly. 】

Huang Ming smiled wryly when he saw this: "So that's how she treats me, she's such a stupid person."

At this moment, Huang Ming suddenly didn't have the courage to watch it any longer.

But looking at it, the girl burst into tears.

Tears flowed down.

Huang Ming didn't know why the girl suddenly cried.

Is it
Is it because of the contents of the diary?

Huang Ming, who had lost his courage, hesitated for a moment and continued to read.

[Senior likes reading as much as I do. 】

【Well, because her grades are not as good as hers, so the teacher and everyone are helping her, senior, do you know? 】

[It's the first time I've talked to the senior, so stupid, I blushed even after saying a few words. 】

[I always feel that it is fun to tease the seniors, it seems that I have discovered a remarkable attribute. 】

[senior, senior~~~],

【fool. 】

【Hey, I'm in the same school year as my senior this year, so I don't need to call him senior anymore, so what's the name?】

[Courage, courage, there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to lose, just say it, and when he goes outside to study, he will never be able to say it again. 】

【Give me courage】

The diary ends abruptly here.

July [-]th.

From this day on, the diary is no longer written.

Already, there is no need to write it down.

The girl closed the diary.

Leaning quietly under the tree.


"Senior, you are such a fool."

It's not just the leaves that blow with the wind.

There are also thoughts that go deep into the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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