Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 770, Bitterness

Chapter 770, Bitterness

"Do immortals have seven emotions and six desires?"

"Of course there are." Bai Chen said while swiping the mobile game: "As long as it is a living being, it will have seven emotions and six desires, even Buddhas have desires, not to mention immortals, but Buddhas generally have the attitude of killing desires, such as Cut off one of your own desires to experience in the world, and then this desire may become a big devil."

"Ha ha."


Li Yun didn't bother with this question anymore, but smiled.

"I don't know if Xiao Su Li and Xiao Hei have become friends."

no emotions
Just didn't find it——

"That's why you should go and see for yourself, anyway, you should be able to sense their positions." Bai Chen was still playing the game: "By the way, why are you so concerned about that guy? Anyway, um, you understand, In the end she will too"

"It's because I understand. If you don't understand anything in the end, wouldn't life be boring? Besides, no one knows what will happen until the end."

Li Yun stretched out his fingers, and the Kunlun Mirror, who was looking at Huanzhugege, immediately responded to the call.

The sound of wind and thunder, howling, Taoist robes flying, holding a magic mirror.

This is called Fan Er.

This is called an artifact.

Li Yun slowly opened his eyes and complained.

"Next time turn down the light a little bit, and can you not use this plastic style dress, it looks very incongruous."

At this time, the Kunlun mirror is very clever, making the flashing colorful neon smaller.
But still quite low.
there is a fart
The colorful door of the Kunlun Mirror hadn't opened yet, and halfway through, a slender hand pulled Li Yun in.

"You are arrogant."

"Are you scolding me?"

"I'm praising you."

Li Yun looked at the dense alleys around him, and then at Xiao Hei who was smoking in front of him.
Yes, it was Xiao Hei who was smoking, puffing out clouds of smoke, and his whole body was wrapped in blurred smoke.

The original holy and extreme beauty added a touch of decadence, but this decadence did not diminish her beauty.

Ultimate beauty.

Li Yun looked at the floating smoke.

"You can smoke?"

"In life, you always have to experience some different things, for example, smoking." Xiao Hei snuffed out the cigarette butt, and then burned it out: "It's just that the smell of the smoke is not very good."

"What flavor?"

"It's a bit bitter."

After a moment of silence, Li Yun said, "It's not that the smoke is bitter, but that you are bitter."

"Me? Why am I suffering?"

"Use cigarettes to get rid of your worries and make you more worried." Li Yun said indifferently: "It's the same as good wine, and it's the same as good wine, but the person who drinks it is different, and the taste is also different. What you smoke is bitter, and what you feel is also bitter. .”

"I obviously don't have Qiqing."

"It's not [no], it's just that you didn't find it. Don't you feel it now? The [bitterness] of the seven flavors of life." Li Yun said.

Xiao Hei remained silent, speechless.

At this time, Li Yun walked in the direction of Xiao Suli, a single room.

What came into view was Su Li and an old man.

As soon as Su Li sensed Li Yun's arrival, she immediately rushed forward.

It feels a little wet on the robe.

It was Xiao Suli who cried.

Of course, Li Yun would not think that the old man was bullying others. I am afraid that Su Li and Xiao Hei are in the same situation.

Xiao Hei felt the pain.

Su Li also felt the pain.

It's just a different way of expressing suffering.

Xiao Hei dressed up as an adult, and lit a melancholy cigarette.

Su Li just cried, her nose was covered with snot.
Li Yun caressed Xiao Su Li's hair, he did not use meditation techniques, but comforted her in the way of a father.

"You are the father of the two of them, you look really young." The old man noticed Li Yun and said with a smile, "You don't look like 40 years old at all."

Li Yun: "."

"Ahem, Pindao is only in his early 20s."

So embarrassing--

The old man was a little surprised: "Oh, sorry, sorry, I thought you must be quite old when you have two children as big as you."

"Poverty is the adoptive father." Li Yun said helplessly: "What's more, the child outside is not a child of Poverty."

The old man nodded immediately, intending to say goodbye to Su Li with a smile.

The strange uncle behind him reluctantly wanted to say goodbye, but was stopped by the old man and quickly asked him to turn his head away.

Li Yun felt something in his heart and smiled.

"Blessings are immeasurable, the poor are not superficial people, not to mention that your son has a clear mind, and there is no reason to dislike him."

"Know people, know face but not heart, know people in a poor way, know face, know heart better, don't be cautious."

Li Yun's words reassured the old man and the father and son.

"Yeah, how can a person who can teach such a child be a person who looks at people and faces?"

At this moment, the strange uncle turned around, revealing his ugly appearance.

Ugly is really ugly.

The mind is really clean.

Li Yun's expression did not fluctuate.

The two breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that what they said was true.

"It's poor, I'm very interested in your story, sir."

"Haha, old man, I just told some stories I heard when I was young. It's not a big deal." The old man glanced at it lightly, and said with emotion: "It's just a story that's not a big deal."

"is that so."

Li Yun didn't ask any more questions, and led Xiao Suli away.

Soon, Xiao Hei also followed, and the three disappeared into the corner.

Alone, only the two father and son in the single room were left.

"Dad, I want you to pack things for you." Uncle Guai said as he looked at the things that had been taken out of the box.

This box is something that the uncle can't understand.

At this moment, the old man looked at the contents of the box, and finally shook his head.

"I can clean up by myself, you should rest quickly, and deliver the sugar to the stall tomorrow."

The strange uncle said after a moment of silence.

"Can't I sell sugar paintings myself? I must sell these sugars to others at a low price. It doesn't matter to me, can you just eat these things with your body?"

Sparse porridge and floating wild vegetables are today's dinner.

The old man didn't say much, he just put his arms around his strange child and said with a smile: "It's okay, Dad, let's just sell candy. After all, I'm sorry for you. I can't give you a good life. Let alone a day." I can’t even give you a good-looking appearance.”

"Dad, don't say that. I will make candy right now. If I make more, you can eat better."

Uncle Blame got up in a hurry, started to boil sugar, and made up his mind that since he couldn't sell sugar paintings, he should make small profits but sell them quickly.

Must improve father's life.
Boil sugar to barely maintain the current expenses of the two family members.

The radio and magazines picked up by the side of the road are all life is.

The old man sighed and packed his suitcase.

In the box, there are shining medals
On the way back to the Taoist temple, both Xiao Hei and Su Li were depressed for a while, still reminiscing about the [story] told by the old man.

Su Li felt that the sugar painting in her hand was not so cute anymore.

Li Yun didn't ask the sullen two.

At this time, as soon as Li Yun stepped into the Taoist temple, he felt the world spinning.

Not dizzy.

But in the feeling of everything.

"This is."


Someone had a [resonance] with me.

The resonance is so strong that it can cause a myriad of illusions.

Li Yun knows that this kind of situation generally means that someone is worshiping him, and the desire is still very strong.
The illusion is very vague, the duration is quite short, and there is no content.

All that could be heard was wailing, joyful laughter, all kinds of discordant voices mixed together and symphonic into even more discordant voices.

Soon, the illusion dissipated and everything went on as usual.

Su Li was still sobbing and wanted to cry.

Xiao Hei looked at Li Yun: "Did you resonate with someone just now?"

"A small video of unknown meaning, like a low-cost horror game, uses something of unknown meaning to make you feel frightened." Li Yun complained silently: "You gods are so troublesome, do you have to watch these small videos every day? "

"True immortals don't need to respond to wishes, they have their own luck feedback. Only immortals like the nameless city god and the land will experience this kind of thing." Xiao Hei said indifferently.

Li Yun just thinks it's really convenient for the real fairy.

After entering the Taoist temple, this small video with unknown meaning never appeared again, and the world was quiet again. It was not peaceful at all. Bai Chen, Ah Er and Ah Da were composing a noisy symphony together.

Li Yun thought it was pretty good.


At this time, Li Yun looked at Xiao Hei who was still silent and said.

"Are you still thinking about the old man just now?"

"There's nothing to think about." Xiao Hei said indifferently: "All living beings are suffering. Being in the mortal world, there must be suffering and disasters. Whoever can avoid it, whoever can avoid it."

"Your thinking is really Buddhist."

"You mean I think like a monk?" Xiao Hei smiled and said, "Many times, there is no distance between Buddhism and Taoism. The bottom line is to seek detachment. It is not strange that some theories are similar."

"Well, you can understand it that way."

Xiao Hei didn't understand what Buddhism was, but he just returned to his [Guanghan Palace] silently.

This time, she didn't read manga.

Instead, he took a pack of cigarettes.

And Tsingtao beer.

"Smoking is prohibited in Taoist temples."

"I don't smoke." Liu Yanli shrugged: "I picked up this cigarette on the road. The unopened Zhonghua was supposed to sell it, but it was taken away!"

Li Yun was silent. She didn't expect that she had to rely on picking up such things to maintain her recharge.

There is not enough money to sell pearls.
It is conceivable that domestic mobile games are worth a lot of money.
At this time, Xiao Hei on the top of his head looked melancholy, performing at an elevation angle of 45 degrees.

"Have you learned too much?"

Li Yun shook his head, went back to his room to sleep, and found Su Li lying on the bed - not in human form.

As one of the most basic skills of children, acting like a baby
"Where's Mom?"

"Mom is here."

Han Xiang's head suddenly came out from the roof.

Translucent, hard to detect.

It basically belongs to the state of being on call without delay.

It's just scary sometimes, suddenly a half body stands upside down on the top of the head
After Hanxiang turned into a solid body, Su Li rushed forward.

"Mom, woo woo."

"It seems that I heard something terrible and couldn't sleep at night." Li Yun nodded and said, "I want my parents to accompany me."

Hanxiang blushed, nodded after hesitating for a moment.

Just like that, Su Li, who was in the middle, fell into a deep sleep surrounded by her parents.
The original restlessness and restlessness disappeared.

"I can not sleep."

A fragrant blush responded.

"Me too."

Li Yun felt that under such circumstances, he had to use some words to break the embarrassing situation. He coughed lightly and said with a smile, "We've known each other for a long time, almost two years."

"Yeah, it's been two years." When Hanxiang mentioned it, she was elated: "When you said you could help me, you still felt that the little guy in front of you must be lying to me."

Li Yun: "."

Was he really a little guy?
In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it.

"I really hope this will last forever."

"What kind of day?"

Han Xiang suddenly turned her head and stared into Li Yun's eyes: "A day like tonight."

"Is that so?"

Li Yun began to relax and fell into a deep sleep.

The sun still rose, Han Xiang and Xiao Su Li were still asleep, Li Yun gently opened the cup and left the big bed.

In theory, Hanxiang doesn't need to sleep, after all, she is a female ghost in theory.

But on this bed, he let himself fall into a state of [sleep].

I slept soundly, deeply, and happily.
At this time, the system suddenly sighed in the tone of an old driver.

"Young man."

"Don't use this tone, it makes me seem to have done something." The corner of Li Yun's mouth twitched: "It's just a simple sleep."

"It's because I just sleep, so I look very young. In theory, something that children don't understand should happen."

"Brother System, you are wrong about one sentence. The children of today may know more than you."

Li Yun doesn't know where he learned the system stuff
Maybe he also had a coquettish and fucked life before he became a system?

Otherwise it would be too irritating.

Li Yun didn't take care of the system full of slots, and prepared to wash up.

As soon as I stepped out of the door, the familiar feeling came again.

Pulled himself into the illusion of everything.

"I haven't changed my little bear's pajamas yet," Li Yun complained, and started to wander in the illusion again.

This time the vision was less blurred.

is a building.

An abandoned building.

After seeing the whole picture of the building clearly, the scene began to twist and change again.

Unlike before, this time there was a person.

A girl.

Wearing double ponytails, wearing red and green and long johns, not a pretty face, just looking at Li Yun like this, what is different from her ordinary appearance is that her eyes
The eyes are deep, as if they can see through everything.

Hole through the past, penetrate the future.

Her appearance also changes between a girl, a young girl, a middle-aged woman, and an old woman.

The illusion began to distort, like a bad signal, began to distort.

Ethereal, untouchable.

Finally, the illusion disappears.

Business as usual.

It was still raining early in the morning.

The chirping chicken brother and Ah Er and Bai Chen who were springing up early in the morning.

Li Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Look at the remaining wish power in your hand.

"Prayers, not people"

(End of this chapter)

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