Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 779, big hand holding small hand

Chapter 779, big hand holding small hand
Toddlers wander, lost and helpless.

No one can see him, only Li Yun and Xiao Hei can see it.

Dirty, dragging a small belly bag, staring blankly at the flow of people, as if searching, but also seemingly aimless.

"What is this kind of mood?" Xiao Hei murmured while looking at the young boy, struggling in his heart, not knowing what the surging emotion was called.

"It's heartache, it's pity, it's pity. There are many kinds of emotions mixed together. You can't use a single emotion to describe it. Anyway, you will understand when the time comes." Li Yun came in front of the young boy.

The young boy didn't look at Li Yun, but just looked in front of himself.

looking at that far away place
Xiao Hei didn't explore his emotions, but just said.

"He is dead."

"The dead can't die again." Li Yun nodded: "The body is dead, the spirit is gone, there is no consciousness, no self, only a confused body watching here."

The soul also has a life span.

Not just one's own lifespan, but also the lifespan of one's intelligence.

The lifespan of the intellect is less than the lifespan of the soul, just like Alzheimer's.

He is still alive.

The heart is dead.

Sooner or later, his soul will also die.

"The soul lives because of obsession." Xiao Hei murmured, "What kind of obsession is there that allows such a young child to survive until now?"

"Of course there is."

Li Yun squatted down, looked at the young boy, and used Linghai to comfort him.

Although the intellect has disappeared, the instinct still exists.

Linghai's comfort is like a mother's embrace, giving warmth to a young child.

I don't know how many years of Nuanyang have been missing.

The young boy's soul instinctively followed Li Yun, walking tremblingly.

"Let's go."

Walking through the sea of ​​people, the soul of the young child followed Li Yun in confusion.

Follow the warm embrace.

"Do you know what his obsession is?" Xiao Hei said after a moment of silence: "You have heavenly eyes and can see the fate of others, but in his situation, the fate has long since dissipated. After all, there is a time limit Yes, if you don’t have the eye of the sky, you should use the divination algorithm to trace back his [Fate].”

Fate has its end.

The young boy's soul has been wandering around for countless years, and Li Yun can also tell that the thread on his body has long been broken and cannot be broken again.

This soul, like duckweed without roots, no one knows, no one knows.

"In fact, sometimes supernatural powers are not omnipotent. Human beings are born primates, relying on their brains. There is an old saying that knowledge is power." Li Yun said indifferently: "Do you know how many years this soul has been wandering?" .”

"Well, if you use the calculation method in your world, it should be 82 years." Xiao Hei was puzzled, not knowing what is the meaning of knowing time.

"Yes, it's been 82 years."

Li Yun shook his head.

Xiao Hei didn't understand what the 82 years represented.

Could it be possible to see his obsession by looking at the age of the soul?
Xiao Hei was still a little unbelievable.

At this time, the young boy's soul suddenly stopped, instead of following Li Yun, it turned to stare blankly at the other end.


"Not yet." Li Yun looked at the young boy, and then said to Xiao Hei, "He's just following his instinct."

The direction the toddler is looking at is a happy family of three.

A little boy about his age.

Wearing beautiful clothes and shoes, holding parents with left and right hands.

Walk and jump up and down.

There is also a string of small snot bubbles on the nose, which looks like a cold.

When the snot bubbles flow out, the mother next to him will help wipe it clean, and the laughing boy will also laugh happily.

happiness, harmony.

Heaven on earth.

Li Yun looked at the young boy again, even if it is a soul, it still maintains the last moment before death.

Wearing a bellyband, dirty.

The wounds rubbed on the soles of the feet, the fingers are black, and the mud is filled.

There are no parents on either side.

Unfortunately, sad.

For young children.


It is hell.

After a moment of silence, Li Yun turned around and said to Xiao Hei, "You, stand on his right."

"Huh? Why do you order?" Xiao Hei frowned, but met Li Yun's serious eyes, and finally didn't spit out.

Standing on the right side of the child.

"Take his hand."

Xiao Hei did as well, holding the young boy's hand.

Ice cold.

There is no temperature.

So cold.

Li Yun took the young boy by his left hand and led him away.

One left and one right.

Just like that family.

Parents, stand by your side.

The toddler was still confused for a while.

However, this cold little palm that originally belonged to the soul warmed up.
Xiao Hei felt the warmth of his palm and asked in doubt.

"Is it an illusion? It always feels... warm."

"Probably, it's an illusion."

Li Yun smiled, holding a small hand with his big hand.


Holding the hand of their own children like parents, Li Yun and Xiao Hei led the children to a huge venue.

"Here is the destination"

Li Yun let go of the young boy's hand, and Xiao Hei also let go.

Xiao Hei was still looking at the palm of his hand in doubt, not knowing where the warm touch came from and where it was going.


It's confusing.

The soul can actually have warmth.

Although, just a little bit.

At this time, the young child who was let go walked towards the center of the venue.

The originally confused eyes became clear.

Started crying.

crying like a child.

Just like back then.

Stand on the ruins and rubble.

The moment the child entered the venue, two phantoms emerged from the stone tablet inside the venue.

It's not a soul, it's not a thought body, it's just a phantom.

A stubborn middle-aged man and a woman in a red and green blouse.

The two took the place of Xiao Hei and Li Yun, one on the left and one on the right, holding the young boy's hand.

The toddler is still crying.

It's just that now I'm crying with happiness.

So happy.

The soul of the young child disappeared together with the two phantoms.

At the last moment, the young boy's soul waved at Li Yun and Xiao Hei.

Thank you..
Then it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

On the disappearing stele, there is a large string of densely packed names, among which three names connected together are the place where the young child disappeared.

Shi Tianbao (1900-1937)

Fang Lianhua (1912-1937)

Historian eldest son (1932-1937)

"Great." Li Yun smiled gratifiedly as he watched the child disappear, "This lonely soul who has been wandering for 82 years is finally free."

"Really? That's great." Xiao Hei murmured, an unknown emotion welled up in his heart. He didn't know how to describe it, but he was happy anyway.

Finally, he looked at Li Yun: "Can you tell me now, why did you know where his destination was when you mentioned 82? Do you know what happened here?"

Li Yun turned to look at Xiao Hei and said.

"Do you know what this city is called?"

"do not know."

"This place is called Nanjing." Li Yun pointed to the gray venue with many people in front of him: "This place is called Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall."

(End of this chapter)

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