Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 795, Return the scriptures

Chapter 795, Return the scriptures

"Wash, wash, take a bath, baby golden water is indispensable."

"You sing really badly," Xiao Hei made a heartfelt comment.

Su Li didn't stop singing, but sang even more vigorously.

The out-of-tune is even worse——

Xiao Hei couldn't help but wonder if it would be better to give Ya a manual mute.

But Xiao Hei still laughed when he saw the little girl singing out of tune in front of him.

"I don't know why, it's always easy to be with you."

"Hey, we are friends, of course it's fun to be with friends."

"Friend, the nine-tailed fox of Qingqiu country." Xiao Hei paused and said, "By the way, do you like your father?"

"I like it, I like Dad the most." Su Li said firmly without any hesitation.

Xiao Hei had never seen Su Li with such a firm tone, and finally smiled.

"It's amazing. The orthodox Taoist in the world and the strongest demon fox in Qingqiu are actually father and daughter. If they were placed outside, they would have killed each other long ago."

"Ah, you live and die, like in Auntie Waste's game?"

"Well, almost."

"Will not"

"Why not." Xiao Hei said indifferently: "The aura on his body is exactly the same as that of a certain judicial god named cold-blooded and ruthless. The eyes of that existence cannot tolerate evil spirits, especially you, Nine-Tailed Fox, This kind of evil spirit that disrupts the world exists. If I were you, I would run away the first time I saw him, as far as I could."

Su Li stared blankly at Xiao Hei, with saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth.
Xiao Hei felt helpless for a while.

"You're in a daze again"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was thinking about mom's birthday pancake just now, I really want to eat it." Su Li wiped off her saliva and said, "You said the first time you saw Dad. I knew it at the first sight. The one in front of me, It's my dad."

"Not afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid of my father? It's so strange." Su Li looked confused, and finally nodded and said, "Well, I miss my father as soon as you say it."

After dusting off the little skirt, Su Li ran out.

Only Xiao Hei was left looking at his back.

"I recognized my father at the first sight."

"Is this considered to be a thief as a father?"


When Su Li came to the pavilion, she threw herself into Li Yun's arms for no reason.

Li Yun smiled and hugged his daughter.

"Who is this"

"It's a nine-tailed fox." Li Yun narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Do you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it." The young man of Onmyoji was stunned for a while, then looked carefully at Xiao Suli, and finally shook his head and said, "Don't make fun of me, isn't this just an ordinary little girl?"

Nine tailed fox.

When Li Yun first heard that the onmyoji was looking for the Nine-Tailed Fox, he felt that this must be a person with power. He sensed the Nine-Tailed Demon Power in the Taoist temple, and brought a group of nihilistic monks with unique skills to salute first and then fight
Li Yun made up his mind that the negotiation failed in the end, and then started a firefight. Finally, the other party called out the plot that Naruto wanted to seal the little fox into his son's stomach.

In the end, when I opened my Celestial Eye, I saw that it was an ordinary person without a spiritual sea, and those nihilistic monks were also ordinary monks.

Li Yun suddenly had a cold expression on his face, this guy's demeanor is all just pretending.

Relieved but also disappointed at the same time——

"Actually, for a moment I thought you were really an onmyoji who could throw spells."

"Ha, if the Taoist master is willing to discuss family studies with me, then of course I am willing. If you talk about Yin-Yang spells, then I will disappoint you." The young Onmyoji smiled: "I don't know this, and I don't think Who in the world would do this, feudal superstition is a no-brainer oh, I’m sorry, I’m a straight-talking person, if I’ve neglected the middle way sect, then I apologize first.”

"No need to apologize, it's just human nature." Li Yun shook his head.

The words of the young Onmyoji are very clear.

This is an onmyoji who firmly believes in the core values ​​of materialism, and is of the same type as Xuanli.

One is loyal to the Daoist sect, but not the immortal gods of the Daoist sect.

One is loyal to the Onmyo family, but does not believe in ghosts and monsters.

Li Yun also noticed the words in the mouth of the young Onmyoji

In Japan, there is probably only one person who can call Yin-Yang Dao a family study.

"What's your name sir?"

"Call me Tsuchimikado Tokai."

The Tsuchimikado family, a direct descendant of Seimei Ampere.

The legendary Onmyoji, who was active in the Heian period, has been adapted into various works, both male and female.
"So Mr. Yuan Hai, I'm very sorry." Li Yun shook his head and said: "There is no Nine-Tailed Fox you want here. If you want to see Nine-Tailed Fox, the one in Pindao's arms is it."


Su Li also had a big heart, somehow fell asleep in Li Yun's arms.
There was a group of great monks watching around, and Li Yun couldn't sleep in such an environment.

Tu Yumen Yuanhai laughed, feeling that Li Yun was joking, and finally sighed.

"That's right, I'm the one who's stupid, and I actually want to come to Nine-Tailed Fox or something"

At this moment, Tsuchimikado Tokai was about to turn around and leave.

"These Taoist scriptures will be returned to you. They were originally intended to be handed over to the local Taoist Association, but it is the same if they are handed over to you."

After bowing with a smile, Tsuchimikado Tokai turned and left, still maintaining elegance while walking.

There are rows of nihilistic monks behind him, and Bel has a face.

Just this back view.

The elevation angle is 45 degrees.

Looking at this back, Li Yun knew that this onmyoji who insisted on materialistic values ​​really wanted to see Nine-Tailed Fox.

Very contradictory.

Don't believe in ghosts and gods, but believe in Xuanhu.

Obviously Xuanhu is a kind of ghost and god.
I also gave away a large wave of Taoist scriptures for nothing.

"Sure enough, the descendants of transvestites have a different thinking circuit?"

"Shemale...?" Xiao Su Li was confused.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Humans are born by their mothers, and demons are born by their mothers. A child born between a man and a demon is a human monster, isn't it Apei Qingming, the ancestor of the Tuyumen family? The child born, from this point of view, isn’t this Tsuchimikado Tokai-san a shemale.”

Su Li suddenly realized, with an expression that you are very reasonable and I am speechless.

"Your education method is really unique." The system complained.

Li Yun ignored the system's complaints, anyway, it won't matter if you slap it twice, right?
In front of these Taoist scriptures, Li Yun sent them into the scripture storage room.
After all these scriptures were placed in the scripture room, the system suddenly made a sound.

"Congratulations to the host, get it, get it"


The system sound disappears.

Temporary disappearance.

Li Yun suddenly felt himself disappearing from this world.

In front of him, there were only two big fish.

One yin, one yang.

The sky is above.

Below is the ground.
The world was first opened, and the chaos was first.

(End of this chapter)

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