Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 797, All cattle and snakes are paper tigers

Chapter 797, All bulls and snakes are paper tigers
The nihilistic monk Taobao shopkeeper went out to buy things, and only Tu Yumen Yuanhai and Li Yun were left in the whole house.

"Who are you?" Li Yun used Linghai in this sentence.

"who I am."

"I'm Tsuchimikado Tokai."

"I am a middle-level corporate animal, part-time onmyoji. Sometimes I dance as a master, do divination, and use the name of Tsuchimikado to earn some extra money. My special skill is to make myself look like a master. This skill makes me I’m proud of being at home in the workplace and being a less lowly social animal.”

"In short, he is just a very ordinary person, who lives an ordinary life and fantasizes from time to time whether he can break through these little taboos."

"So now, Daoist Yun, if you suddenly appear at my house like this, calling the police should be the first thing I should do."

"But you didn't choose to call the police, you longed for change, for abnormality." Li Yun sat beside Tu Yumen Yuanhai, looking at the sloppy house: "Because the appearance of the poor is very important to you. normal】."

From the first impression, Li Yun felt that Tu Yumen Yuanhai should belong to the meticulous type.

The outside and the inside are totally different.
There are so many dramas in my mind.

"Yeah, what I long for is [abnormal], but not a prisoner who came in from nowhere." Tsuchimikado Tokai smiled helplessly, but there was not so much bitterness in his tone, but he felt very fresh.

It feels fresh to have someone break into your home illegally.
"You gave the poor Taoist a big gift, and the poor Taoist just came to thank you." Li Yun smiled slightly: "In those Taoist scriptures, there are things that the poor Taoist needs."

"It's fine if you like it. It's useless to me anyway, but it can make me get rid of those messy things." Tuyumen Tokai shook his head indifferently, went to pour Li Yun a cup of hot water and said: "Now The Tao of Yin and Yang has declined to the point where it can no longer be declined. No one believes in ghosts, gods and monsters. What can I comprehend in "Da Yi", such as Yin and Yang Dao, spells, shikigami and other magical things."

"It turns out that there is nothing but the most primitive laws of physics. It's quite shameful to think about it. At that time, I was performing Shikigami Summoning and King Ming's spell in front of my mother. In fact, I was already 20 years old at the time."

Tuyumen Yuanhai elevation angle 45 is so sad that it explodes
When I was 20 years old, performing in front of my mother, it could become a shadow in my heart.

It's a wonderful thing to fantasize about, especially for boys.

When Li Yun was young, he had fantasized about his own characters countless times, such as a swordsman who slays demons and demons, a brave man who raids the treasure chests of the Demon King's City, a hero who breaks into the widow's village at night, a prostitute who gallops through the wilderness with two guns, and so on. Similar fantasy.

It's just that I didn't expect to become a Taoist priest in the end, the kind of Taoist priest who can't kill demons and eliminate demons, and still has demons at home.
Life is like this, Li Yun felt that the Tuyumen Yuankai in front of him was somewhat similar to himself.

Being a Taoist priest is his family business, and so is Tu Yumen Yuanhai in front of him, and becoming an onmyoji is his family business.

He guards the dilapidated Taoist temple, while Tu Yumen Yuanhai guards the declining Yin-Yang Tao.

The difference is that he has stepped into the extraordinary world, while the Tsuchimikado Tokai in front of him can only walk safely.

Li Yun sighed, if he was the same as Tuyumen Yuankai, he would probably choose this kind of life. He would take a Taoist priest as a part-time job. Sometimes he would dance to the gods, worship the gods, drive away ghosts that do not exist, and then open Taobao shop, or find a serious job, find a wife who is as ordinary as myself, and spend my life.

"It's better in a dream, there is everything, without the troubles and pressures of reality." Tsuchimikado Tokai also seemed to let go of his shame, and began to tell: "Sometimes I dream, dreaming that I am a real onmyoji, There is also a nine-tailed fox, let's all slay demons and demons together, and wipe out injustice."


It's one thing to simulate in the brain, but another thing to say it out.

For the person who said it, this is something that can no longer be ashamed, and it is the same for the person who listened. Li Yun felt uncomfortable when he heard it.

If the wild fantasy of a Hollywood blockbuster is replaced by special effects for fifty cents, it would be a shame.

Tsuchimikado Tokai spoke vigorously, very vigorously, and even got carried away, lost all shame and the like, and could not tell that he was a 28-year-old man at all.

Old men and boys too.

The fantasies of these years have all exploded.

The fantasy stories about monsters, love, and family affection cannot be described as magnificent, but they also sound very exciting.

Li Yun thinks Tsuchimikado Tokai should become a manga artist.
"Sorry, I got a little excited and talked so much." Tsuchimikado Tokai apologized, "Isn't it embarrassing?"

"I'm not ashamed, but I think it's very real." Li Yun stared at Tuyumen Yuanhai seriously and said nonsense.

Finally, he said: "So, if you were given a choice, what kind of life would you choose?"

"Of course I will choose the life of an onmyoji." Tsuchimikado Tokai said without hesitation, "To tell you the truth, I only have the real feeling of being alive when I am dreaming, but I feel that I am dreaming now, doing an eternal dream. A dream from which I cannot wake up."

"But reality is reality, and dreams are dreams after all. Sometimes, a beautiful dream is a life."

At this time Li Yun smiled, and the spiritual sea surged.

The Dharma image behind him appeared, with extraordinary power.

Tsuchimikado Tokai in front of him was stunned, and subconsciously called out.

"Substitute envoy?"

It is not surprising that Tu Yumen Yuanhai can see Dharma Prime Minister Li Yun, after all, An Pei Qingming is a direct descendant of the legendary Onmyoji.

At first glance, I thought it was a substitute messenger.
It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Dreams have everything."

In Huang Liang's dream, Tu Yumen Yuanhai fell into a deep sleep.

There is nothing in a dream.

Since Tsuchimikado Tokai thinks that the life in the dream is the life, then let him have a long dream.

"Well, it's really not as proficient as Moonlight Bodhisattva, who can make people have a dream and a life casually." Li Yun murmured, watching a man fall asleep always feels weird.

What I learned from the remnants of "Book of Changes".

Integrating the [Principle] of Yin-Yang balance into one's own Taoism can sometimes produce qualitative changes.

For example, all phenomena, incorporating the principle of [Yin], can directly make the subject enter the deep dream in sleep.
Huang Liang has a dream, an instant with the flick of a finger.

It's like living another life.

When you wake up, forget everything.

"A dream, like reincarnation."



Li Yun saw that Tu Yumen Yuanhai exuded a little bit of wish power.

A phantom of a nine-tailed red fox.

The nine-tailed fox, a legendary monster, exists as an angel even in Japanese legends.

This is not a phantom of nothingness.

"I'm delusional?"

"It's not the illusion of the host."

Li Yun thought for a moment, and entered the dream of Tsuchiyamen Yuanhai.

The scene twisted and changed, and I entered this dream.

This dream is too real.

It was so real that Li Yun didn't even know how to describe it.

The land, cherry blossoms, passers-by, and the bustling Tokyo city.

Exactly the same as reality.

The difference is that people walking on the street.
Li Yun came to a grocery store.

"Boy, what do you want?"

"A handful of raccoon noodles."


The talking raccoon in front of him handed a pack of raccoon noodles to the young man in front of him.

After the young man paid the money, he drifted away happily.
"In his dream, it's a world where humans and monsters coexist, which fits well with his identity as an onmyoji." Li Yun looked at the magical realism-style scene on the street, and didn't know where to complain.

There is a little raccoon who runs a grocery store, there is a mermaid who sells and sings in a park pool, and there is an old iron lizard who is grilling.

These scenes can be seen everywhere in reality, but the protagonist is no longer a person, but a ghost.
Bizarre dreams.

Things like dreams are not real, and it is not impossible to go crazy and add stunts like this.

But while this dream is grotesque
It seemed too real.

reality of the social order.

The reality of the surrounding monsters and spirits.

With the mental strength of a mortal, it is impossible to mediate the order of a world in a dream.

"Red light stop, green light go! Can't move"

A beautiful girl with pale skin and hair directs the pupils to cross the road.

The beautiful girl was filled with a chill that was visible to the naked eye.

These elementary school students are all weird, some are monsters, some are spirits, all kinds, grotesque, some are extremely beautiful, and some challenge the limits of aesthetics.

"Transfer student? What's the matter?"

"you're so beautiful."

"Cut, kid"

Under the leadership of a teacher named "Snow Girl", these elementary school students crossed the road happily.

Everything is so orderly, literally.
It's like a replica of the modern human world, with some differences to accommodate the monsters, but basically the same idea.

It's just that the protagonist has become these monsters instead of humans——

Li Yun was walking in the metropolis as a spectator.

Watch the prosperity of the 'demon' world.

"His dream is too powerful." Li Yun rubbed his temples: "It's like a real world."

Li Yun definitely doesn't think this is the setting of "One Dream, One World". A dream is a dream, and reality is reality.

"Brother System, could this be a parallel world or the heavens and myriad worlds?"

"There is no such world in the heavens and myriad worlds." The system paused and said, "Monsters may succumb to gods and Buddhas, but they will definitely not be worshiped on such a large scale. After all, they are born with [power], and, here The civilization of the world does not conform to the logic of demons at all - so this is a dream."

Li Yun wandered to the front of the temple.

In this dream world, the bald Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and goddesses are still enshrined in the temples.

The difference is that the monk turned into a fox-faced, tanuki-faced humanoid.

Those who prayed to Buddha also turned into monsters and spirits.
Feel what it is like when monsters worship Buddha.

The picture is so beautiful that Li Yun finds it hard to look directly at it.

To Li Yun's surprise, most of the monsters in this world did not maintain the [human] form, and more or less kept the characteristics of beasts.

One of the monsters tremblingly prayed to God and worshiped Buddha, and finally came to the monk with a raccoon face and said with trembling hands: "Master, I may [hit someone] what should I do. I'm so scared."

The raccoon face monk chanted sutras and Buddha to appease the monster.

"Amituofu, don't do bad things, don't be afraid of people knocking on the door, there is no one in your heart, and since you don't see anyone, if you have a clear heart, you can move forward with confidence."

After appeasing the monster, he finally paid the incense money and left with satisfaction.
The second person is an innocent boy with big eyes.

Looks very short, not very old.

One of the traditional monsters in Japan, often plays a funny role in the story.

The big-eyed boy in front of him also looks very suitable for the monster design, and he looks like he is about to cry out while trembling
"Amitabha, why should the donor be so flustered?"

"I was bullied by my classmates. They cursed me. They said that I would be captured and eaten by human beings tonight. Woohoo" the big-eyed boy was terrified, and tears flowed from his big eyes.

The civet-faced monk sighed, and stretched out his hand to comfort Big Eyed Boy.

Pure, comfort from the elders.

"Don't do bad things, don't be afraid."

"Wooooow, I broke my mother's vase."

"Uh, it seems that you have done something wrong." The civet cat-faced monk was helpless, and suddenly changed the subject: "Then, I will not tell you in the name of a monk, but as a doctor of the history department. You."

"Huh?" Big Eyed Boy's originally confused eyes became a little worshipful.

What about the Ph.D. in history?
Highly educated personnel.

"Don't doubt, I came to this temple just as a part-time job. Actually, I don't believe in weird things." The raccoon-faced monk patted Big Eye Boy's eyeballs and said, "I can tell you very clearly that in this world There is no human existence, it is just a concept given by some monsters to incomprehensible mysterious phenomena. It is sustenance, fear, and a collection of incomprehensible objects. it's the same."

"It's your mother who will look for you, not the so-called [human beings]. Do you know?"

"There are no humans in this world?"

"Yes, there are no human beings. There was once a great existence in the eastern country once said."

"All bulls and snakes are paper tigers"

(End of this chapter)

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