Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 799, Men are teenagers until they die

Chapter 799, Men are teenagers until they die

The eerie and strange environment, with a weird altar in the middle, is just like an evil festival.

Coupled with the special effect of the gusts of wind, Li Yun almost thought that he was going to summon some evil creatures such as ghost kings, gods and demons.

Perhaps in their view, human beings are the so-called kings of ghosts and demons.
"What a dream. If it were a movie, the script would score at least 80 points. It's so magical."

Perhaps the saddest thing right now is that there is no popcorn.
At this time, the scene in front of him was still being demonstrated.

The ceremony unfolded, and the flames burned to the sky.

The incantations and spiritual power gradually condensed into shape.

"You are crazy, you actually summon humans."

"I'm not crazy. Facts have proved that I'm about to succeed." Tsuchimikado Toharu said calmly, increasing the output of spiritual power: "He can save us."

The altar was broken because it couldn't bear the excessive spiritual power.

But the ceremony continued, and gradually, a person was formed in the center of the beam of light.

Loud cries resounded throughout the room.

In the center of the beam of light is a baby.

A howling human baby.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including Tsuchimikado Toharu.

"It worked"

"But why are they just larvae?" Tsuchimikado Toharu kept his proud face flashing slumped, the purpose was not achieved, the original purpose was to summon a powerful existence, not infants, and in the end he had no choice but to come in front of the infant.

But when he saw the baby's face, the gloom on Tsuchimikado Toharu's face disappeared.

Calm baby sleeping face.
Curiously, he reached out his little hand and stroked her face.

Maternity explodes.

After a long time, Tsuchimikado Toharu picked up the baby.

"From today onwards, he is a member of my Tsuchimikado family."

"This is human"

"Yes, human beings, I will raise him, and I will be responsible for what happens. I believe that he can lead us and save us." A trace of tenderness flashed in Tsuchimikado Toharu's eyes: "His name is Tu Yumen Yuanhai is my child."

"In this world, in this era, the first human born"

The dream came to an abrupt end here.

Li Yun left Tuyumen Yuanhai's dream.

It's not that Tsuchimikado Tokai stopped dreaming, his dream life is still going on.

Rather, there was something trying to push Li Yun out.
The force of repulsion is not too great, at least not to Li Yun.

Li Yun thought for a while, but left the dream.

There is nothing to look at anymore, this dream is nothing more than the life of Tsuchimikado Tokai, the life of an onmyoji.
In reality, Li Yun slowly opened his eyes.

Feel the power to push yourself out.

"The spiritual principle of [Yin] and [Yang] is Yin Yang art."

Li Yun looked at Tuyumen Yuanhai in front of him, his sleeping position was extremely ugly, and he was drooling a lot, like a mentally retarded person, he must be an ordinary person who is so ordinary that he can't be more ordinary—now he probably has achieved Chunmengqiao Duan, still laughing hehehe.

I don't know the years in my dream.

The original image collapsed completely
This yin and yang technique was not initiated by him, he didn't have any capital to activate the spirit technique at all.

Li Yun thought of the fox phantom just now.

One dream, one life, the life in Tu Yumen Yuanhai's dream is still going on, but in reality, Li Yun has returned to the Taoist temple.

I told Xiao Hei and Bai Chen immediately
"You said that in that kid's dream there was a world similar to the modern Earth, with clear rules?" Bai Chen paused and said, "As far as I know, there is no such world yet, similar to your Earth, but ruled by demons. Dominated by the world. And how technologically advanced it is.”

"Really do not have?"

"Really not." Bai Chen shrugged and said: "Humans are the primates of all things, why do you think monsters transform into humans, right?"

Li Yun thought about the monsters in Tuyumen's distant sea dream. They also turned into primates, but the difference was that most of their faces remained in their original form, and only a few of them were human-like.

It's reasonable, because everyone is a demon, so don't yearn to become a human, and don't have to turn into a human.
"I don't have much information about the heavens and worlds in my memory." Xiao Hei shook his head to express his confusion.

That is to say, these two people who have experienced many battles and have seen many times don't know about it.
"There are quite a few worlds dominated by demons, but they are all places where fairy civilization or human civilization is very backward. From your point of view, it is probably the painting style of primitive people fighting primitive people. The most important thing is, no matter which world There will be no shortage of human beings, if you say that human beings are extinct in that dream, it may really be just a simple dream." Wearing a light yellow vest, denim shorts, and a pretty girl with short hair appeared next to Li Yun.

Frankly speaking, it's really hard to recognize it with a different hairstyle. The guy in front of me is Xia, the incarnation of Donghuang Bell.

Now where there is still a beauty in ancient costumes, she is just a fashionista. As a gatekeeper, she can see all kinds of fashionable girls every day, and she will pick out the good-looking ones and transform into them.

“[Demon] It is very difficult for creatures like humans to evolve a civilization like humans. The wildness in their nature makes them not believe in technology, such foreign and obscene skills, but believe in their own power. For example, there is a Montenegrin old man who has practiced for a hundred years. What choice will Yao make when facing a nuclear bomb?" Xia squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Even if he can dodge, he will use his body to carry it hard, and then he will be destroyed by the bomb, this is his nature. , and other Montenegrin old demons will not study anti-missile skills, but think about how to make their bodies stronger, so strong that they can carry nuclear bombs."

"That's right, it's just a dream. Don't be so serious. If you have time, you might as well study the broken pages of "Book of Changes". Maybe you can understand some magical principles from it. It's not impossible to ascend on the spot. With only one page, you probably won't be able to comprehend anything." Bai Chen nodded and said.

Whether it's Xia or Bai Chen, the opinions are surprisingly consistent, and they feel that it's just a dream.

Li Yun thinks this is a very philosophical question.

A dream for thousands of years, the dream is true or false without knowing it, Zhuang Zhou dreams of a butterfly, a butterfly dreams of Zhuang Zhou.

For outsiders, there is no difference between true and false
It must be true for Tokai Tsuchimikado.

Li Yun was very curious, whether this "real" to him really happened.
"Brother System, do you think it might be one of the myriad worlds that are not in the records?" Li Yun added: "Even Bai Chen, Xia, Xiao Hei, you don't even know about the myriad worlds."

"do not know."

"I don't know?" Li Yun looked at the sky and said, "I don't know."

The next day, when I woke up early in the morning, there was a soft thing lying on my chest.

Li Yun has long been used to Su Li sleeping on her chest in the morning.

When sleeping in human form, he sleeps in the middle, and when sleeping in fox form, he lies on Li Yun's chest.

It's quite warm, after all, canines—

Li Yun got up gently, not disturbing the little fox to sleep.

Nine furry tails wrap the little head, which looks really cute.

Looking at Su Li in front of him, Li Yun couldn't help but compare the difference between the phantom behind the fiery red nine-tailed fox in Tuyumen Yuanhai's dream and her.

In terms of body shape, the fiery red nine-tailed fox is still a bit bigger, but the shape and arrangement of the tails are surprisingly consistent.

Tsuchimikado Tokai has never seen a real Nine-Tailed Fox.

The nine-tailed fox in the dream was strangely similar to Su Li's fox.


The difference is that the nine-tailed fox is full of power, and the guy who sleeps in front of him will only drool and call his father.

Li Yun still thinks that the one in front of him is cuter.

Cute is enough, what kind of bicycle do you want?

After washing up and wanting to go out to exercise, I found that someone was already waiting here.

Tuyumen Yuanhai.

He didn't wear the uniform representing Onmyoji, but an ordinary black suit.

as an ordinary person.
He has been waiting at the door for a long time.

"Yuanhai Layman, don't come here unharmed," Li Yun said with a slight smile.

"Thank you very much." Tsuchimikado Tokai bowed, with an extremely standard respectful gesture: "Let me find it, the nine-tailed fox in my heart."

"Come in for a cup of tea?"

"Just drink tea, I have to go to work later." Tsuchimikado Tokai smiled helplessly: "At 08:30, I have to clock in."

So true, punch to work.
Completely returned to reality, experiencing ordinary life.

Teenagers will eventually grow into men, and growth is inevitable.

"Frankly speaking, the dream yesterday was really amazing. I slept until dawn. When I woke up, I really thought it had been 100 years. But after brushing my teeth, the things in the dream were blurred. .I always feel a little pity." Tsuchimikado Tokai said regretfully.

Li Yun understands that many of them have had bizarre dreams, such as being a dragon fighter or a light energy messenger in the dream, but after waking up, these things that were thought to be "real" will become blurred. The memory or the body, they all come back to reality completely.

Unforgettable, after all, a dream——

"A hundred years of life, this dream of yours is long enough."

"Yeah, Taoist priest, do you know why I came to you at the very beginning?" Tsuchimikado Tokai smiled mysteriously: "Because, when I was 10 years old and dreamed, I vaguely heard your name say you Can lead me to find the nine-tailed fox."

"10 years old."

It is impossible for two people who are ten years old to have an intersection.

"It's just a vague impression. I heard your name when I went to Luofu Mountain by chance. The name of the Tao is [Cloud], so I wanted to try my luck." Tuyumen Yuanhai smiled and said: "This time the dreamer At that time, I finally knew what it was like when I dreamed of you."

Li Yun listened attentively, with a serious face.

Tsuchimikado Tokai looks relaxed and comfortable, chatting like a joke, just talking about his secondary school dreams with friends.

"Let me tell you, the me in the dream is amazing. I am a legendary onmyoji, and my name is Tsuchimikado Tokai. In the dream, my adoptive mother is a fiery red nine-tailed fox. As my shikigami, I Together with her, we have maintained the peace of Tokyo, experienced pain, experienced sadness, experienced happiness and parting"

"In the end, I also died on the couch. At that time, my mother, the red nine-tailed fox, also reached the limit of her life. At the age of 120, she was already very old, especially at that time. Cancer, the ventilator for both of us is still next door.” Tsuchimikado Tokai said with a look of nostalgia: “She told me something back then, saying that when she called me back then, someone was spying on me. The existence of touch seems to be separated by countless years and epochs. That person is wearing a blue and white Taoist robe, with a golden pupil on his forehead, as if he can see through everything. She cared about it very much, so she used all the strength of the whole family to use the strongest divination yin and yang at that time surgery, and paid a heavy price.”

"Three elders died, my mother also had gray hair, and her strong body full of spiritual power became a little decayed. The disease could already entangle her at that time, but what is disappointing is that even this powerful Divination, I only calculated the name of Wai Jintong that day."

"His name is Li Yun."

Tsuchimikado Tokai smiled jokingly: "This is not your name."

"Is it exactly the same?"

Li Yun put on a polite smile.

Tsuchimikado Tokai also laughed, a little embarrassed.

The unique reaction of a young man who talked a lot about his dream in the second year of middle school, he was obviously talking vigorously just now, but later he would feel awkward.

It's too embarrassing to stay.

Originally, Tsuchyumen Yuanhai didn't want to stay longer, and after going to the main hall to put on today's head incense, he was ready to go down the mountain.

When going down the mountain, he waved to Li Yun.

"Actually, I was thinking, it's a pity that such a magnificent and epic story is just my dream. These stories must be known and shared with everyone." Tsuchimikado Tokai summoned up his courage and said loudly in Japanese: "I, I've decided! I will resign this time when I return to China! I want to become a cartoonist! Participate in this year's Newcomer Awards!"

"It's decided, the name is "Old Onmyoji"!"

Tuyumen Yuankai went down the mountain contentedly, and the villagers around Xiangtou mountain village who couldn't understand Japanese were still confused, thinking that this guy was just venting.

He didn't know that everyone in the Taoist temple could understand the shouting
"Elder onmyoji, what the hell is earth capable of burning me?" Bai Chen looked at the back with contempt.

Li Yun just stood in front of the gate of the Taoist temple, watching Tuyumen Yuanhai descending the mountain.

It's a shame to declare though.

But Tsuchimikado Tokai also thoroughly declared one thing.

Boys end up being men though.

But man.

You will be a boy until you die——

(End of this chapter)

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