Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 807, what is the price

Chapter 807, what is the price

Ma Lirong hasn't seen her biological father for a long time.

Since two years ago.
"Thinner, a lot thinner"

Dirty shirt, gray and black face, unshaven beard, half gray hair, and a strange smell from his body, which can be smelled from far away, no different from a homeless person.

No, it's a tramp.

But why, the tramp can appear at this time
Didn't he leave?

left this home.

Too many doubts lingered in Ma Lirong's mind.

Ma Benqiang hurriedly came to Ma Lirong, and said anxiously: "I see that the whole village has become like this. What should I do? Yes, we must go to the hospital as soon as possible."

"She was poisoned, a malignant disease caused by bacteria." Li Yun said: "The whole village has suffered from this disease. The root cause is of course the pharmaceutical factory not far from your home."

Ma Benqiang cried with his head in his arms, looking remorseful.

"I knew that I must never compromise with them, absolutely not compromise like Huang Qiang. I am such a useless thing, why should I agree. Is it all my fault if I resist?" Ma Benqiang began to go crazy Slap yourself.

"You didn't agree at the time." Only then did Ma Lirong know that her father had objected to such a thing, and he was obviously silent when he said this.

At this time, the foreman who followed suddenly said: "Did you hear that your dad spent all his money gambling or gambling? That's not the case. Huang Qiang and his gang brought local gangsters to threaten your dad." , Said that your father demolished your house without taking out the money, kidnapped and sold you to a remote mountain to give birth to a child."

"Impossible, why didn't you call the police?" Ma Lirong's face was shaken and she couldn't believe it. This emotion even overshadowed the pain in her body.

The foreman made a phone call and called people from his own construction team nearby, planning to use an empty truck to pull people to the hospital.

While on the phone, he also said: "They threaten you, don't beat you, don't scold you, how can people like us deal with it? The police came and there is no evidence, and then they are threatened like this? You don't give money , They come here from time to time, and take pictures of you and your mother for him from time to time, what can he do, he is scared, he has no choice, he can only take the money to [honor] Huang Qiang, that turtle bastard."

Sounds silly.

Dare not resist, can only obey.

But what can Ma Benqiang do? He has no money and power, knows nothing, and doesn't know how to use legal weapons.
Just like Ma Lirong said.

It's a construction worker.

He doesn't understand so many things, he only understands to protect his family with the way he understands.

At some point, Ma Lirong burst into tears.

The foreman seemed to be venting everything, and said: "Do you know what your father paid for this house? He gave his youth, most of his life, just to let you have a comfortable nest. Moving bricks when I was young left me with the root of my illness, and now I can’t even do the simplest labor. Who is it for? Is it for myself? It’s for you. It’s really stupid that you still kicked him out of the house. "

Yes, she doesn't understand anything.

Over the years, there was indeed a person protecting himself.
That person is the father, protecting him in the most clumsy, stupid way that only he can understand.

"I heard that you have been getting very close to Huang Qiang, that turtle bastard recently, right? Let me tell you, that thing was not a good thing when I was young. When I was young, I used a tree branch to get under a female classmate, and he threatened her not to call the police. This matter No one knows, only a few of us know that the female classmate got depression and moved away.. This guy doesn't do good things when he grows up. like this, he likes to cheat young girls, throw them away after sex, a disgusting person, he threatens your father, so that he can only call it "gambling" to the outside world, can't you say that the money is given to them, isn't it very exciting, robbed How exciting it is that your family's money can still pretend to be a gentleman to soak up the victim's daughter."

Li Yun, who was listening on the side, couldn't help admiring Huang Qiang.

It's a complete scum
"You didn't even understand him, so you abandoned him, thinking that the biggest victim was yourself. In your eyes, it turned out that [gambler] would fight for so many years, using his bad body to work hard, and beat you As a college student, I will leave the house to you, and I will still wander around, for fear that Huang Qiang and the others will bring people to harass you."

The foreman wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ma Benqiang.

"Don't talk about it, these are all things I am willing to do, let's report 120 quickly, and call someone to come quickly."

The foreman nodded, went outside the village, and mobilized with the surrounding villagers.

As soon as possible, let as many people as possible go to the doctor.
"The surrounding villages have fallen. From the current point of view, it can basically be explained that the problem lies in the water source." After the foreman came back to understand the situation, he sneered and said, "It's ridiculous for short-sighted people to sell their health for 2000 yuan." No, I originally thought that an uneducated person like me was short-sighted enough, but I didn’t expect so many college students to be so short-sighted in the village.”

"You can't say that. We can't ignore Huang Qiang's threat. He uses our family as a bargaining chip." Ma Benqiang shook his head dejectedly.

At this time, the foreman continued to speak.

"If all of you disagree, will they be so arrogant? If you protest together, they will not even have the qualifications to produce, and there will be no chance to persecute you. Let me tell you that some people are tempted by interests, and this is what everyone The majority, only a few people are resisting and refusing. These few people can't make waves at all. The few people can only choose to compromise, and they are threatened and persecuted by them. Don't you think the people in the village don't know about this threat? It's nothing to do with yourself, if you turn a blind eye and close your eyes, the vast majority of people deserve it."

From the very beginning, Ma Benqiang refused, resisted, and used his weak body to protect the health of his family.

But Aunt Zhao's sister and Ma Lirong showed their attitude when they had just eaten, and they accepted and expressed their willingness from the very beginning.
Ma Lirong finally gave a wry smile.

"Perhaps, this is the so-called self-inflicted fault."

The villagers were all assembled, and each individual's face was full of all kinds of regrets, not serious.

Regret that I did not resist at the beginning, but chose to compromise.
"Ah Wang, I should have believed you if I knew earlier."


"Damn pharmaceutical companies, I qnmlgb"

The wailing of the whole village resounded, and even the voices of the neighboring villages could be heard.

This time, the person from the pharmaceutical company was the first to come, a middle-aged man with cold sweat on his face and slightly shaking hands.

As soon as the middle-aged man arrived, he was pushed down on the ground by the foreman: "Cao Nima, what did you do to make the people in the village like this?"

Young people who were not poisoned by drinking water also gathered around one by one, and some even wanted to punch and kick directly.
The middle-aged man covered his face and trembled.

"We don't want to, we are also very desperate. Do you know that we are also responsible for your health problems? Although the medical waste gas we discharge is stinky, it does not have much impact on the body."

"At least it won't affect it for a short period of time." Li Yun made up the knife silently beside him.

The middle-aged man looks shy, but it won't affect it in a short time, and he won't know it in a long time.

After a long time of influence, they have already gone to nowhere, it's none of their business.

But the impact in a short period of time will be different. Once the people in the village have a headache, they will probably think of him.

At this time, the middle-aged man cried and did not deny that it was the company's fault: "A person in our company retaliated against the society and lost all his wealth in the World Cup, so he wanted to poison everyone and die together. After the poisoning, he jumped off the building and committed suicide. This kind of poison will be ineffective if boiled water. I didn’t expect that so many people in your village drink raw water.”

Most people in the village have the habit of drinking unboiled water, drinking it directly without boiling it for a sweet taste.

The middle-aged people think that at most only a few people will be recruited. After all, drinking boiled water is the habit of Chinese people
Unexpectedly, after an investigation, almost all the surrounding villagers were recruited, and only a few people who did not have time to drink water survived.

A few people, pharmaceutical companies can afford to pay.

Hundreds of people in several villages, including him, the person in charge, probably eat peanuts.

At this time, those who originally planned to beat the middle-aged man to vent their anger all lowered their bodies.

The use of violence now is just a powerless vent.

A sense of powerlessness and hopelessness pervaded the village.

At this time Ma Benqiang cried immaturely.

Cowardly like a child.

"I'm really useless, I'm just a piece of rubbish, I can't help my family, I can't help everyone. My wife scolded me back then, it's true, marrying me who is so useless, I wronged her"

"You really have been looking for reasons for your family until the end." Li Yun said helplessly.

Only then did Ma Benqiang notice Li Yun, the Taoist priest who suddenly appeared at his home: "You are not poisoned."

"Pindao didn't drink water." Li Yun added silently in his heart, drinking this water would not cause poisoning.

"You don't seem to be in a hurry at all." Ma Benqiang looked at Li Yun who looked slightly relaxed, not knowing what to say.

But Ma Benqiang thought about it, and it wasn't his relatives who fell down, but his own relatives who fell down and couldn't afford it.
"It's not that I'm not in a hurry, but the current situation can't be changed by the poor." Li Yun suddenly smiled and said, "I heard that your daughter can distinguish the type and toxicity of Chinese herbal medicines by the taste, really. She's amazing, she's talented."

She is very talented, and as a father, Ma Benqiang was once proud.

It's completely different from myself, a worker who can only move bricks and build walls
A humble existence, and a shining existence.

Even though Ma Lirong was ashamed of him, Ma Benqiang was still very proud and satisfied.

Now Ma Lirong has taken painkillers and is using her knowledge to help the villagers relieve their pain.

Even if there is a little vanity, if you try to study the superficial skills, the inside is not so good.

But a doctor is a doctor after all.

Benevolence is always there.

"Shiny, totally different from me"

"Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs. Our Chinese ancestor Shen Nong did the same thing back then. With a mortal body, he tasted all kinds of herbs and tested poisons. There are many strong poisons, poisoning the body, but even if the body is destroyed, he is still trying." Li Yun indifferently Dao: "With a mortal body, leave a firewood, be a human being, and strive for future generations."

Li Yun looked at Ma Benqiang and said.

"Actually, you can shine like that too."

"I can do it too? I can't even help people." Ma Benqiang looked at the bustling scene, and he could only pant heavily with a cane. Disease and long-term malnutrition devastated his body.

Perhaps, if for no other reason, he would not live long.

For him, living to this age is enough.
At this time, Ma Lirong stood up clutching her stomach, and finally took a deep breath, which relieved a lot.

Painkillers wear off surprisingly quickly.

Ma Benqiang just passed over the boiled bottled mineral water silently, and then returned it.

Fatherly love is silent.

Especially for Ma Benqiang, who was originally taciturn and not good at speaking.

Being bullied since childhood.

Fortunately, there is a beautiful and intelligent daughter.

From then on, Ma Benqiang felt that his life was actually full of light.

Very happy, very happy.

very happy.

Until the year of high school parent meeting.

Ma Benqiang knew that he had humiliated his daughter.

After that year, Ma Benqiang rarely spoke to his daughter.

But Ma Benqiang doesn't care, as long as he works hard, there will always be happiness.

Happiness is to support my daughter to go to college, to have enough food every day, and to live a simple life.

That's enough, don't expect too much.

Until now, Ma Benqiang feels that it is a happy life to be able to set up a small tent not far from home, holding instant noodles and smiling in the direction of home foolishly every day.

Seeing, even this little bit of happiness is gone
Ma Benqiang turned around and frowned.

"Tell me, I can too."

Ma Benqiang just wants to help his daughter
Li Yun nodded.

Finally, Ma Benqiang hesitated.

"So what's the price?"

Li Yun said calmly.


(End of this chapter)

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