The Evil King's Pampering: The Fourth Young Lady Against Heaven

Chapter 218 Judging Tomorrow's Blessing

Chapter 218 Judging Tomorrow's Blessing

Calm down, although Ming Zong is also angry, but he can still stay on Mount Tai, the feeling of the former head of the Ming family has gradually recovered: "Tomorrow, I will hold an interrogation in the ancestral hall, and with the witness of the elders, I will sentence you The crimes I have committed. As for You Laner, she has been taken away by You Fan, and her whereabouts are unknown, but after I am free, I must go to the You Clan and ask You Fan to give me an explanation, and hurt me My precious granddaughter just wants to run away, there is no way!"

"It's useless, father. Although we all know what Mingyou did, there is no evidence to prove that he did it. With Mingyou's words, if you deal with it forcefully, you won't be able to truly convince the public."

Hearing what Mingyun said, Mingli immediately stood up: "No, girl Mingyun, do you want to deal with Mingyou lightly? You know how scheming Mingyun is, if you let him go this time, he will definitely I will try my best to deal with you and put you at a disadvantage!"

"After all, he is my second uncle and grandpa's second son. More importantly, I am willing to give him one last chance as my father's elder brother. Of course, it is impossible to give him any rights. Since grandpa is back this time, then let him be empty." For his rights, just use the matter of sending me to Langya City, if he really wants to kill me, this time, I will definitely leave evidence and completely abolish him."

Ming Yun's handling of it like this is considered as benevolent and righteous. If it was before, Ming Yun would definitely take advantage of the victory and give Ming You the last knife and send him to hell, but the executor of this trial is Ming Zong. What a disappointment, but after all, he was the second son he raised since he was a child. It would be too cruel for Mingzong to impose heavy punishment on his own son as soon as he came back.

Mingyun didn't care about Mingyun's life and death at all. He gave Mingyou one last chance because of Mingzong's face. If he is still obsessed with his obsession, don't blame himself for being ruthless.


Why didn't Mingzong know that Mingyun was thinking of himself, and his heart warmed up: "If Tianyou still can't wake up after this lesson, at that time, you can kill or cut whatever you want, and I will never say a word again."

Mingli looked at Mingzong in disbelief: "Even your ancestor is like this?! This is letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

"Okay, Uncle Li, that's it, there's no need to say anything more."

Mingyun winked at Mingli, and decided on the matter like this. Now that the decision has been made, tomorrow's trial is just a show, and the result will be announced directly. It only needs Mingyun to be present at that time.


When Qiuyue came to call her, Mingyun had already got up, washed up, tied her ponytail, and went directly to the Ming family ancestral hall.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for Ming Yun to visit this place.

The ancestral hall enshrines the spiritual tablets of the ancestors of the Ming family, and the candlelight inside is flickering. Walking into the ancestral hall, Ming Yun found that everyone had come.

Tomorrow You was kneeling in front of the spiritual tablets of the ancestors, hunched over, and buried his head extremely low, and the person in front of Tomorrow You was none other than Mingzong.

Only the Second Elder Ming Li was present, the First Elder Ming Cheng was still awake, and the Third Elder Ming Kong couldn't dodge in time. After lying in bed for several months, my vision has become much clearer.

However, to Ming Yun's surprise, Ming Zhishui was also here.

Well, I'm here too, anyway, it can't change the final result, but since Ming Yun came in, Ming Zhishui didn't hide the disgust and murderous intent in his eyes, his eyes kept staring at Ming Yun, Ming Yun He expressed his calmness, chose a position and stood there.

This Ming Zhishui, it seems that after so many years of learning from the Youshi clan, he only increased his soul power, but his brain didn't grow at all. What's the use of radiating killing intent like this?Who doesn't know that Ming Zhishui hates Mingyun to death, but the dormant enemies are the most troublesome, like Ming Zhishui, as long as the power suppresses him, he is nothing to be afraid of, without any brains.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the trial."

Mingzong's gaze swept away everyone, and as the words fell, even if Mingyou wanted to control his emotions, his body trembled even more.

"Tomorrow you, I have already heard the whole story. After I left, you corrupted the Ming family to such an extent. I don't blame you. After all, I know the extent of your ability. You took good care of Yun'er, but you sent Yun'er to Langya City in the name of not being able to cultivate his soul power, what's going on with you?!"

At the end, Ming Zong almost roared. Originally, Ming Zong was furious because of this incident, but now seeing Ming You kneeling on the ground, he was pretending or really angry, and all yelled at Ming You.

Tomorrow You trembling thin lips, trying to sort out his thoughts: "Father, Father. I, I also have no other choice, Mingyun can't cultivate soul power, it's useless to stay in Ming's house, and it will only be used as a joke by others The laughing stock of our Ming family, I did this for the good of Mingyun, for her growth, it is impossible for her to stay in the capital."

"For her growth? Do you still have the face to say such a thing?!"

Seeing that Mingyou was still obsessed with obsession, Mingzong became even more angry, grabbed a teacup by the table and threw it on Mingyou's head.


Mingyou cried out in pain, the teacup hit Mingyou's head and instantly shattered, spilling tea and fragments all over the floor, blood could be seen flowing from Mingyou's head, and the whole person collapsed on the ground, non-stop moaned.


Ming Zhishui saw that Mingyou was injured, and was about to step forward, but was stared at by Ming Zong. With just one look, Ming Zhishui's body seemed to be fixed by a fixing spell, unable to move.

Mingyun lowered his eyes, looking at the miserable state of Mingyou, no matter how scumbag Mingyou is, he is still a third-rank soul martial artist. If ordinary people hit him, it would be indifferent to tomorrow you, but Mingzong is a third-rank soul character. With such a smash in his hand, as long as Mingzong thought about it, with a little force, it would be easy to kill Mingyou, not to mention that it would only cause him pain.

Ming Zong's angry beard trembled, pointing at Ming You and cursing: "You said that for Yun'er's growth, Yun'er has no soul power, and without the protection of the Ming family, he was sent to Langya City, where people stared at him everywhere. Bullying, even a member of the border tribe can step on Yun'er's head to show off his power. Yun'er is living a life like a beggar. Do you really think that Yun'er's living environment will be better than in the capital? Your intention is to kill Yun'er Son, I wish Yun'er would die! Tomorrow You, do you dare to do it or not? I am so disappointed in you!"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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