The Evil King's Pampering: The Fourth Young Lady Against Heaven

Chapter 257 Breaking Through the 8th Grade of Soul Martial Arts

Chapter 257 Breaking Through the Eighth Rank of Soul Martial Arts
It's really great, Mingyun can feel a brand new force flowing in his body, dantian, viscera, and blood vessels, constantly flushing, washing everything about him, and giving himself stronger soul power.

Just like La Yue said, with the Vientiane Canglan Flame, Ming Yun’s speed and ability to absorb the essence of the spirit bed have been greatly improved, and it cannot be compared with the last time. If this continues, Ming Yun is confident that he will be able to break through the eighth grade of Soul Martial Arts !The power of the warming spiritual bed is rampaging in his body, this feeling of constantly absorbing powerful power is simply too wonderful to describe.

Meditate, you must calm down, haste makes waste, Mingyun must ensure that the essence of this spiritual bed can be completely absorbed, and become his own. LaCrosse only found two places, and he used them for himself. This time, Mingyun must make it worthwhile and use it to fully exert its power within his body.

In the future, there is no guarantee that there will be such a good opportunity to use this cheat to continue to upgrade.

Mingyun sank into his consciousness, controlling the source of all living things and absorbing the essence of this spiritual bed. After an unknown period of time, Mingyun suddenly felt a dryness and heat coming from his dantian, as if he was in a dry ball. It's like throwing all the sparks in the grass, and it will cause a raging fire in an instant, burning everything.

Is this feeling caused by absorbing too much power too quickly?

Ming Yun squinted his eyes. As LaCrosse said, the simpler and easier to obtain powerful power often hides unknown dangers. Ming Yun has never felt this kind of dryness before. If he can't handle it well In other words, maybe the dantian will be damaged. Although it will not lead to the end of madness, the progress of absorbing the spiritual bed's essence will be twice the result with half the effort, and it will take a certain amount of effort to repair it.

It must be handled with care, it seems that we can't just pursue speed.
Therefore, Mingyun's absorption this time took longer than the last time he absorbed the spiritual bed, it took a full ten days!
Jun Yue sat cross-legged, with purple-tailed black hair blowing non-stop along the night wind entangled in the cracks in the stones. He was unparalleled in beauty, and his god-like face was still like a painting. His whole body was full of red stars. The flow stopped, and there were a few streaks of red light that turned into flowing light, floating around like white silk.

At this moment, Junyue exudes a noble, powerful, and untouchable aura that ordinary people can only watch from a distance, but not play with it. Although in Xingyue Continent, the auxiliary effect on Junyue's cultivation is almost negligible. But there is a general Better than not doing well.

Mingyun was lying on the spiritual bed, covered with frost all over his body. The crystal stones of the spiritual bed underneath had been completely absorbed by Ming Yun's source of all things, and turned into a pile of abandoned stones without any color. After waking up, she is still immersed in her spiritual consciousness at this moment, controlling the origin of all things with her spiritual power to transform the aura of heaven and earth absorbed from the spiritual bed, constantly accelerating the improvement of her soul power.

At this time, Jun Yue slowly opened his Danfeng purple eyes, glanced at Ming Yun who was sleeping on the spiritual bed, and saw that she had turned into a statue of the Snow Queen under the moonlight, counting the time, his cloud It's time to wake up too.

Jun Yue got up, opened the red soul wings, and flew over the cold pool with a light tap, ignoring the cold air that came out, sitting beside the coffin, watching Mingyun's sleeping face quietly, stretching out his white eyes. Fingertips, stroking Mingyun's eyebrows, and glanced at it bit by bit, as if wanting to engrave all of this in his heart.

In the end, Jun Yue placed a light kiss on Ming Yun's forehead, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

This little girl is inside, I'm afraid she has also improved, so that's good.

After an unknown amount of time, Ming Yun's eyelashes vibrated slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes. A few drops of frost shattered and fell, like a Sleeping Beauty waking up from a slumber encased in ice. Immediately afterwards, Ming Yun got up from the coffin, A warm breath passed into Mingyun's body, and collided with the skin between Mingyun's neck, itching and hot, it was the breath of LaCrosse.

"Wake up?"

Junyue was sitting beside Mingyun, hugging Mingyun's body at this moment, helping him to pat the frost on his body, the body fragrance came from his body, the temperature almost put Mingyun in the spring of March, the warm sun was overflowing, Warm in his heart, Ming Yun smiled, and stretched comfortably in the arms of LaCrosse, exercising his body and muscles that had not been moved for more than ten days: "Well, I woke up, and I have absorbed it."

"Breakthrough the eighth grade of soul martial arts."

Jun Yue's words are affirmative. He can feel that Ming Yun's soul power is different from that of the previous days. This feeling has indeed broken through the eighth grade of soul martial arts, and it is even more rewarding.

"of course."

Ming Yun stuck out his tongue. With the origin of all things and two kinds of different fires, plus the spirit bed that has been nourished for thousands of years, if Ming Yun still can't break through the eighth grade of soul martial arts, he can simply buy a piece of tofu and hit the wall to commit suicide: "This time I just realized that the function of the spiritual bed is far more than that, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what did I do last time to absorb the spirit of the spiritual coffin of spiritual coffin of spiritual coffin grave bed so quickly? Violence, if you give me another chance, maybe I have broken through the ninth rank of Soul Martial Arts in one fell swoop."

Mingyun looked annoyed, and only found out during this absorption process that there was something hidden in the spiritual bed's essence. The last time Mingyun completely absorbed the spiritual bed's essence, but he did not completely transform it, only pursuing Speed, but I don't know how much precious energy has been lost.

This time, Mingyun spent more than ten days absorbing the essence of the spirit bed, one is to control the absorbed power to prevent it from going berserk, and the other is to transform it while absorbing it, and store it in his own things It took a long time for Shengyuan and Dantian to completely turn this power into their own controllable ability, but they were able to maximize the function of this coffin and allow Mingyun to fully absorb it.

It can be said that now Mingyun's soul power has not only reached the eighth rank of soul martial arts, but also infinitely close to the ninth rank of soul martial arts. Only one opportunity is needed, and Ming Yun can complete the goal of breaking through the ninth rank of soul martial arts within a month and absorb the breaking spirit pill!

Jun Yue stroked Ming Yun's hair, and said dotingly: "It's good to know, but last time it was mainly because your injury and soul power consumption were too serious, and the function of the coffin is to repair your dantian, so as not to leave any sequelae , it is secondary to improving your strength, and you didn’t have the Vientiane Canglanyan at that time, this time you are purely to improve your own strength to absorb the essence of this spiritual bed, plus you have two different fires. The effect is good."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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