Chapter 260 Mutated Spirit Beast

The sky-thundering cannon that condensed the power of all creatures and the power of the eighth-rank soul martial arts is naturally extraordinary. A blue light flashed past like a meteor, and slammed on the barrier, instantly arousing countless waves, and the soul power exploded. out.

Jun Yue folded his arms around his chest, and saw that the barrier was like glass that was gradually shattered. First, countless spider webs spread on it, and then, one after another, they fell down one by one. Falling down, Linlin rustled, like gem powder dug out of ice crystals, a little electric current flickered out of it.

The corner of Junyue's mouth curled up. This soul-calling technique is quite powerful, especially with Mingyun's current strength, it is already qualified.

With one blow from the Sky Cannon, the barrier was completely shattered. Ming Yun put away the blue soul power in his hand and let out a long breath.

Still not very proficient, just finished absorbing the power of the spirit bed, and the control of soul power is not so precise, but it is enough to deal with the current spirit beasts.

In the spiritual consciousness, the life source of all things began to circulate continuously again, creating a mellow spirit for Mingyun's dantian to absorb, and quickly repairing Mingyun's strength, Mingyun raised his eyebrows: "How is it?"

Jun Yue was not stingy with his praise: "I thought you would at least use that move to break through thousands of troops, but I didn't expect to use this move to break the barrier. Yun'er, you have grown so much."

Ming Yun stuck out his tongue: "I didn't expect this move to break through the barrier of this spirit beast, it seems that my strength has really reached a point where even I panicked. "

It can be said that Ming Yun's strength is now infinitely close to that of the Ninth Grade Soul Martial Arts, and it is only a small step away from a real breakthrough, and this small step, Ming Yun must surpass it in the next battle!

Ming Yun said, suddenly a strange long howl resounded through the sky, and then, the whole valley began to tremble. The night sky, which was originally a clear sky for thousands of miles, unexpectedly drew countless shadows of thunder out of thin air. Above the valley, there were endless roars, accompanied by great destructive power and strong winds.

Ming Yun squinted his eyes: "Sure enough, it is a spirit beast with thunder attribute. With such a powerful force, it seems that this battle has really been won."

The red soul wings on the back of Jun Yue condensed and flew, and patted lightly: "Yun'er, if you are ready, go, I will watch the battle from the sidelines, and I will not make a move unless it is absolutely necessary, everything depends on you gone."

"Jun Yue, this is what I'm going to tell you later. I hope you don't intervene in the battle with the spirit beast. I will use my own strength to fight for it! Even if my life is in danger, Let me be willful this time, I hope you can promise me."

This is what Mingyun wants to say, if LaCrosse will intervene, then no matter how much I tell myself not to think about it, there will always be a line of defense that will make me feel at ease. During the battle with Ming Zhishui, Ming Yun realized the seriousness of this point. She must make herself have no way to retreat, so that she can fully force her potential.

You can only rely on yourself, and only with your own hands can you create a way of life. Driven by this belief, you can truly become stronger!

Looking at Ming Yun's firm eyes, Jun Yue smiled in relief: "It seems that I am worrying too much, then, you can go."

Ming Yun, this is your own choice, and I will not stop it.


Ming Yun said softly, in this regard, LaCrosse is unexpectedly considerate. Presumably he also realized that his own protection method itself has a certain procrastination, but he had to do it, LaCrosse Mingyun will not let anything happen.

However, if LaCrosse's protection is needed at this time, what should Ming Yun do if LaCrosse is not around when encountering even more terrifying dangers?LaCrosse himself also understands that it is impossible to be by Mingyun's side all the time, although he also wants to do this, but LaCrosse has other things and responsibilities.

It has come.

An incomparably huge gust of wind swept in with a howl, and in an instant, even the black clouds in the sky were swept up into chaos. The scattered thunderstorms in the starry sky gathered in one place, and the dazzling white light fell straight down, overwhelming everything around. The light was so bright that even Ming Yun had to squint his eyes.

Calling thunder and lightning out of thin air, this is the power of the spirit beast. This guy must have mastered the virtualization ability like the spirit bone dragon, that is, it has been a certain period of time to break through the spirit beast and master the power of the realm.

Immediately afterwards, Ming Yun saw a figure slowly coming out of the center of the falling thunder, with white and blue fur, and blue lines behind the pupils, golden eyes, white fangs, and the aura of dominating the world. In this land, it was blown by the wind, surrounded by countless thunderbolts, crackling and crackling on the fur, but it didn't hurt the wolf at all.

The golden pupils instantly locked on to the two people with divine wings spread out in the air. With a long howl, the lightning wrapped around it immediately condensed into a lightning ball and shot towards the two people in the air.

In this situation, it is not difficult to see that it is angry, and it is bound to tear these two weak humans who dare to offend its territory and majesty to pieces!
Mingyun and Junyue immediately spread their wings and flew to the left and right. The lightning ball passed through the middle of the two in such an unstoppable manner, and shot into the black clouds in the sky. Flashing through the black clouds, even the clouds were pierced through, and countless electric currents fell from the sky, exploding everything, tearing apart the entire sky, and bursting out a black hole of electric current, like a blue mandala in full bloom. out.

Ming Yun's eyes widened. How could this spirit beast be so powerful?When the lightning ball flashed past him just now, he had clearly avoided a safe distance in time, but he still felt like his side face was being burned, and it was still burning hotly.

This guy wouldn't have used his virtualization ability at full power from the beginning, right?Do you want to be so perverted.

Junyue's voice came over at this time: "Yun'er, I forgot to tell you, this is just a mutant spirit beast in the mysterious forest - Lightning Wolf, it has now reached the level of a mutant spirit beast, you have to be careful. "

"Pfft." Ming Yun wanted to crash to death. What he was looking for was a spiritual beast, but LaCue was lucky enough to find him a mutated spiritual beast. Spiritual Beasts can compete with Saint Yuan Beasts in combat power!

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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