Chapter 303 Eight Diagrams Formation

After the lottery was drawn, according to the order, everyone began to enter the gate of life and death on the mountain behind Huofeng Academy one by one. Ming Yun looked at the lottery in his hand and curled his lips. No. 23 would be the last one.

When Liu Shu passed by Mingyun, he threw out a vicious warning: "Mingyun, it's best not to be eliminated at this time. For the third martial arts trial, you'd better pray that you don't face me, otherwise I will definitely die." You will have to pay a terrible price."

Mingyun didn't even look at Liushu, didn't bother to say a word, and just left, right when Liushu was air, and the flow of air was almost furious, if it wasn't for this being Huofeng College, with Mr. Ding watching , Liu Shu's temper has already exploded and he wants to fight Mingyun desperately. As the strongest prince genius in Liu country, Liu Yun's grandson, when did Liu Shu suffer such humiliation!

Liu Shu had no choice but to snort coldly, and directly chose the Taoist gates in order to enter, Mingyun, don't be complacent, wait for the martial arts trial, and see if I don't kill you severely!

After all the people in front had gone in, Mingyun slowly lifted his steps, chose a door at random and walked in. For this kind of thing, Mingyun never thought too much about it. , then it is a matter of luck, and these ten doors look exactly the same, and there is no difference, so don't waste too many brain cells, just choose one to enter.

Ding Lao looked at Ming Yun from the side, saw that Ming Yun pushed open the door, walked in, and then the door slowly closed, making a heavy creaking sound, Ding Lao stroked the beard on his chin, as naughty as a child smiled.

At this moment, another old man came, and it was the old man recorded in the Lingshi test that day——Old Feng, who is also one of the elders of Fire Maple Academy. Seeing Lao Ding's appearance, he couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that Old Ding Very interested in that woman."

Mr. Ding glanced at Mr. Feng: "After all, it's the girl that Lang Yabai is looking for. I always feel that the girl's strength is not as ordinary as it appears on the surface. It seems that this martial arts trial is very interesting. Yes, but even if she has such power and is favored by so many people, it is normal for her to suffer a setback in this illusion trial. Everything depends on her good fortune. She underestimates this trial, but she will It's a big loss."

"I didn't expect Lang Yabai to actually agree to Mr. Ding's request to teach at Huofeng Academy. I have said so many times before but failed. I always feel a little weird."

Mr. Ding pursed his lips: "I can't see what that boy Langyabai is thinking. He is a very mysterious person. If he agreed to my request for Mingyun, even I I don’t even believe it myself, but one thing is certain, he will not harm Fire Maple Academy, you can rest assured about this, Mr. Feng.”

After entering the door, Ming Yun was in a darkness where he couldn't see his fingers. Without hesitation, Ming Yun stepped forward.

This has already been experienced in the previous trials in the forbidden area. This kind of darkness mainly tests people's mental endurance. For Ming Yun, who is very familiar with the darkness, this is an excellent place for her to live.

But after this walk, it was very fast to find the bright exit again. In less than a stick of incense, Mingyun walked through the darkness and came outside the exit.

"here is"

Ming Yun stepped forward, surrounded by stone walls, and it seemed that there was no other way out. In front of him was an eight trigrams formation, with eight stone figures placed at the eight corners of the eight trigrams formation. The carvings were lifelike, and they held weapons in their hands. , Even the fine wrinkles on the face are clearly visible.

Is this the place where the illusion is tested?So simple, it's the end?
Mingyun raised her vigilance, because she didn't know what was going to hit her, and it was Mingyun's style of doing things not to take things lightly. At this moment, she slowly stepped into the gossip formation until she came to the very center.

Suddenly, the pattern in the middle of the gossip array sank, Ming Yun paused in his heart, did this trigger the mechanism?
The situation changed.

Mingyun didn't rush out of the gossip formation immediately, but carefully observed the surroundings. If it is necessary to break through the illusion, then the eyes of the formation must be destroyed. This mechanism is one of the keys that must be triggered, and it is impossible for you to escape without pressure. To break through this illusion trial, otherwise why set up this checkpoint?
The important thing is, what is the formation eye?
Soon, Mingyun knew.

At this time, the eight stone men around them moved, making a "creaking" sound like an old mechanism, and slowly raised their heads, a white light appeared out of thin air in the pupils that were originally empty.

The blue light slowly emerged from the eight stone men, and Ming Yun was startled. Is this feeling the soul power of Soul Martial Arts?And the level of soul power is not low, there is even a sixth-grade soul force!
Eight stone men of the sixth rank of soul martial arts attack?This sounds like a nightmare to some low-level spirit martial arts, but for Ming Yun now, this illusion trial is too weak.

"Break it for me."

Now that Zhenyan himself has shown up on his own initiative, there is no need for Mingyun to hold back. In the dantian, the blue soul power burst out, using the strength of the ninth rank of soul martial arts in one go!
The sixth-rank soul martial against the ninth-rank soul martial, even with the strength of eight people, in Ming Yun's eyes, it is undoubtedly like a mantis' arms, vulnerable to a single blow!
Ming Yun turned over and hung upside down in the sky. The eight stone men raised their heads together. They all raised their weapons, including spears, long swords, longbows, and crossbows. Just like ancient soldiers fighting, the blue soul power entangled in their arms. Among the weapons, an attack form was transformed, and Qi Qi shot towards Ming Yun's direction.

"Thousands of Mountains Break Thousands of Armies!"

A monstrous aura erupted from Ming Yun's body, descending from the sky, intimidating the earth.

The moment when the soul power is condensed to perfection is when this move is poured out.

The surging blue soul power condensed out like a river, and thousands of galloping troops roared towards them, condensing at the last point, like a Mount Tai, smashing down on the gossip formation.

This huge mountain is mixed with Mingyun's soul power, it's too big, it encloses the entire gossip formation and the eight stone men, and with Mingyun's current strength, it's useless to use only the first level of ten thousand mountains to break through thousands of troops , Mingyun is too lazy to use other soul skills to test, under the blow of thousands of mountains and thousands of troops, break this illusion for me!
Wan Shan slammed heavily on the gossip formation, directly cutting off the attack power of the eight stone men at the sixth level of soul martial arts, shattering their bodies with the momentum of destroying everything.

(End of this chapter)

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