Chapter 32 The Lord of Langya City
A few days later, it will be the day when the tournament will start.

As a grand martial arts competition held every few years in Langya City, it is naturally very lively. Even if the city has just experienced the incident of beast hordes trampling on it, it does not compare to the lively atmosphere created by this martial arts competition.

Under the impetus of this lively atmosphere, Langya City, which had just lost its vitality, fell into a frenzied atmosphere, and the most powerful catalyst was gambling.

"Buy it and let it go, bet on the top three, double the odds!"

From time to time, such a sound can be heard from the streets and alleys. This has become one of the characteristics of the major border towns. Every eve of the martial arts competition, there is a gamble. of glory and wealth.

The morning sun was rising, and on the Ming family's martial arts field, a group of Ming family children stood there in Ming family's training uniforms, with their heads held high, facing the broken sun, full of vigor and vigor.

Ming Hao looked at the two disciples in front of him who were taking the lead to represent the Ming family in this martial arts tournament—Ming Liao and Ming Yun, and shouted loudly: "Today is the day when we set off for the battle, and it is not only your shoulders that are on your shoulders. Your own future, you have worked so hard for so many years, and it is the glory of our Ming family, do you have the confidence to win this competition and come out on top?!"

Ming Liao and Ming Yun shouted in unison: "Yes!"

"set off!"

Ming Hao took the lead to leave, followed by the disciples of the Ming family with great momentum.

Ming Yun was walking peacefully, when suddenly a sarcastic voice came: "Team battle, don't hold me back."

Ming Yun tilted his eyes, and found that it was Ming Liao who had been staring at him with contemptuous eyes, full of complete distrust.

Ming Yun said lightly: "Don't worry, I will solve everything in single-player battles, and there is no need to attend team battles."

Ming Liao was taken aback, single-player battles solved everything, and he didn't need to attend team battles, so he had to be in the top three positions in the single-player battles. Ming Liao looked Ming Yun up and down, and said contemptuously: "It's just you ? An idiotic dream."

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

There is always a kind of person in this world who always likes to say that others can't do it even if he can't do it himself. Mingyun knows that it's a waste of time to talk to this kind of person. The best way is to use strength and facts to let him Take the initiative to shut up!

Ming Liao sneered coldly: "Hmph, it's only this kind of virtue that can't be said, let alone the two brothers of the He family who participated in the war, I guess you won't even be able to survive the first round. It's not just you who will be ashamed, but also Ming Liao." Home. Waste."

However, Ming Liao soon realized how wrong he was.

The martial arts competition venue is arranged in the largest square in Langya City, and there is a ring specially used for martial arts competitions, with an area of ​​about [-] square meters, enough to start a battle between soul masters.

In the competition arena, the black flag representing the logo of Langya City was fluttering in the wind, and auditoriums were set up all around. Recently, the seats with the best view are naturally for everyone in Langya City. The location of the people who came to visit the tournament.

Although Langya City is only a small town, it has a large population. In addition, this martial arts competition is a big event every few years. Countless people are rushing to visit and enjoy this visual feast. Naturally, it is impossible to reserve so many seats. Only certain representative people can be selected to visit.

On the top of the competition venue, there are three chairs, the left and right sides are for the special envoys who came to visit and select from Kyoto, and the middle one is for the lord of Langya City, which belongs to a mythical figure in the Xingyue Continent. Character - the position of Lang Yabai!
"I don't know if the city lord will come today. After all, I haven't seen him for many years."

"A noble person like the city lord, is it something that little people like you and me can see if they want to? Just kidding!"

Among the countless voices of discussion, the biggest one is not who will win the championship in this martial arts competition, but whether Lang Yabai will attend this martial arts competition. It is even more difficult to meet such a person. Even if it is the current Holy Majesty, or even the inscrutable Soul Hall, if they see Lang Yabai, they will have to give him some face.

An incomparably noble alchemist, a powerful soul-level figure, and a mysterious genius who is powerful in all directions, these rumors alone are enough to scare the crap out of everyone who dares to offend Langya City. This city is also because of this person. Named after the surname, it can be seen that the people of this city have faith in Langya Bai, but this person disappears, comes and goes without a trace, without anyone noticing, and does not know when he will appear or when he will leave.

Lang Yabai, this person Ming Yun has naturally heard a few legends about him, but Ming Yun doesn't bother to pay attention to people who have nothing to do with him, sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and resting his mind, making the final preparations.

"This trash, pretending to be so resembling, will be exposed when he gets on the stage." Ming Liao looked at Ming Yun's appearance, and sneered mercilessly, then looked at the middle position on the stage again, and murmured Said to himself: "I don't know if I can see the city lord today, but if I can see him once, then it's Sansheng's fortune."

Seeing that the two special envoys from Kyoto had already taken their seats, two old men with gray beards and wearing official uniforms, and there was no sign of Lang Yabai, some people sighed, fearing that they would not see Lang Yabai again on this most likely day of the year.

"The special envoy has arrived, everyone, get ready, the martial arts competition will begin immediately!"

With this shout full of soul power and full of energy, the martial arts competition officially began!
The people present also became active. Although they couldn't see Langya Bai, after all, their main purpose of coming this time was to watch the martial arts tournament, which was a major event in recent years. Forget about it.

Ming Hao turned around, and a pair of sharp eyes swept over Ming Liao and Ming Yun: "Are you ready?"

Being swept away like this, Ming Liao's heart trembled, he became nervous unconsciously, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "It's ready."

On the other hand, Mingyun just nodded calmly, and Minghao went straight to the stage. At the same time, several other families who participated in the war also sent representatives to the stage. This was to draw lots.

There were a total of 12 people participating in the battle, and each family sent two children, a total of six families, all of whom were selected from the well-known masters in Langya City, and their strengths were naturally different.

After the five masters drew lots independently from the box, the referee then shouted: "Now announce the rules of the martial arts tournament. First, you are not allowed to use your natal Horcruxes. Second, you must not hurt people's lives. Third, you must feel invincible." , You can admit defeat! The competition adopts an elimination and promotion system, and the person who advances to the end will be the winner of the single-player battle of this tournament, and will get the prize provided by Kyoto——Bai Lingyu!"

 I heard that there is a surprise for crying for recommendation tickets?

(End of this chapter)

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