Chapter 425 Shipping
A drop of cold sweat fell from Zhui Ming's forehead.

Just now he had been staring at Mingyun and observed Mingyun's every move, but it was as if time had stopped just now, and Mingyun just appeared in front of him.

With a speed that I didn't even notice when I was a second-rank soul, Zhui Ming believed that if Ming Yun wanted to, he could kill herself with one move just now. Even facing each other head-on, she couldn't see through her speed. It can be seen that they How big is the gap between the two people now, it is so big that it is desperate.

Ming Yun stretched out his hand and patted Zhui Ming's shoulder, signaling him not to be nervous: "Trust me, I have the ability to do this, but I also need your assistance as a killer, your ability to hide is not enough. Having the ability to assassinate is what I need, and for some things, only me is not enough, multiple helpers would be better."

Zhui Ming already had some understanding of Ming Yun's strength, and after a while of silence, he said, "Aren't you afraid of being known by Yao Lao when you appear in my room like this?"

"It seems that you have already considered my words, very good."

Ming Yun snapped his fingers, and suddenly a purple grid line flashed out all around, covering the entire room of Zhui Ming, including the floor: "I have already set up an enchantment before coming in, although my strength It is still impossible to confront Yao Lao head-on, but it is still possible to hide it from his eyes and ears. As long as he does not go out in person, he usually sends his cronies to do small things like surveillance. In the alchemy room, this is the trajectory I have observed for more than a month, but unfortunately, his cronies are much worse."

Zhuiming raised his eyebrows: "What do you want me to help you with?"

Mingyun stretched out a single finger and covered his lips: "Don't be nervous now, let's talk about it later, and you have time to think about it. Well, let's stop here first, and I will come to you again. Just be our fellow disciples."

After Mingyun finished speaking, he turned around, Zhuiming couldn't help but said, "Aren't you afraid that I'll tell Mr. Yao about this right away after you leave?"

"You won't, because you are a smart person, and I am your second way out. No one will dislike your own way out, especially when you can still escape unscathed. Chasing life, I said, I appreciate you very much, so I need your strength, and I hope you are on my side."

Ming Yun's figure slowly turned into a purple mist, merged into the void, and disappeared.

Zhui Ming stood where he was, frowning slightly, with a pensive expression on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up after a stick of incense had passed.

This Ye Qiu is really interesting.

Time passed like this for a month.

This month, everything is safe and sound. Except for the specific training time of the Soul Hall every day, there are also some tasks arranged by Yao Lao for them to complete. outside.
Mingyun knew that the Hall of Souls did not have 100% trust in them, and was constantly figuring out the details about them in this seemingly ordinary daily life. Mingyun was not in a hurry, just waiting quietly, dormant, until That time has come.
Just today.
"Ye Qiu, Yuexi told us to go, saying that Yao Lao has a mission."

Ming Yun was resting on the bed, but now he heard the voice of Zhui Ming coming to inform him, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

This month, this Yuexi has been pestering her every day, like a brown candy that cannot be shaken off, if it wasn't for the undercover mission, Mingyun would have slapped her several times, it is so annoying to death.

However, today, it must have been the woman Yuexi bouncing around to inform me, but it turned out to be - chasing life?
Mingyun turned over from the bed, put on his shoes, and asked Zhuiming: "Do you know what the mission is?"

Zhui Ming said lightly: "I don't know, I didn't say anything, I will know when I go."

Ming Yun shrugged, and after putting on his shoes, he and Zhui Ming came to Yao Lao's alchemy room.

And Yuexi and Yao Lao had already waited in the alchemy room. Seeing Mingyun and Zhuiming coming, Yao Lao had a serious face: "You are here, and now the three of you are assigned a task. There is a carload of goods to be transported from outside." Come into the Hall of Souls, the three of you are responsible to go and get this cart of goods to me."


Ming Yun wondered, it was just ordinary goods, how could they ask the three of them to go out in person?And looking at Yuexi's expression, it was different from before.

Like a zombie, indifferent.

The cargo of the carriage was arranged outside the Hall of Souls, in the southern suburb of the mysterious forest. When the three of Mingyun arrived there, a ghostly person was waiting there with a huge carriage. Mingyun raised his eyebrows when he arrived. The person pulling this cargo is not some random cargo, but a high-level spirit beast that has been tamed—the Ice Lizard.

"Guitong, I'm here, give me the goods. This is the reward from Yao Lao."

Yuexi stepped forward, and directly handed a bag full of silver and a bottle of pill to Guitong. After Guitong took it, he weighed it in his hand, grinned, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth: "That's great, I like it." I made this deal with Yao Lao, so I got a huge sum of money and precious medicine so easily, Miss Yuexi, don't forget to take care of your subordinates when you have such good things in the future."

Yuexi still had a cold face: "As long as the goods you give satisfy Yao Lao, Yao Lao will never treat you badly."

Guitong chuckled: "Naturally, that's natural. If the subordinate is gone, I will trouble you to take this cart back."

Ghost boy?

Ming Yun had never heard of such a No. [-] person, but when Zhui Ming next to him saw this guy, his face was very ugly.

Being able to make Zhui Ming, who was born in the Blood Wind Mercenary Corps, show such an expression, it is obvious that what this guy does on weekdays is simply disgusting and disgusting, and even Zhui Ming, who has always been indifferent, can't stand it anymore.

After handing over the goods, the three of them went back on the carriage, and Ming Yun used his soul power to send a message to Zhuiming: "What is his identity?"

"He's just a scum with little ability, but the information network spreads all over the Star-Moon Continent. As long as he is paid enough, he will do murder, arson, human trafficking, etc., and he will use extremely despicable methods. And silence all who live and see what he has done."

Ming Yun pursed his lips, and glanced at the carriage behind him. What was hidden in that huge box that was wrapped in countless iron chains and even affixed with spells?

Why did Yaolao send himself, Zhuiming and Yuexi to suppress this truck of goods, and seeing the reward Yaolao gave, this thing is quite valuable.

(End of this chapter)

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