Chapter 452 Shi Hao's Full Power

"Ten Thousand Swords Broken Flower Formation!"

Following Lang Yabai's low shout, the four red sword arrays floating in the air emitted dazzling light, intertwined in a cube shape, and the red cube enchantment surrounded Langya Bai and Shi Hao's figures. Wrapped it in.

Shi Hao raised his eyes, with a look of disdain: "What kind of dying trick do you want to do?"

Lang Yabai smiled lightly when he heard the words: "Death struggle. Maybe, Shi Hao, you just take this blow and let me see if my efforts are really a death struggle."

Seeing Langyabai's appearance, Shi Hao suddenly laughed loudly: "Okay, Langyabai, I will help you and let you know how big the gap is between you and me. Come on, if you have the ability to defeat me, go ahead Use your strongest strength, otherwise it will have no effect on me!"

"Then try it!"

Lang Yabai clasped his hands together, countless red star crystals floated down from the red enchantment above his head, and condensed into sword flowers in the air, just like countless people holding long swords in their hands and crazily martial arts, the sword flowers became The sharp blade kept spinning.

"let's go!"

Following Lang Yabai's order, he controlled the Wanjian Fragmented Flower Formation with his mind, countless red sword flowers turned into light and shadow, and shot towards Shi Hao's direction in unison.

"Does this work?"

Shi Hao was still indifferent, with his hands behind his back, the red soul power protection barrier instantly opened, completely isolating the red sword flowers in Langya Bai Wanjian's broken flower formation.

"So what?"

Suddenly, several streaks of red lines of light broke away from the red barrier, and instantly hit Shi Hao in front of him at an extremely fast speed, and directly merged into Shi Hao's soul power protection barrier.

This, this is hard to be.
Shi Hao's face froze, and he saw countless red rays of light directly attacking his gate of life from within the protective barrier of his soul power.

It turned out to be - the trick Langya Bai used just now?Streaming? !
Shi Hao let out a low cry, and directly shattered all the streams that rushed into his soul power protection barrier, and at the same time, countless streams of streams and red sword flowers rushed over, hitting the soul power protection on Shi Hao's body continuously. barrier.

Even if he is as strong as Shi Hao, the true soul god realm, the absolute king of Xingyue Continent, under Lang Yabai's barrier-breaking joint attack, cracks began to appear in the red soul protection barrier, like a small spider's web Same, but finally opened a gap.

It's now!

Lang Yabai didn't hesitate at all, Jian Hua, who controlled all the attacking power with his thoughts, rushed directly towards the gap.

"So that's the case, staying in this enchantment is not good for me."

Shi Hao finally understood the purpose of Lang Yabai's formation of this enchantment. Just the attack of these red sword flowers is really not as good as the move of thousands of mountains and thousands of troops. The power is sufficient, but the more important thing about this enchantment is In order to create a breeding ground for spirit skills that can break barriers.

Cooperating with the endless attacks, I was suppressed by the world of Xingyue Continent to only have the power of the soul god, and there will naturally be flaws, good, good, Langya Bai, you are smart enough.

Seeing that the red sword flower has been pouring into Shi Hao's body protection barrier, and is about to break through his last line of defense, Lang Yabai narrowed his eyes: "How is it? What are you going to do? Shi Hao."

"Lang Yabai, you really are someone I admire, I admit, I underestimate you a little bit—you need to be more serious."

Shi Hao suddenly untied the protective barrier of the body protection directly, and the countless red sword flowers that came towards him directly searched towards Shi Hao's body.

Lang Yabai was startled, what's going on with this guy?Just untie it directly, aren't you afraid of getting hurt?
"Langyabai, let you make an exception to see my true strength once, as the price for my underestimating you, but under this trick, you will regret it-let me really get serious!"

A terrifying ray of light erupted from Shi Hao who was surrounded by red sword flowers, and he let out a low growl like a wild beast, spreading out, and the red halo flowed out continuously in waves, just like waves swept by the wind .

Lang Yabai shrank his pupils, and immediately rushed out of the Ten Thousand Swords Fragmented Flower Formation, escaping from the sweeping crimson waves.

His intuition told himself that this move was too strong, so powerful that he couldn't match it, even if he touched him, he would pay a huge price.

"It's too late to escape now!"

Following Shi Hao's sound, the entire Ten Thousand Swords Fragmented Flower Formation was broken and crushed by the power erupting from Shi Hao's body. Lang Yabai patted the red soul wings, and quickly opened the distance. After seeing this scene, his eyes were filled with astonishment. .

How is this going?Even if it is the real power of the soul god, it is impossible to be so terrifying. After all, I have seen the power of the first-grade soul god. Why is Shi Hao's power so far from the ordinary first-grade soul god? !

At that moment, Lang Yabai saw a huge shadow flowing out from Shi Hao's direction, reflecting the entire earth.

This, is this a dragon?
Shi Hao's real body? !

What was even more frightening was that the huge black shadow opened its mouth on its own initiative, and along with Shi Hao's jerky voice came: "The roar of the evil dragon!"

A red impact cannon broke through everything like this, and rushed towards Lang Yabai with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops.

He wanted to hide, but even with the red soul wings, Lang Yabai, who was already in the half-soul god realm, faced the red blaster with such a fast speed and such a huge range, and suddenly found that he had nowhere to escape.

There is nowhere to escape, if you want to survive, you can only block this blow with all your strength!
Can you have the ability to stop it?Countless cold sweats rolled down Lang Yabai's forehead. The roar of this evil dragon was Shi Hao's true power. As a first-rank soul god, his power far surpassed that of a first-rank soul god. It is true that such a person exists. It exceeded Lang Yabai's expectation, thinking of the possibility of his promise to everyone before, Lang Yabai only felt that he was too naive at that time, it was just a dream.

No, there is no other way, there is no one in the entire Xingyue Continent who can resist Shi Hao, everything is over.

But just when Lang Yabai was thinking like this, Mingyun's figure recalled in his mind, seeing her confident smile, and the fact that at any time, even if he was in a desperate situation, he couldn't see a drop of miracle and hope. The light, the flames in Mingyun's eyes never went out, no matter what she faced, Mingyun never gave up, and persisted until the end, even if it was a certain death situation, she persisted with her teeth, and her strength opened a A new situation created a miracle!

(End of this chapter)

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