Chapter 458 Making Mingzong a human pig

"You three, stop for me, don't hurt others, come to me if you have anything"

Huo Lao barely got up from the ground, but was kicked away by Kuang Lao in an instant. Huo Lao spat out a big mouthful of blood, fell to the ground weakly, and passed out completely.

Seeing this, the crazy old man curled his lips: "You actually fainted, you are such a loser, just lie on the ground and wait to die, don't worry, it will be your turn later."

Ding Lao was lying on the ground, barely raised his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "You, what do you want to do to Ming Sect Master?"

Feng Lao smiled coldly: "I've said it all, don't be so anxious, it will be your turn later, it just so happens that Kuang Lao has refined a batch of medicine, as long as you take it and add a special rhythm, it can make a person's life It's better to die. Sect Master Ming, you are the most impatient, so you should take it first."

"Here comes the medicine."

With a sinister smile on his face, the mad old man walked directly to Xue Lao, took out a black pill from his bosom and handed it to Xue Lao: "It was this old man who moved you just now, Xue Lao, this old man Revenge is up to you to avenge yourself."

"Thank you mad old man."

Xuelao's cold eyes swept towards Mingzong who was on the ground, then grabbed him by the hair, grabbed Mingzong's throat with his back claws, threw the black pill into his mouth, and let him swallow it. Down.


Ming Zong wanted to spit out the elixir in his throat, but under the pressure of Xue Lao, the elixir finally entered Ming Zong's body along Ming Zong's throat. .

"Come on, let's see how powerful this medicine is? How long can our great Ming Sect Master survive under the torture of this medicine?"

After talking madly, he took out a short flute from his sleeve, put it in his mouth, and began to play a strange rhythm.

With the sound of the melody, Ming Zong's body lying on the ground began to tremble violently, as if every blood vessel in his body began to bulge, exposing blue veins, and then the blood vessels could not support this rage, and blood began to spurt from Ming Zong's body.


Mingzong instantly turned into a blood man, and the blood vessels on his body were still exploding. From his arms, feet, and his whole body, there was no place to explode. Senses, wanting to faint but have no choice but to allow their fragile nerves to endure the painful torment, just a little short of the limit is about to be broken, and Mingzong will be abolished directly.

Xuelao laughed loudly, and cupped his hands towards Kuanglao: "Hahahahaha, in just a few seconds, our great Mingzong has directly become a cripple, this medicine is really powerful, Kuanglao, I am Xuelao I admire it."

The crazy old man curled his lips: "It's just that this old guy is too boring to play. He doesn't resist at all. It's really boring. I can't see his painful expression—he's all drowned in blood."

A devil, simply a devil, unexpectedly came up with such a terrifying method to torture a person whose life would be worse than death!

"Next, I'm going to cut off all his limbs directly, so that I can vent my anger in my heart. Damn trash, dare to speak wild words and use me to provoke me, Ming Sect Master, you have enjoyed a lifetime of fame, I don't know How about keeping it as a specimen after being made into a human pig?”

People. People? !
You Heng clenched his fist tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "No, Old Xue, you crazy devil! Either kill us directly, don't continue to humiliate us!"

Feng Lao directly stepped on You Heng's head into the soil, ravaging it non-stop, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "I said don't worry, it will be your turn later, why are you in such a hurry? There is plenty of time, and we can take good care of you."

Xuelao squatted down, approached Mingzong, and said in a ghostly tone: "Chop off limbs, goug out eyes, inject copper into ears to make them deaf, pour dumb drugs into throats, cut off tongues, and damage vocal cords. Make it speechless, hehehehehe, Sovereign Ming, are you very excited to hear this? Me too, this is the first time I can make a person like you into a human pig, and every cell in my body is excited. Bravo."


Ming Zong opened his bloodshot eyes and was about to say something, but found that his vocal cords had been destroyed, and there were only clots of blood inside.

"Then I'll take this guy away, Feng Lao, Kuang Lao, and I'll leave the other five to you to take good care of. I can't wait to start my great work now."

After saying that, Xue Lao directly grabbed Ming Zong's hair and dragged him away like this.

Kuang Lao rolled his eyes, not knowing what it meant: "It's really a bad taste, Xue Lao."

"Each each other."

After finishing speaking, Xue Lao wanted to leave with Ming Zong.

"Stop, let go of Grandpa!"

At this time, a voice came over, with an urgent call, Mingzong couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he heard this voice, and immediately cried out.

No, don't, don't come here, go back, don't appear here!

Like a sickle, a sharp red blade slashed directly at Xuelao's hand at an extremely fast speed.


Xuelao was unprepared, this was really unexpected, the attack power of this blood blade was extremely terrifying, it directly cut off Xuelao's right hand, blood gushed out, and Mingzong's body fell on the ground together. on the ground.

who is it? !
Kuanglao and Fenglao looked at the source of the sound immediately, and saw a pink and jade-carved girl, with ink-like green silk combed into buns hanging by her ears, wearing a narrow-sleeved short-sleeve shirt embroidered with peonies. ——Those eyes were actually blood eyes, and an unknown blood-colored power was entwined around her body. It was spinning around her body like countless blades, carrying astonishing power.

It turned out to be—Ming Ling? !

"How dare you harm grandpa like this, I will never let you go, absolutely not, I want you to pay with blood, ah!"

At this moment, Ming Ling fell into a state of rage because of Ming Zong's serious injury. With a low shout, the red sharp blade wrapped around his body immediately stretched out, and attacked in the direction of Kuang Lao and Feng Lao.

"What the hell is this?"

Kuang Lao and Feng Lao were secretly surprised, this thing doesn't look like a blade formed by soul power, bloody soul power, I've never heard of it, and these blood eyes, what is the origin of this girl?
Because they still don't know the source and identity of Mingling's power, Kuanglao and Fenglao choose to avoid his edge first, and jump directly to avoid the blow.

(End of this chapter)

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