My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 308 I miss you so much

Chapter 308 I miss you so much (5)

Seeing Duan Jingyan walking towards him slowly, Lin Xia's face froze for a moment, and the corners of his mouth opened slightly because he was too surprised.

Then, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes lightly, trying to make sure that she had read correctly.

After blinking and opening her eyes, she repeated this action twice before she was sure that all of this was true.

But why is Duan Jingyan here?At this time, shouldn't he be at home or go out with Uncle Duan to pay New Year's greetings?
Looking up at his sharp face, she felt a little puzzled, but more of a feeling of joy.

That's right, at this moment she clearly knew that her heart was happy.

Walking up to Lin Xia and standing still, Duan Jingyan looked at her condescendingly.

He missed more than a dozen people day and night, and finally appeared in front of him.

The blood in my heart suddenly surged up, and I wanted to go forward to hug her, but I was afraid that this behavior would be too abrupt.

In the end, he just stood in front of her, looking eagerly at her delicate and fair cheeks as if he couldn't get enough of them.

The cold winter wind was blowing in his ears, and his eyes, which were as deep as a deep pool, looked straight at her, not for a moment, as if he wanted to pour all his thoughts into these eyes.

Looking up to meet Duan Jingyan's gaze, Lin Xia's heart seemed to flicker slightly.

It took several seconds before she recovered her voice, "You...why did you suddenly appear here?"

Duan Jingyan lowered his eyes and smiled, then he said in a deep voice, "I miss you very much. Is this reason enough?"

His words made Lin Xia's heart flustered even more.When she saw this kind of ambiguous words in the text message last time, she couldn't help but her heart beat faster.

This time, when he said this in front of her, she thought she couldn't help but blush.

In fact, as she had guessed.At this moment, a light pink is slowly appearing on her cheeks...

"You...don't be joking. Why on earth did you appear here? Do Uncle Duan and Aunt Chen know?" She lowered her eyes and parted her red lips lightly.

After hearing her words, Duan Jingyan took a few steps forward, and then stood still only one step away from her.

He put his hand on her shoulder slowly, and then looked at her eyes intently, "I'm not kidding, I really came here because I missed you. As for my parents... they all went to celebrate the New Year, you do not need to worry."

Lin Xia was stunned, so what he meant was that Uncle Duan and Aunt Chen didn't know about it.

What if they found out?
She felt a little uneasy...

"Xiao Xia, uncle has prepared a stove for you, come in and enjoy the fire!" At this moment, a thick middle-aged man's voice suddenly reached his ears.

Standing at the gate, Uncle Lin originally wanted to ask Lin Xia to come in to enjoy the fire, but he unexpectedly saw a tall and handsome young man.

So, he was stunned for a while, and then he thought about whose family this boy was.

Hearing Uncle Lin's call, Duan Jingyan suddenly put down the hand on Lin Xia's shoulder.

Then, he raised his eyes and glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him, thought for a while, and said, "Hello, uncle!"

Hearing the boy's words, Uncle Lin was even more puzzled, "Who are you?"

"Uncle, he is Uncle Duan's son, Duan Jingyan. You met him a few years ago." Lin Xia explained from the side.

Looking at Duan Jingyan's face, Uncle Lin recalled that he was the domineering young man a few years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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