My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 318 I only care about you

Chapter 318 I only care about you (6)

Hearing this voice, a flash of excitement flashed in Lin Xia's heart.Then, she turned quickly to look.

When she saw Ye Qiuxue wearing a light white down jacket, an uncontrollable smile appeared on her face, "Qiu Xue, it's great to have you here! I thought I wouldn't be able to see you today..."

After taking a breath, Ye Qiuxue said, "Yeah, that's great, I finally made it in time to see you for the last time. I don't know when we will meet next time."

Lin Xia took a few steps forward, and then held her hand tightly, "Qiu Xue, it's okay. Didn't I leave you a mobile phone number, if you have anything to do in the future, you can contact me through that number."

Ye Qiuxue nodded, "Well, I remember, I will keep in touch with you."

At this moment, she suddenly thought of the handsome and handsome Duan Jingyan whom she had seen a few days ago.So, she glanced aside, quietly looking at his tall and tall back.

This young man, upon seeing him, was astonished as a heavenly being.Could it be that he will disappear from her life from now on?
For some reason, she felt a little reconciled.Then, she sighed lightly in her heart.

Duan Jingyan originally turned his back to Ye Qiuxue, after feeling the strong gaze behind him, he frowned and turned to look back.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Ye Qiuxue staring at him intently.

So, he snorted softly.After glancing at her indifferently, he quickly turned around.

Seeing the moment Duan Jingyan's gaze rested on her, Ye Qiuxue was delighted.However, after feeling his disdain and coldness, a pair of eyes gradually showed disappointment.

Where is she not good enough?

Although she is not beautiful, she is the most outstanding girl in the small town, and there are many people who admire her.

But, this boy, why does he always look at her with such disdain?
Unwillingness and loss, ups and downs in the heart.

"Qiu Xue, I'm leaving must contact me when you have time." At this moment, Lin Xia beside her suddenly made a sound, interrupting her thoughts.

"Well, have a good trip!" Ye Qiuxue had a smile on his face.

Then, Lin Xia turned to her and Grandma Lin, and Uncle Lin waved his hand for the last time, and then dragged their luggage with Duan Jingyan and walked towards the intersection of the town.

Slowly, their backs slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Sitting in the car leading to the airport, Lin Xia couldn't help sighing that time really flies.It was as if she had just returned to the small town.But, so soon, she will return to City A again.

In my heart, I feel a little bit sad.She has a strong attachment to this place.

Suddenly thought of something, she couldn't help but asked Duan Jingyan beside her, "Why do we have to fly back by ourselves this time? I remember last time Uncle Duan said he would let Uncle Wang come to pick me up, and he said that I would wait here for him Just the news."

Duan Jingyan scratched his head in embarrassment, because he had arranged to go home this time, and his father didn't even know about his coming here.If Uncle Wang came to pick him up, wouldn't that expose his whereabouts?
However, he will not tell Lin Xia about these things.So, he made an excuse at random, "Oh, because Uncle Wang is busy. Then, my dad and the others also went out to pay New Year's greetings."

After a pause, he continued, "Could it be... aren't you happy coming home with me?"

 There is no school holiday today, and the author knows that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival after seeing so many lovely comments from readers.

  Almost laughed at Cry...

  Today will resume three more.Happy Mid-Autumn Festival babies O(∩_∩)O ha!Remember to eat a delicious mooncake!

(End of this chapter)

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