My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 321 The Strange Mo Fan

Chapter 321 The Strange Mo Fan (3)

Hearing this familiar voice, both Duan Jingyan and Lin Xia's hearts were shocked.Then, the two turned around together and looked at the gate.

At the gate of Duan's house, Chen Miao and Duan Qiming were walking towards the door with a big bag of things.

Seeing the two people who came back suddenly, Duan Jingyan and Lin Xia, who were eating breakfast with their heads down, were stunned for a few seconds.

"Dad, Mom, why did you come back suddenly? The New Year's greetings are over so soon?" Duan Jingyan didn't answer Chen Miao directly, but asked back in surprise.

He had thought it would be at least a few more days before they returned.He originally thought that he and Lin Xia could spend a few more days alone together.

"Well, the New Year's greetings are almost over. So I came back early." Chen Miao glanced at Duan Jingyan and explained.

Duan Qiming looked up and saw Lin Xia sitting on the dining table, and he was puzzled, "Xiao Xia, why did you come back suddenly? Didn't I tell you before that I would let Uncle Wang come to pick you up? Just these few days He's free, and I planned to make a call to arrange it."

After hearing Duan Qiming's words, Lin Xia turned around and looked at Duan Jingyan, feeling a little confused.

Didn't Duan Jingyan tell her that Uncle Wang is very busy recently?

But now Uncle Duan said that Uncle Wang is free.what on earth is it?

As soon as Duan Jingyan raised his head, he met Lin Xia's questioning gaze.So, he helped Lin Xia answer, "Dad, Xiao Xia, she went back to her hometown and met everyone she should see. Since she has seen all of them, of course she will come back!"

Duan Qiming silently glanced at Duan Jingyan.Actually, that's not what he cares about.He just wanted to know how Lin Xia came back.

So, he asked again, "Xiao Xia, did you come back by yourself? Is this journey safe?"

"I..." Lin Xia was about to answer, but when she looked up, she saw Duan Jingyan silently nodding to her.

Although he didn't know why he made this gesture, Lin Xia nodded to Duan Qiming according to his meaning, "Yes, Uncle Duan, I came back by car. Although there are many people on this road, it is still quite safe."

Perhaps it was the first time he lied to Duan Qiming, Lin Xia always lowered his head when speaking, and did not dare to raise his eyes.

But fortunately, Duan Qiming didn't ask any more questions.He nodded, and then said, "Well, good. This way I can feel at ease."

Then, Duan Qiming and Chen Miao dragged their tired bodies, turned around and walked upstairs.

After the two walked away, Lin Xia looked up at Duan Jingyan, who was opposite, and asked, "Did Uncle Duan arrange this time to go home, or did you arrange it?"

On the opposite side, Duan Jingyan sighed softly, and then replied, "I arranged it."

It turned out to be like this... No wonder what he said was different from many things Uncle Duan said.

It turns out... everything was arranged by him.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xia spoke out slowly, and then asked the doubts in her heart, "Then...why did you do this?"

Duan Jingyan looked deeply into Lin Xia's eyes, "Why do you think I did this? I did this... It's not all because I don't want to be separated from you."

"But... can't you stay at my uncle's house for a few more days?" Lin Xia was puzzled.

Duan Jingyan shook his head, "Impossible. Because, my dad and I told the date of going home in advance. He arranged for a housekeeper to monitor whether I went home on time."

"You... actually don't have to be like this." Lin Xia said slowly.

"How can I not? I feel flustered if I don't see you for a day. So, how can I not do this?" Duan Jingyan looked at her with burning eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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