My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 332 I will be responsible for you

Chapter 332 I will be responsible for you (9)

Rainwater slowly flows into the eyes along the arc of the forehead.With blurred vision, Lin Xia couldn't help but look up and look ahead.

She found that the bus stop, which can usually be reached by walking for more than ten minutes, seems to be extraordinarily long today.As if, there is no end in sight.

It was raining heavily, and she felt that the rainwater not only flowed down her neck to the cotton padded clothes.Also, the snow boots she was wearing seemed to be wet.

So, she couldn't help but sighed silently in her heart.When will this long road come to an end?
The rain continued to fall, and Lin Xia walked awkwardly in the heavy rain with somewhat messy steps.

The cold rain in the air slapped on her face one by one, Lin Xia felt the cold rain soak into her eyes, which made her unable to open her eyes for a while.

Facing the cold wind, her body shrank slightly because it was too cold.Her hands and feet were cold, and the corners of her mouth were also a little blue from the cold.

Looking down at the road under her feet, her steps trembled slightly, and she moved forward slowly...

After walking a few steps forward, she saw a pair of slender and straight legs appearing in her sight.

Slowly looking up along these legs, she saw a handsome face in her blurred vision.

Before she had time to see who the person in front of her was, a large black umbrella appeared above her head.This big umbrella is like a warm harbor in the dark night, covering her from all the strong winds and rainstorms.

In my heart, there was an indescribable slight jump.

Then, she raised her hand again to wipe the rain from the corner of her eyes.

Raising her eyes again, finally, she saw clearly the delicate and handsome face in front of her.

"It's you..." Looking at Duan Jingyan who was holding an umbrella for her, Lin Xia felt as if his heart was surrounded by sunlight.

This rainy night, this cold wind, seems to dissipate in an instant...

In such a heavy rain and such a cold night, Duan Jingyan suddenly appeared here to hold an umbrella for her, she was very moved.As a result, the warm current surged and soaked my heart.

At the same time, this moving was also mixed with a different kind of emotion, as if it wanted to swallow her reason.

At this moment, she really wanted to hug him and absorb some warmth.Even if that warmth is only for a moment...

Maybe this night is too helpless, or maybe this rainy night is really too cold.Then, Lin Xia took a step forward, staring intently at Duan Jingyan's deep eyebrows for a second.

Then, putting aside all worries and realistic distances, she stretched out her arms and tightly wrapped around Duan Jingyan's waist.

On a rainy night, under the big black umbrella, she leaned against his solid chest, quietly listening to the sound of the rain, and quietly absorbing the long-lost warmth from him.

In fact, she has wanted to do this for a long time.This rainy night was probably an opportunity, taking away all her previous sanity and worries.

Will you regret hugging him like this?
If she had to answer, she could only say...she didn't know.

But at this moment, she really didn't want to think so much, she just wanted to enjoy the warmth of this moment.

If happiness and warmth are fleeting, let time stay in this second forever...

Looking down at Lin Xia's wet head, feeling the warmth of her leaning against his chest, Duan Jingyan's body suddenly froze.

The thin lips were also slightly parted because of being too surprised.

Is this a dream?
Otherwise, why would she suddenly lean against his chest so obediently?
This scene, once, only appeared in his dreams...

(End of this chapter)

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