My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 334 I will be responsible for you

Chapter 334 I will be responsible for you (11)

If possible, she would like to admit something.

If possible, she would like to tell him, in fact, she also likes him a little bit.

But, she can't...

She can't be so greedy, can't be too willful.

To her, everything tonight was already a little willful.

The happiness and warmth at that moment seemed like a stolen happiness.

Tonight, she was washed away by the rain.

However, for all the actions just now, she has no regrets.In her heart, she was actually a little happy.

However, that willfulness is only limited to just now, let everything return to its original position now.

After all, he was going to take the college entrance examination.After all, Duan Qiming still placed certain expectations on him.

Therefore, she can only keep everything calm, and she doesn't want to block his way forward.

Taking another deep look at Lin Xia, Duan Jingyan suddenly put his right hand on her shoulder.

He held the umbrella in his left hand, exerted a little force on the hand on her shoulder, and then pushed it forward gently.

"Let's go back." He said softly.

Glancing at Duan Jingyan's hand on her shoulder, Lin Xia found that she and him seem to be close together at this moment.

Then, she nodded lightly, then raised her foot and walked forward with Duan Jingyan.

On a rainy night, the handsome boy held an umbrella for the girl, and the figures of the two slowly disappeared into the darkness.


After returning home, Lin Xia immediately returned to the room.

At this moment, she was drenched all over.The icy cold rain came straight into her heart with a chill.

After wiping her wet hair with a dry towel, she slowly took off her coat and put it on the desk.

Raising her arm, she found that most of the knitted sweater she was wearing inside was also wet.So she raised her arms and slowly took off the slightly damp linen.

After taking off her clothes, she put it on the bed.

The air in the room was slightly cool, so she immediately reached out to pick up the pajamas that were placed aside, intending to change into them.

There was a "slap", and suddenly the sound of the doorknob turning interrupted the movement in her hand.

It took a second for her to realize that she forgot to lock the door when she was changing clothes just now.

What to do now?She was a little flustered and anxious.

After calming down, she picked up her pajamas and planned to cover her body.

It was also after she covered herself with her clothes that the door was suddenly pushed open.

At this moment, Lin Xia was flustered, but not nervous anymore.

Fortunately, fortunately, she moved quickly and covered the clothes.

Duan Jingyan didn't expect that when he opened the room, he would see Lin Xia's disheveled appearance.

Looking at each other, he saw the embarrassment and bewilderment in Lin Xia's eyes.

Then, he realized that it seemed that he had come at the wrong time.

Therefore, Duan Jingyan immediately lowered his head, and exited the room with the ginger soup in his hand.

Leaning outside the door, the unexpected scene just now appeared in front of Duan Jingyan's eyes.

Although her clothes were disheveled and her hair was covered with hair, she was so shockingly beautiful that it moved his heart even more.

Thinking about it, Duan Jingyan felt that his cheeks began to feel hot.

At this moment, he was a little embarrassed.

No, I can't think about it any more.

Shaking his head, he immediately returned to his room with ginger soup in his hand.

However, with every step he took, he found his heart beating faster.

He seemed to be liking her more and more unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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