My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 337 I'm serious about you

Chapter 337 I'm serious about you (2)

"Ah Jing, Xiao Xia, what's the matter with you two today?" Duan Qiming looked at Duan Jingyan and Lin Xia who were facing each other, and couldn't help asking his doubts.

For some reason, he always felt that the atmosphere today was a bit strange.

Now Xiaoxia finally got used to everything here.I hope that she can get along with Ah Jing peacefully and don't cause any conflicts.

It is the greatest wish in his heart that the whole family live harmoniously together.

So, Lin Xia and Duan Jingyan raised their heads at the same time, and glanced at each other.

"It's okay, Dad, what can we do?" Duan Jingyan also felt a little strange when he heard Duan Qiming suddenly ask.

He must have discovered something, right?
Although thinking this way in his heart, Duan Jingyan still pretended to be calm on the surface.

"Are you okay? If it's really okay, then why did you and Xiaoxia suddenly become so strange? Did you bully Xiaoxia? Or, did you and Xiaoxia have a conflict?"

Oh... So Duan Qiming was talking about this.He really thought he had discovered something just now.

Really, scared him to death...

"Oh, Dad, don't think too much about it. What conflicts can Xiao Xia and I have? Besides, when did you see me bullying her?" Duan Jingyan said in a relaxed tone, and then patiently explained to Duan Qiming.

"Is there really nothing wrong?" Duan Qiming didn't quite believe Duan Jingyan's words.

"Really, truer than pearls!" Duan Jingyan continued.

However, Duan Qiming didn't pay attention to Duan Jingyan's words.He turned around and looked at Lin Xia who hadn't spoken the whole time, and then said kindly, "Xiao Xia, Ah Jing, did he really not bully you? Don't be afraid, if he bullies you, just tell me, I won't be able to get around him !"

Then, Lin Xia looked up at Duan Jingyan.

Last night, he saw almost all of her upper body.In this way... is it bullying her?
However, Lin Xia did not say these words in the end.

After all, if he hadn't been kind enough to give her ginger soup last night.Then nothing will happen.

So, the reason for all this is because she got caught in the rain.

In the final analysis, she was still to blame for forgetting to bring an umbrella yesterday.

So, she shook her head at Duan Qiming, "Uncle Duan, brother Ah Jing didn't bully me. We are...very good."

After hearing Lin Xia's words, a big stone in Duan Qiming's heart was finally dropped.

Then, he told Duan Jingyan again, "Ah Jing, no matter what, you have to take good care of Xiao Xia. Because she is your younger sister."

"Yeah. Got it, I'll do it without you saying it." Hearing the word "sister" in Duan Qiming's mouth, he suddenly felt a little bored.So, he replied to Duan Qiming impatiently.

Of course he will take good care of her.Because, she is not his sister, she is someone he likes.

After about 5 minutes, Lin Xia finished his breakfast.After saying hello to Duan Qiming and Chen Miao, she strode out of the gate with her schoolbag on her back.

Walking out of the gate, looking at the blue sky above her head, she was very thankful that Duan Qiming didn't see anything just now.

Just now, she was really nervous.This tension is depressing and tormenting.

If possible, she really doesn't want to experience it a second time.

She was about to walk out of the gate with small steps, when suddenly, the schoolbag behind her was grabbed by force.

She froze, and she could only stop walking.

(End of this chapter)

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