My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 355 Make You a Vow

Chapter 355 Make You a Vow (5)

Reluctant to let go, what is it?
Lin Xia blinked, expressing doubts.

However, in the end she didn't ask.Because, if he really wanted to say it, then he would definitely tell her voluntarily.

But if he doesn't want to, what's the point of her asking more?

Walking and walking, the two walked slowly to the bus stop.

In the distance, a bus drove slowly.Looking at the bus, Lin Xia suddenly saw the scene where she saw Chen Yanci for the first time.

At that time, in the car, he helped her.

So, in her heart, she defined him as a helpful teenager.

Facts have proved that everything is as she thought.

Because, afterward, he had been helping her all along.Whether it is life or study, he always seems to take care of her.

Without reservation, without expecting anything in return, he was silently giving, silently giving her warmth.

After graduating from the third year of high school, he should also go away from her...

"Sister Xiaoxia, get in the car!" Chen Yanci turned around and saw Lin Xia in a daze.

So, he reminded her aloud.

"Oh... yes." Lin Xia raised her head and glanced at the bus, then raised her legs and stepped up.

Sitting on the bus, she looked at Chen Yanci beside her, and then asked, "Brother Yan, where do you plan to go in college?"

After pondering for a few seconds, he replied, "I want to stay in City A."

"Stay in City A?" Lin Xia was surprised, "Although there are many famous schools in City A, I think you are suitable for a better university outside."

Chen Yanci looked at her, and then opened his lips, "However, I like City A. It's a city full of cultural and geographical charm. Therefore, I will choose City A as my first choice."

Lin Xia looked at him and didn't express any further opinions.

Because, she felt that Chen Yanci was a person with independent personality and thinking.Now that he has made this decision, then maybe he won't change it for a while.

The car stopped slowly at the platform.Then, Lin Xia and Chen Yanci waved their hands and said goodbye.

Watching Lin Xia's back slowly going away, Chen Yanci silently thought in his heart that there was actually another reason why he wanted to stay in City A.

But maybe she won't see it...


After returning home, Lin Xia went back to her room to put down her schoolbag.

Dinner downstairs is ready.So, she walked out of the room step by step, planning to go downstairs for dinner.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she saw Duan Jingyan coming out from the opposite room.

Raising her eyes, she looked at him with clear eyes.

On the opposite side, Duan Jingyan also saw Lin Xia coming out of the room.

The four eyes met, and a trace of soft emotion slowly rose from the bottom of my heart.

Lin Xia felt that Duan Jingyan should also be going downstairs for dinner.So, after a pause for a second, she stepped down to the stairs ahead of him.

Slowly passing in front of him, she walked forward step by step.

Just when her body was about to pass by him, he lowered his eyes, stretched out his slender and powerful arms, and then tightly grasped her wrist.

The warmth from the hands penetrated into the bottom of my heart through the fair skin.Turning sideways, she raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

Looking at Lin Xia's delicate profile, Duan Jingyan's lips squirmed, and he groaned softly, "Go to the roof of the villa on the top floor at nine o'clock tonight, and I want to show you something."

What is he going to show her?
Looking at his expression, she felt a little mysterious.Although she was puzzled, she nodded, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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