My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 361 Shallow thoughts, Mo Fan confesses

Chapter 361 Shallow thoughts, Mo Fan confesses (3)

other ideas?Other thoughts?
What did Mo Fan's words mean?Lin Xia looked at him with confusion in his eyes.

She found that what he said seemed to be getting more and more strange.And, he always said something inexplicable.

"I kind of don't understand what you're saying. You know, I just think of you as a good friend. I always think that we have a pure and pure friendship, and that will not change, and it will not change .Because, in my eyes, you are my best friend of the opposite sex. I hope...the friendship between us can last forever..."

best friend of the opposite sex?friendship forever?

There was a wry smile faintly on the corner of Mo Fan's mouth, he didn't want to have a long-lasting friendship with her.don't want to... don't want to...

Pure friendship?What is he going to do with this kind of thing?
Feeling a little pained in his heart, he frowned, not intending to continue entangled with Lin Xia on this issue.

Because, he was afraid that he could not bear the suffocation in his heart, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear this secret love that only belonged to him.

"I still have something to do, I'm going back to the classroom first." After speaking, Mo Fan raised his feet and strode forward.

His footsteps were in a hurry, Lin Xia couldn't help but be dazed looking at his back.

In my impression, this was the first time that Mo Fan left early in front of her, and perhaps it was also the first time that she watched him leave silently.

Seeing his figure walking away, for some reason, she always felt that he seemed a little angry.

As for why he was angry, she couldn't figure it out at all.

Everything is getting a little weird.

Inexplicably, she felt that something had changed about Mo Fan.

However, she couldn't tell exactly what was different.

Could it be that this is just her illusion?
Sighing softly in her heart, she continued to walk towards the classroom.

When she came to the classroom, she took off the schoolbag on her shoulders and placed it on the desk.

Maybe it was because she made a lot of noise putting down her schoolbag, so Jiang Yue, who was obsessed with comics, suddenly raised her head and looked at her, "Xia Xia, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Xia lowered her eyes and replied, "It's nothing. It's just... I feel a little tired."

"Tired? No way? Early in the morning, you said you were tired when you first came to school?" Jiang Yue looked at her in surprise.

Lin Xia sighed, "I'm not physically tired, but I feel a little tired in my heart."

Well, it turned out to be like this...

"What happened? Who made your heart tired?" Jiang Yue approached Lin Xia for a few minutes, and then asked.

"No, I just can't understand why so many people and things are changing quietly. Moreover, these changes make me a little uncomfortable and make me a little overwhelmed."

After hearing Lin Xia's words, Jiang Yue frowned, and then guessed, "Xia Xia, is it that warm man in the library, that little Zhengtai or Senior Duan that makes you feel tired?"

For some reason, she had a strong premonition in her heart that this matter must have something to do with one of the three of them.

Lin Xia lowered his eyes and was silent for a few seconds, then lightly parted his cherry lips, "I found that Mo Fan is not the same as before. Every word he said, every movement he made seemed to hide a different kind of meaning."

It seems that she guessed right, Jiang Yue showed a happy smile that guessed the truth accurately.

This little lady, she had seen his plan early on.

But speaking of it, he can be regarded as smart, and under the guise of a friend, he hides other thoughts in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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