My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 367 Shallow thoughts, Mo Fan confesses

Chapter 367 Shallow thoughts, Mo Fan confesses (9)

"I can't forget that hug before, because it has been deeply fixed in my mind." Looking at the graceful curvature of her side face, he continued, "Xiao Linzi, we will never go back to the past Because, I never wanted to be your friend."

Lin Xia stared, "Why don't you want to be friends with me?"

"Because I like you." His eyes were burning with tenderness, "I like you. It's not the kind of liking between friends, but the kind of liking between men and women. That's right, I've liked you for a long time !"

In the end, he swore aloud and said the words that had been hidden in his heart for many years.

All of a sudden, he felt as if a big stone that had been accumulated for a long time was slowly lowered from his heart.

Let out a breath slowly, now, his heart is very relaxed.

He finally said these words to her...

"I know, you must be very surprised now, and you may not even be able to recover from my words immediately. However, there are some things I still want to say. I think you will definitely ask me why I like you. As for the end Why, in fact, I can't tell. Maybe it's because of your optimism, maybe it's because of your strength. Or maybe... it's because you're different."

Glancing at her slightly opened mouth in shock, he continued, "I've liked you for a long time, so I don't want to keep these words in my heart anymore. Xiao Linzi, do you know that I have never I thought about becoming friends with you forever. Because, compared to friends, I want you to be my girlfriend. Are you... willing?"

He opened his bright eyes and looked at her expectantly and nervously.

At this moment, Lin Xia was completely stunned by surprise.

Although, she had more or less guessed some of his thoughts when he explained the note of the two pieces of wood just now.However, when these words really came out of his mouth, she still couldn't help being surprised.

Mo Fan, I like her...

This made her completely unable to accept and face it.

Because, she has been friends with him for nearly five years.

She thought that her friendship with him could be permanent, but she never thought that it turned out that he never wanted to be friends with her.

Putting her hand on her heart, she felt a little bored.Why is everything always changing so unexpectedly?Why do things always develop in the direction she doesn't want to see?
Tightly shaking his hand, Lin Xia slowly looked up at Mo Fan.

"Mo Fan, I'm sorry, I don't want to. Because I just want to be friends with you. The friendship between us has existed for many years. Let's protect this friendship together, shall we?"

She knew that her words like this would definitely make Mo Fan sad.However, she couldn't help it.Because, she knew she had to say no.

Because, her heart has already been given to Duan Jingyan.and.The capacity of her heart is not large, it can only hold one person.Therefore, she could only choose to reject him.

Otherwise, what should she do?

Lin Xia's words made the corner of Mo Fan's mouth pause deeply.

She... still rejected him.Moreover, the rejection was so thorough that there was no room for him to think about it at all.

Taking a deep breath, he seemed to hear the sound of his heart breaking to the ground.

Once upon a time, she didn't belong to him.Now, she still doesn't belong to him.

Looking at the runway in the distance, he mocked himself.

(End of this chapter)

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