My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 370 Pretending You Like Me

Chapter 370 Pretending You Like Me (1)

After dinner, Lin Xia returned to the room with a bit of frustration.

Why have so many unforeseen things happened recently?

All these things made her so sad...

Is it true that the older you get, the more trouble you have?She sighed softly in her heart.

After walking back to the room, Duan Jingyan frowned tightly.He originally thought that Duan Qiming would not have any plans to send him abroad.

Because, he never mentioned this matter before.

Therefore, the news just now caught him off guard and made him very depressed.

He thought that as long as he refused, then Duan Qiming would definitely have nothing to do with him.

However, he did not expect Duan Qiming's attitude to be so firm.It seemed that he was determined to send him out.

what to do?What should he do now?
The breeze from outside the window blows into the window and blows on the cheeks.However, he still couldn't blow away the heat in his heart.

Scratching his head irritably, he lay down on the bed suddenly, closed his eyes and thought deeply.


On the second day, in the Chinese class, everyone was seriously reviewing.However, Duan Jingyan couldn't read a word.

Because, now his heart is completely overwhelmed by the fact that Duan Qiming wants to send him abroad.

He really doesn't want to go abroad.There is no figure of her, there is no laughter of her.

If he really went abroad, he couldn't imagine the days of living like years and excruciating pain.

"Bell..." With a sound, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Suddenly standing up from his seat, Duan Jingyan strode out of the classroom, and then came to the corridor outside the classroom.

Looking up into the distance, condescendingly looking down at the forest in the distance of the corridor, Duan Jingyan exhaled deeply.

Because, his heart is really too depressed.

So, inhaling and exhaling, he repeated this action many times.

Coming out of the corridor, Qin Ou glanced at Duan Jingyan's back, then walked forward.

Then, he raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "Ah Jing, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Duan Jingyan's slightly frowned brows, he always felt that something must have happened.

Duan Jingyan sighed, "After the college entrance examination, my dad will send me abroad..."

"Send you abroad? Why is it so sudden?" Qin Ou was also surprised when he heard the news.

"How can I guess what he's thinking!" Duan Jingyan irritatedly said.

After thinking about it, Qin Ou asked again, "Then what should little sister Xiaoxia do? Are you going to fall in love in a different place in the future? Or break up because of the different place?"

"What's the deal! We've never been together before, how did we break up?" Duan Jingyan's knot is just like this.So after hearing Qin Ou's words, he felt a little angry in his voice.

Duan Jingyan's words made Qin Ou puzzled, "But, I remember you said that you are already together."

"Where did I say that?" Duan Jingyan was displeased.

Didn't you really say that?So Qin Yu began to think carefully.

After thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly realized, "I remember wrongly, you didn't say it, I thought you two were already together before."

The corner of Duan Jingyan's mouth was lonely, "It would be great if we can really be together..."

Looking at Duan Jingyan with a gloomy expression, Mo Fan's mind turned.Then, his mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Ah Jing, do you really want to be with sister Xiaoxia?" Qin Ou suddenly asked.

Duan Jingyan said angrily, "Aren't you talking nonsense? It's not like you don't know that I like her. So, how could I not want to be with her?"

"Now, I have a method that may make you successful. Would you like to try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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